Simin, High Priestess of Dwayna
The Spider boss needs some reflects or absorbs. Any reflects or absorbs. At all.
Simin needs players who understand the fight, it has even been nerfed several times already.
If anything, the other dungeon paths are far too easy and should be ramped up to the “difficult” people seem to have with these two. These two require an iota of communication and teamwork, something very few other dungeon paths provide.
Long story short, it’s called Dungeon Master because you mastered the dungeons, not because you got them nerfed.
Tafu is tafu. Just go to 1 of the numerous threads about it.
For p4 you can try and try to be proactive in finding a p4.
I try to do pug p4 on weekends after my p1, 2 and 3 dailies. Will take a while to fill up but shouldn’t be a problem. The difference with the path is that it takes significant longer than other paths and contain more bosses. If you have a team that can coordinate, simin is overrated.
Edit: oh and this
(edited by mosspit.8936)
Simin isn’t even the reason people avoid doing P4. The Grenth AFKfest is.
Melandru is pretty bad
Wow that simin fight was pretty impressive. I don’t know what went wrong really, we went at it for over an hour and couldn’t get her down past 50%.
He got the sparks down pat, the petrification was giving us a little bit more trouble then it should have, looks like you should be clearing it before it even stops you.
You need to get your spark pulls down. The first time you get her to 50%, you need to get all the sparks into their prisons before her health stops regenning (at around 60%).
Simin was nerfed once already…zerker and boons or go home. It used to be a hard DPS check. The sparks used to aggro pets hard. You should be glad you have it easy.
It was not dps check unless you suck. If anet testers could complete it, how rest of our great and skillful community could not?
Lol haviz I agree in sentiment but look what you wrote: “It was not a DPS check unless you suck”.
Sucking and DPS are two different things. rT is good, right? You might even say elite. If I gave you all Dire gear, do you think you’d be able to beat the old Simin? Hmmmm
A DPS check is a DPS check whether or not you suck. I don’t think might, fury, or anything really would have allowed you to defeat old simin in Dire. Maybe if you nailed the sparks every time.
Show me an rT video of beating the current Simin in full Dire stats. (I’m seeing 5 ele’s and FGS haha)
Are you going to buy us all full Dire gear? You could at least come up with a real challenge.
If two people can do it in Berserker gear, I’m pretty confident 5 people can do it with Dire gear.
Spark pulls are more important than dps on simin.
Are you going to buy us all full Dire gear? You could at least come up with a real challenge.
If two people can do it in Berserker gear, I’m pretty confident 5 people can do it with Dire gear.
I mis-spoke because I have not the gold.
Spark pulls are more important than dps on simin.
I do not doubt this. Would be a cool video to see. Naked is the ultimate challenge. Why pay for Dire? Just do it naked.
I can do it naked.
Lol read my mind. I’ll be waiting for the video. Good luck guys.
Lol haviz I agree in sentiment but look what you wrote: “It was not a DPS check unless you suck”.
Sucking and DPS are two different things. rT is good, right? You might even say elite. If I gave you all Dire gear, do you think you’d be able to beat the old Simin? Hmmmm
A DPS check is a DPS check whether or not you suck. I don’t think might, fury, or anything really would have allowed you to defeat old simin in Dire. Maybe if you nailed the sparks every time.
Show me an rT video of beating the current Simin in full Dire stats.
Before all those nerfs I was joining random parties stuck at simin. If said party wasn’t made up with frenchies, we usually beat her after 5-15 minutes.
I also beat her with two necros, one with blues and 700 ap, second one with 1200.
What I meant previously was that you could be decent and do it normally assuming average dps or suck and want to have 4 warriors with a mesmer. The latter was kind of brute force bads could use to overcome this extreme challenge.
Once again, late Robert said he had watched their testers and they had no issues with Simin. Do you think their testers are filthy elitists, considering less than 10% completed normal Liadri?
No one sane runs 5 condition damage dealers in pve. It’s whole game flaw, not one “dps check” enounter.
Still, sadly, we’ll never see an attempt naked vs the old simin. I’d say pulling that off even now would be quite a feat.
I mean, if you win, I have to eat my words, right? Because you would be proving that skill >> dps gear check.
It seems berserker gear would be sort of a boost for less skilled players, a handicap per se. All I run is berserker in pve. By implication, I guess we’re all nubbs playing a handicap.
But only if you win. Haha
I think Chopps is one of those 90% of testers
Lol haviz I agree in sentiment but look what you wrote: “It was not a DPS check unless you suck”.
Sucking and DPS are two different things. rT is good, right? You might even say elite. If I gave you all Dire gear, do you think you’d be able to beat the old Simin? Hmmmm
A DPS check is a DPS check whether or not you suck. I don’t think might, fury, or anything really would have allowed you to defeat old simin in Dire. Maybe if you nailed the sparks every time.
Show me an rT video of beating the current Simin in full Dire stats.
Before all those nerfs I was joining random parties stuck at simin. If said party wasn’t made up with frenchies, we usually beat her after 5-15 minutes.
I also beat her with two necros, one with blues and 700 ap, second one with 1200.
What I meant previously was that you could be decent and do it normally assuming average dps or suck and want to have 4 warriors with a mesmer. The latter was kind of brute force bads could use to overcome this extreme challenge.
Once again, late Robert said he had watched their testers and they had no issues with Simin. Do you think their testers are filthy elitists, considering less than 10% completed normal Liadri?
No one sane runs 5 condition damage dealers in pve. It’s whole game flaw, not one “dps check” enounter.
The only filthy elitists in gw2 are the “pro GvG” crowd. I’m a big fan of rT and you guys that post fast videos. As far as I know, a solo of Lupi is a pre-req for rT which is why I said they’re among the elite pve players, which is probably an accurate statement, right?
I think Chopps is one of those 90% of testers
I just use longbow and let my bear solo everything. It’s awesome.
That just gave me an idea: I’m upping the ante. Beat Simin with 5 naked longbow rangers and you’ll get more shock value out of the video.
The only filthy elitists in gw2 are the “pro GvG” crowd. I’m a big fan of rT and you guys that post fast videos. As far as I know, a solo of Lupi is a pre-req for rT which is why I said they’re among the elite pve players, which is probably an accurate statement, right?
Filfth elitists is a term used broadly by scrubs who don’t like other people running in zerker gear. I honestly doubt that anet testers were doing simin in zerker gear, it’s more probable that their warrior had early access to celestial gear because #IzzyTheBest (pun intended).
If you don’t stand in red circles, Simin presents virtually no threat. That’s why berserker’s gear is kind of brute force method. You could have vastly improved your odds of beating her by completely or partially negating her mechanics. Do you know how many parties I joined were trying to do 4-1 for hours without even trying to run sparks?
Can you pay for me to level a Ranger?
That just gave me an idea: I’m upping the ante. Beat Simin with 5 naked longbow rangers and you’ll get more shock value out of the video.
I don’t think we’d find 5 rangers.
Pro-GvGers are elitists? How?
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Pro-GvGers are elitists? How?
I forgot the “/s”. Forgot someone might not get the joke (we’re in a pve forum so I was teasing gvg’ers). Didn’t mean to offend.
I don’t think we’d find 5 rangers.
We have 3 at least so need only 2 more!
Just 3man it. Np.
So can you actually kill her by attrition, just quickly doing the sparks and without the dps? Cause i always thought she’ll just heal up indefinitely if you can’t burn her down fast enough.
We usually bring sparks quite quickly, but we always try to have full zerk dps party.
She doesnt heal that fast. If your spark pulls are good you have plenty of time to get her below the invis phase. She can be done duo, so naked shouldnt be a problem either.
Lol haviz I agree in sentiment but look what you wrote: “It was not a DPS check unless you suck”.
Sucking and DPS are two different things. rT is good, right? You might even say elite. If I gave you all Dire gear, do you think you’d be able to beat the old Simin? Hmmmm
A DPS check is a DPS check whether or not you suck. I don’t think might, fury, or anything really would have allowed you to defeat old simin in Dire. Maybe if you nailed the sparks every time.
Show me an rT video of beating the current Simin in full Dire stats.
(I’m seeing 5 ele’s and FGS haha)
i did simin prenerf in december last year when i played gw2 for 3 weeks (1 week after my first char hit 80) with a pug and we used knights/pvt.
(edited by NoTrigger.8396)
I don’t think we’d find 5 rangers.
We have 3 at least so need only 2 more!
I can offer you my necro if you can’t find another ranger, on EU.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
Lol haviz I agree in sentiment but look what you wrote: “It was not a DPS check unless you suck”.
Sucking and DPS are two different things. rT is good, right? You might even say elite. If I gave you all Dire gear, do you think you’d be able to beat the old Simin? Hmmmm
A DPS check is a DPS check whether or not you suck. I don’t think might, fury, or anything really would have allowed you to defeat old simin in Dire. Maybe if you nailed the sparks every time.
Show me an rT video of beating the current Simin in full Dire stats.
(I’m seeing 5 ele’s and FGS haha)
i did simin prenerf in december last year when i played gw2 for 3 weeks (1 week after my first char hit 80) with a pug and we used knights/pvt.
Thief Shortbow was strong.
Youtube Channel –
Well if any of the above posters who are confident with the encounter have a spare spot in a group for p4 anytime and would be willing to include me, please send me a tell in game.
I am not a terrible player, I was able to complete Liadri, I feel like I am actually carrying most of my dungeon runs, but once we got her to 50% she stayed there.
I’ll keep working on it.
Are you EU or NA, Cryx? You’ve probably posted somewhere but I haven’t put any effort in to look
I’m NA
15 chars
simin is falsely notorious, she is not THAT hard.
she requires preparation and knowledge of the mechanic.
if you prepare a huge pile of tears with a ranged dude on it.
and just before ~50% people start moving toward the spark spots before she vanish, its easy. easy like in four clueless guys that never done it before with one guy who did it once and explained the tactics, and we killed her on third try.
first time she disappeared; we were confused and disorganized, second time was better – but not good enough. the third time when she dissapeared, she dissapeared forever….
Seeing sneak peak from twilight assault made by anet testers I conclude that people that complained about simin prenerf are even worse than staff camping skill clicking guardian using all utilities just before his death. Praise anet testers.
I wonder if it was… It couldn’t have been
Dub-ble Trub-ble
Youtube Channel –
If you guys tell another inside joke I’m going to pepper the dungeon forums with bearbow propaganda.
You must not like keyboards.
If you guys tell another inside joke I’m going to pepper the dungeon forums with bearbow propaganda.
It doesn’t matter. No one listens to anything you say.
Youtube Channel –
that was really harsh
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Harsh but true.