Simin high priestess (Arah fourth path)

Simin high priestess (Arah fourth path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Queketh.4357



Sooo Simin, the high priestess of Arah. I’ve done her a couple of times now, but can’t quite figure out how to down her.

A couple of times we got her to turn visible using only one spark. However we tried to recreate this, however were never able to do it besides blind luck. Don’t know if this is a part of the encounter, and this is something you need to do to down her, or if it’s just some kind of bug.

However, i after spending hours and hours fighting her, I would very much like to know, IS it possible to down her? That’s all i want. Dont need an explanation, or tactics. However is it possible? (not including some random bugs, or even manifactured bugs)

No matter what we seem to do, she goes to around 40-50% health, and heals up to around 80% and this is just an eternal cycle. Some confirmtion or lack thereof would be very appreciated.

Thank you

- Queketh

Simin high priestess (Arah fourth path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mikoto.9532


Tried this boss for like 2-3 hours or so. The boss itself isn’t hard, and the mechanics are easy to understand as far as I’m aware. But the boss going hidden and healing itself every 50% and healing for THAT much is really unfun. It makes the fight long, tedious and hella boring.

I would LOVE to know if we were just missing something at the 50% mark, because we got her to 50% and a bit below countless times, but she would heal back up to 55-60%ish and the cycle would repeat.

Very boring. Didn’t even get to finish the boss and get the reward from spending like 4-5 hours in the dungeon thanks to the new changes.

Simin high priestess (Arah fourth path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


They’re looking into it. But every new thread on it makes me happy, as it’s the only truly kittened up boss at the moment. CoF path 1 just needs strong damage output and poison. Simin, I’ve tried everything (Look up Arah Seer Path, locked thread). It seems to boil down to luck of having sparks glitch and stick around. When they do, it seems to make her take significantly longer to disappear. We got her down to 30% once that way, and could only replicate it once. The people who have killed her basically did the same bullhorn strategy of wail on her, rush to sparks / rush back, repeat until dead. For 2 hours. Something is certainly wrong.

Simin high priestess (Arah fourth path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mikoto.9532


For real, there is no reason that a boss should take 2 hours especially when the other bosses in the instances/on other paths don’t take even close to that long (not including wipes).

Glad to hear they are working on it though.

Simin high priestess (Arah fourth path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kevin.2176


There is no doubt this boss needs a little more work.

However, you can still manage to produce a kill in a short amount of time if you tweak/min max your play. Poison on boss, have players with set positions for spark pulls and swiftness, get into position before the boss disappears (you can tell by her debuffs on spark spawns).

If there is an extra spark than the set circles she would heal more, but her next appearance would only require 1 spark. Having players get into position and ready to pop DPS cds would be vital in that situation, save your DPS cds for under 50%. I believe it took us 3 rotations to produce a kill, fairly straightforward.

Overall this fight took us 20-30 mins to learn and kill, and it is easily reproduceable with a bit practice.

Simin high priestess (Arah fourth path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


I keep trying to tell them that. No one wants to believe me though.

Simin high priestess (Arah fourth path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Queketh.4357


Nope, definitely won’t :P Tried with poison, and fixed positions, doing it faster and faster over a course of 2 hours. Until we finally gave up.

But sure i do believe you downed her with pure luck. But would very much like to see some evidence of it being possible to reproduce.