Simin "Partial Solo" Arah P4 (best I can do)

Simin "Partial Solo" Arah P4 (best I can do)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So I decided on my p4 solo tonight to try once again to see if it was possible to “solo” Simin with a few conditions.

This was the best I could do, so enjoy:

Basically I tried to get as few interference from my friend as possible. I tried having him help with sparks, but that wasn’t even close to enough still. I then tried to have him provide a banner of strength for me and it still wasn’t even close to enough.

So, I nearly gave up and decided to just duo it as regularly. Instead, I decided to see if it’d be possible to at least be the only person damaging her. He took both banners and battle standard, along with helping sparks, and I was the only person attacking boss.

So, it’s not a real solo. It’s still pretty much the closest to soloing it anyone can do without exploiting the ever-popular taunting animation bug, which I really wish Arenanet would fix.

So, my build in this video:

Strength runes x6 full ascended berserker
6 (V IX XI)
6 (I X V)
2 (VI)

Even with my friend doing banners for me AND helping with sparks… you can see I was barely able to pass the DPS test. At one point in the video, I managed to get her in the perfect spot, and dealt a crap ton of damage as she wasn’t moving around like a spaz :P

Anywho, hopefully someone will try this on an ele. I would myself but I lack the experience on it and would certainly not be able to pull it off. Requesting Dub!

Simin "Partial Solo" Arah P4 (best I can do)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Spark pulling is bugged now so im not sure anyone is keen to try. Nice job regardless.

For spark pulling only pull 2 at a time. The 3rd will always reset so theres no point wasting time getting it.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Simin "Partial Solo" Arah P4 (best I can do)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I know -_- I don’t even understand what the hell they did to cause it to happen. That and the bone wall at alphard. Really makes no sense to me.

E: Btw, it’s still sometimes possible to pull 3… but majority of the time one of them will just randomly reset. Since it’s not consistent and since you have to take babysteps while letting them all hit you… you’re right it’s a waste of time.

The best solution is to just have the person that lures their 2 sparks first get the last one.

Simin "Partial Solo" Arah P4 (best I can do)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Yep thats what i had to do when duoing it right after the patch. Was frustrating.