Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mattrim.2617


I suggest you take some time … make party with lvl 35-50-60 and enter in this ins ….hope you have fun …than imagine is random party with people who have a few hours at day to make something in this game …… all AC become something like COF path 3 no one wanna do it….is this the point- the game to become unplayable?

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

ac is still possible with lower than 80 char, but it help to have done it a decent amount of times first on a lvl 80 character. The real difficult part would be to find a decent party that would allow a person/character lower than 80 in their party.

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mattrim.2617


still possible ?? it suppose to give you a start in game- is lvl 35 ins …or better make it 80 lvl -COF is a lot easy than AC ?? I think the gamers must want to go there and enjoy it or not???

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Story mode is for enjoying. Explorable mode is the “hard mode” of the game, it is supposed to be challenging, not a faceroll.

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mattrim.2617


challenging like cof path 1-2 40 lvls up ins ?? get serious ….go in ac at lvl 35///60 but please all of you in party be like this….imagine you are starter ac and cm are first ins to go in…so??
so old players can go farm cof …new players must go only on story mods and on map i understand all of you pro players now……cm and ac are first ins in game that is the point for me.

(edited by Mattrim.2617)

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

Watch the vid of the lvl 35 team that did it and use that as your guide is all I can say. Maybe it is harder than you would like. Maybe content yourself with doing just storyry modes till you hit 80. Ac/cm/ta/se/cof/coe/hotw/arah I think that is all. Its quite a bit of variety once you get to lvl 40 and they can be quite challenging. Enjoy.

Kitten that! Aoe the baby spiders dont fight them one at a time. Kill the four flame turrets and so what if you wipe. Keep at the spider queen till she is dead if wipe try again. Choose path 2 it is most noob friendly. Now get back in there and try again

Oh ya. Is your gear current for your level? If dying too easy try giving yourself a bit more health and toughness as a bit of cushion. Spider queen you should bring condition removals. Im generous to myself on my warrior I bring three different condition removals for her. Yep Im playing what must be the easiest class….

(edited by Slither Shade.4782)

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dog.1472


AC is very easy… All you have to do is learn the mechanics of the dungeon. I am completely blown away by how anyone can’t figure this out.

Instead of spending time thinking this or that should be nerfed, spend some time figuring out how you can complete something. You will have a much better time.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


They advertised the explorable modes to be challenging regardless of level. You can easily use this to level your characters at 35 once you figure out the mechanics. If you search these forums enough, you’ll see in a video that Maestro took a group of strangers playing level 35s and beat AC.

Players don’t have to do dungeons to level their character unless they enjoy the challenge. You can afford whatever gear you need at your lower levels by doing open world PvE. Dungeons are rewarding if you put enough effort into learning the content, no matter what level you are.

While it’s great to give feedback to the devs about the content, please at least try it for a month or so to give substantial feedback. Most people are just coming into the forums giving their initial shock reaction because it’s unfamiliar.

In fact, this response was given on the larger AC feedback thread:

All new stuff in dungeons is going to be hard for the first few days. We see it all the time with new content – people fail and get knocked down when they aren’t used to that sort of thing, and they claim it is too difficult.
Give it a week or so for everyone to develop strategies, learn encounters, and build fundamentals, and they will claim it is too easy. Trust me when I say this, the numbers are punishing (but less than they were before), but knowing the mechanics will greatly mitigate the danger.

Serious about AC- is this lvl 35 ins ?????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maestro.5376


I suggest you take some time … make party with lvl 35-50-60 and enter in this ins ….hope you have fun …than imagine is random party with people who have a few hours at day to make something in this game …… all AC become something like COF path 3 no one wanna do it….is this the point- the game to become unplayable?

I would strongly suggest you check out the video done in this thread: