Beta, remembering the good ol’ days
Skipping in Dungeons
Beta, remembering the good ol’ days
3 types of dungeon players
A) been there done that. doing dungeon just for reward/alt exp. experienced to speedrun.
B) wannabe-speedrunners. doing dungeon just for reward. often not experienced enough to skip nor fight their way through. sometimes end up slowing the group.
C) kill all ze things. ruthless killers. sadists in nature. doing dungeon just for more slaughter.
It’s been discussed to death, but it basically boils down to Risk vs. Reward and Reward/Time. For trash, these aren’t just poor, but practically nonexistent given how long it can take to kill, how much damage some trash does.
If the group isn’t experienced in skipping, it can sometimes take longer than killing the pack, depending on what type of mob (eg, if you can’t avoid or stability the knockdowns, you are going to die trying to run through a half dozen mobs)
If the group IS experienced, then it’s the best reward for your time investment to skip them.
No one’s requiring you to be in a group that skips the trash, just know that your view is in the minority and a vast majority of pugs are formed with that mindset of skipping, so you may have to make your own group.
Ummei – Asura Ele
I like to kill everything on the main path, but if people wanna skip, I’ll follow.
If I’m the group leader, and some people stay to kill stuff on the main path, and one or two quietly start skipping, I kick them.
I start off most dungeons normally. if team is poor (bad dps, people getting downed, scrubs in crap gear, low achieves, acting stupid.) I let them just kill through everything, no point trying to get bads to run through trash.
If they are a decent team I will run through no problems. If someone suggests running through, I’ll usually take them up on that offer also. I’m pretty /meh about it.
Already have all my gear, legendary etc so don’t really care either way, just doing dungeons to pass the time. Skip or no skip, I just get it done and then move onto the next one.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
It’s getting out of hand.
Monday night I decided to form a pug for cof path 1 & 2. I specifically said ‘no skipping’ and had it typed in all caps as well as it mentioned before the path numbers in hopes people would read it.
The group is formed and then I mention it in chat, making sure people understand.
Finally we kill the first champ in path 1 and I ask kindly as a reminder: ‘please do the event’. Not a single response from anyone. The door opens and the group runs past the spawns and immediately I felt my blood beginning to boil. Being the instance owner, there was little concern for me dropping out. Alas, fearing I’d be reproted, the path went on.
I did drop the group after everyone got their reward. That was it for the night though. I was too heated to do p2, even with a proper group
Running past mobs is honestly more fun than killing them. Bonus points for it being faster.
After running the dungeon enough times, it starts to become much more entertaining to skip content. Why? Take SE p3 for example. I have way more fun (and not just because it is faster) climbing pipes, sliding down walls and running a dredge/spider obstacle course than I do fighting each of those high-HP mobs every single run. The bonus is it is also faster.
That said, I go into PUGs with this ideology: Give it two or three attempts to skip if a majority want to skip. If it isn’t working, clear content. No point in wasting time/getting worked up about it.
It is annoying, though, when people who don’t reallllly understand the process but think they do try and take control of a run, force people to speedrun when they don’t want to, and then get angry and/or leave when people who are new to it aren’t able to get it.
Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian
One wonders why they put trash mobs in the dungeon to begin with? Everyone just skips them anyway. Seems to be poor dungeon design to me.
I don’t remember skipping trash ever when I played WOW and I was in the largest Horde guild on the server and ran with many PUG’s as well.
(edited by Sericenthe.5310)
What if we give all of the trash mobs unicycles and clown suits so that they could chase after us when we run past them? I think that would make everyone happy. Just imagine those cute little Abominations in Arah wearing big red noses while being piled into a miniature clown car in hot pursuit.
Youtube Channel –
I never had any problems skipping stuff at TA and to be honest i never actually met a group that even bothered to clear the trash there as it really saves time and isnt really neccesary in most cases.
One wonders why they put trash mobs in the dungeon to begin with? Everyone just skips them anyway. Seems to be poor dungeon design to me.
I don’t remember skipping trash ever when I played WOW and I was in the largest Horde guild on the server and ran with many PUG’s as well.
Trash in WoW will follow you. Trash in GW2 gets bored.
Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian
My main question is: why skip fights/content to get gear faster that will only help you to skip more later? All sides of the argument are welcome!
Trash mobs in GW2 have too much hp and too little reward. They drop next to nothing. Chests are the reward in a GW2 dungeon…. that and completing the daily bonus.
Trash in GW2 isn’t like in other mmo’s. It leashes and will de-aggro at a certain point. Even the dungeon designers have said that trash is an optional thing and the decision to skip is up to the group.
Skipping trash isn’t hard but it generally does take some experience to avoid getting killed. You have to be able to dodge (which a lot of players haven’t learned well… yet) and you have to use the right utilities. Sometimes you need to change weapons.
And lastly, if you kill all the trash in a run it can add 20-30 minutes to say a Twilight Arbor path. Then again if your group cant skip trash and continually wipe its going to take at least that long as well.
Imho trash in GW2 dungeons should be skipped IF you want to complete dungeons efficiently and cleanly. And by efficiently I mean….. fun, minimal extra time wasted on non-profitable things…. best gold for the time you spend in a dungeon. But this subject itself is a bit arguementative according to skill level.
3 types of dungeon players
A) been there done that. doing dungeon just for reward/alt exp. experienced to speedrun.
B) wannabe-speedrunners. doing dungeon just for reward. often not experienced enough to skip nor fight their way through. sometimes end up slowing the group.
C) kill all ze things. ruthless killers. sadists in nature. doing dungeon just for more slaughter.
I have to be a “C” . Yes I’ve been on speed runs, and it is faster. Most of the time it is better in terms of rewards/ time spent too. But I for one just love to whack stuff. And I said “Most” of the time because I actually got a precursor (Storm, for meteorlogicus) from a trash mob in Arah p4… which I sold for slightly cheaper price to my guild leader..but hey still more cash than selling regular exotics
Because people like lightning, will seek the path of least resistance.
Because people are skipping the harder, unrewarding content to get to the easier, rewarding content.
Because people are skipping the harder, unrewarding content to get to the easier, rewarding content.
It’s not harder or easier, it’s the reward doesn’t match the effort. Tell us which boss, or mobs are hardest in this game and give 1 exotic or 1 gold per enemy. You will see players would seek them out and no place in GW2 is safe for those mobs & bosses, period.
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
My main question is: why skip fights/content to get gear faster that will only help you to skip more later? All sides of the argument are welcome!
Trash mobs in GW2 have too much hp and too little reward. They drop next to nothing. Chests are the reward in a GW2 dungeon…. that and completing the daily bonus.
Trash in GW2 isn’t like in other mmo’s. It leashes and will de-aggro at a certain point. Even the dungeon designers have said that trash is an optional thing and the decision to skip is up to the group.
Skipping trash isn’t hard but it generally does take some experience to avoid getting killed. You have to be able to dodge (which a lot of players haven’t learned well… yet) and you have to use the right utilities. Sometimes you need to change weapons.
And lastly, if you kill all the trash in a run it can add 20-30 minutes to say a Twilight Arbor path. Then again if your group cant skip trash and continually wipe its going to take at least that long as well.
Imho trash in GW2 dungeons should be skipped IF you want to complete dungeons efficiently and cleanly. And by efficiently I mean….. fun, minimal extra time wasted on non-profitable things…. best gold for the time you spend in a dungeon. But this subject itself is a bit arguementative according to skill level.
And this is why I think every dungeon I’ve been in in Guild Wars 2 is crap compared to the dungeons I ran in WOW. WOW had much better dungeon design (I only played it the first year so I don’t know what happened after that) than GW2. I don’t play GW2 for dungeons and I never will. Thank God there is enough other stuff to do or this game would have been quit as fast as I quit Diablo III.
My main question is: why skip fights/content to get gear faster that will only help you to skip more later? All sides of the argument are welcome!
Trash mobs in GW2 have too much hp and too little reward. They drop next to nothing. Chests are the reward in a GW2 dungeon…. that and completing the daily bonus.
Trash in GW2 isn’t like in other mmo’s. It leashes and will de-aggro at a certain point. Even the dungeon designers have said that trash is an optional thing and the decision to skip is up to the group.
Skipping trash isn’t hard but it generally does take some experience to avoid getting killed. You have to be able to dodge (which a lot of players haven’t learned well… yet) and you have to use the right utilities. Sometimes you need to change weapons.
And lastly, if you kill all the trash in a run it can add 20-30 minutes to say a Twilight Arbor path. Then again if your group cant skip trash and continually wipe its going to take at least that long as well.
Imho trash in GW2 dungeons should be skipped IF you want to complete dungeons efficiently and cleanly. And by efficiently I mean….. fun, minimal extra time wasted on non-profitable things…. best gold for the time you spend in a dungeon. But this subject itself is a bit arguementative according to skill level.
And this is why I think every dungeon I’ve been in in Guild Wars 2 is crap compared to the dungeons I ran in WOW. WOW had much better dungeon design (I only played it the first year so I don’t know what happened after that) than GW2. I don’t play GW2 for dungeons and I never will. Thank God there is enough other stuff to do or this game would have been quit as fast as I quit Diablo III.
I can understand what you mean but they way I look at it GW2 dungeons are just a different slant on a very old theme. I think a lot of players would have blasted Anet if there dungeons worked the same way as WoW’s only not quite as detailed or large or plentiful. Given that WoW is like 7-8 yrs old now thats a lot of years to create content. Not defending GW2 just giving my 2 cents on how I view there dungeons.
And boy did I feel ripped off by D3. On another nice note just think how much money you aren’t spending on a monthly fee!
What if we give all of the trash mobs unicycles and clown suits so that they could chase after us when we run past them? I think that would make everyone happy. Just imagine those cute little Abominations in Arah wearing big red noses while being piled into a miniature clown car in hot pursuit.
lol’d irl
It’s simply not worth the effort to kill silvers.
I know that feeling OP. I was actually running TA last night, the first run was a non-skip and the second was a skip. The first group was fun and although there wasn’t much reward we worked like a team and got stuff dead. The second we picked up two skippers, at the time we weren’t so fussed, but they gave no warning atall they were going to move off, I got continuous knockdown by 5 hounds and died, while one of them tried to solo the first event and would not look at his chat for anything. I spent 5 mins on the floor, had to wait for everyone to WP to the start and make it through together. After this they still wouldn’t say when they were about to make off, resulting in another down or three (not just me). Overall the second run was BOOOOOORRRRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG! One hour overall one each run and the funest part of the second one was going to bed after. I think if ANet would just give a bit better rewards for the mobs and not so much for finishing (I made an obscene amount of money on those two runs compared to the rest ov PvE) more people would run them properly. I have done CoF speeds once or twice but I don’t need them and the mobs don’t cc you (and its wider), but I won’t be doing a TA speed run again if I can help it.
Warrior of GOLD
(Whiteside Ridge)
I don’t mind skipping in easy dungeons such as CoF. I don’t care how it goes, fighting, skipping, I’ll do whatever majority wants.
There is only one exception to this rule where I will tear into someone.
The first person to so much as utter the word “skip” at any trash mob in TA that isn’t the wyrms at the fork in the road on the Up path will be torn a new one. Given the composition of the trash mobs, and the gross lack of paying attention I come across in that dungeon, no-one is getting a free ten minute ride to the end boss that will still kill you if you don’t know where your dodge key is. I can skip the trash, but I can only account for me, and it is therefore safer for the group as whole that we fight the mobs. Trash loot? Don’t care. Time constraints? I made it clear we weren’t skipping. TA is a dungeon where you either pay attention or you die, one of the things I love about it, but too many players try to treat it like every other easy dungeon mode. It isn’t, stop trying to treat it like it is. Especially if we’re doing f/f or f/u!
When these dungeons get redesigned, the developers need to focus on more than just the bosses. They really need to redesign the paths to prevent trash skipping. Put up walls that block the players until they clear the mobs by it. Add more miniboss-esque champion mobs that somehow keep players from progressing foward. Use puzzle-like events to open doors. Or just create scenarios that guarantee player death if they don’t deal with the obstacles. Content skipping isn’t something that should be encouraged by design. Dungeons aren’t supposed to just be a means of getting tokens, they’re part of the game. They’re supposed to be the most challenge you get out of PVE, and being able to skip through them really isn’t living up to that idea.
I hate skipping. This is why the introduction of the tokens and gear vendors into MMOs was a terrible idea. Why do you do the dungeons? So you can get the good gear? Right. Well since the gear actually comes from a merchant in town, and the tokens come from finishing the dungeon, there is no point in the content in between.
The gear needs to go back to dropping from boss mobs. major pieces like chest,legs,weapons from bosses, and minor pieces like wrists and trinkets from trash randomly. Throw in a few rare drops to make it even more worthwhile.
I mean in a RPG that makes sense, you would find this awesome gear in the dungeon you are plundering. Not from a merchant in town.
I hate this this has become the model for a lot of MMOs now regarding gear. I don’t know if it will change, but I hope it does.
As someone said, this has been debated to death. This is also my ONLY qualm with the game so far (special attention to ONLY).
This is solvable, I think, for all of us:
1) The ones who just don’t want to waste time and want to do things faster
2) The ones who would like to enjoy the content
- Lower the health pools on the trash mobs or lower their numbers.
- If lowering their numbers but keeping their difficulty, please make their loot count (even if it just more coins!)
- Fix the exploits, but keep it “skippable” for those who actually feel so good doing it.
Today nobody feels bad skipping the trash because they won’t reward you anything. If ANet made the trash drop something good, then those who would like to skip will truly make a choice, they would know that they are missing something. Anyway, I have high hopes ANet will come up with a good solution for this.
(edited by Rash.6514)
As I said, you shouldn’t encourage skipping content. The only reason it feels good skipping them is because they serve no purpose. The areas that get skipped should be changed to something that actually requires gameplay, and make it something interesting. You SHOULD be preventing skipping, but you shouldn’t just half kitten it. Make sure that the new progression blockers in the dungeon are interesting and rewarding, so the players don’t feel like the dungeon was just artificially increased in duration for no reason but to drag things out.
If you’re running in a PUG: majority rules, end of discussion. The jade maw trash, for instance. I always want to farm it, and I’ve found a lot of people want to as well. However if its a pug group and most people want to skip it, I have no problem with going along with the group. The only exception is if the instance owner specifies ahead of time “we’re skipping/killing”. Give people the info ahead of time and you can avoid group discord when you’re doing the run. Almost always works. You have every right to specify what content you want to do, but the group has the right to know the plan ahead of time, or have a say in the matter if there is no plan.
Even as someone who prefers to kill all, there is however, content where skipping is almost always the way to go. CoF path 1, SE path 3, ect.
(edited by Tentonhammr.7849)
I don’t agree that skipping is the bane of dungeons – simply put – optional content is optional.
We shouldn’t gate people to do EVERY thing in a dungeon just because alot of diehard dungeon explorers want to – it should be group consensus.
The comment about making pieces drop from the boss and trash I’d say ok to if you could still use tokens to buy the pieces in LA. I hate RNG and don’t believe its a good way to consistently give fair drops on small numbers of runs. Actually if trash mobs drop some of the pieces it would be more interesting!
But my opinion aside – EVERYONE is entitled to fun, INCLUDING diehard dungeon explorers, optimize runers, alt-a-holics, casuals, and any mix of the above. I personally like loot but rather optimize time vs reward to get a somewhat maximum return.
I’ve been saying this a few times before:
Change tokens rewarded at the end of the level to be based on amount of events / bosses cleared – baseline minimum effort gives you 20 tokens (without bags) every event done gives you 20 more and all trash mobs gives you an additional 20-40 tokens. Daily DR should reduce 2nd runs to 50% of that and down to 25% on 3-4-5th runs.
This will satisfy ALL groups – Dungeon runners will be happy cause they will get more reward for the time they put in, optimizer runners will figure out which bosses and events are best to do for the reward and get up to 40 tokens but be satisfied with thier time spent, alt-a-holics will get enough tokens to equip all thier alts, casuals will do what they feel like in a bunch of optional content, ect.
Edit- forgot to add that I don’t believe one group should dictate how dungoens are done, rather that each group is awarded for what they WANT to do in a dungeon at the end of the run.
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!
And this is why I think every dungeon I’ve been in in Guild Wars 2 is crap compared to the dungeons I ran in WOW. WOW had much better dungeon design (I only played it the first year so I don’t know what happened after that) than GW2. I don’t play GW2 for dungeons and I never will. Thank God there is enough other stuff to do or this game would have been quit as fast as I quit Diablo III.
Either this is a lie or you’re not correctly remembering launch WoW dungeons… I remember running Wailing Caverns at low levels and spending four hours just to get a couple of random blue pieces that had to be rolled by everyone in the group. I also remember UBRS groups stalling because no one had the key… or running dungeons for dozens of times waiting for a lucky drop. Scholo had similar trash problems as Arah and way more boring bosses.
Yeah, WoW has done a great job on their dungeons but it took a while to get there. I just hope that Arena can put the same effort towards tweaking their dungeons.
Trash mobs take time to kill, can wipe groups, and don’t drop anything worthwhile. As long as they can be skipped players will make the choice that leads to the least headaches.
And this is why I think every dungeon I’ve been in in Guild Wars 2 is crap compared to the dungeons I ran in WOW. WOW had much better dungeon design (I only played it the first year so I don’t know what happened after that) than GW2. I don’t play GW2 for dungeons and I never will. Thank God there is enough other stuff to do or this game would have been quit as fast as I quit Diablo III.
Either this is a lie or you’re not correctly remembering launch WoW dungeons… I remember running Wailing Caverns at low levels and spending four hours just to get a couple of random blue pieces that had to be rolled by everyone in the group. I also remember UBRS groups stalling because no one had the key… or running dungeons for dozens of times waiting for a lucky drop. Scholo had similar trash problems as Arah and way more boring bosses.
Yeah, WoW has done a great job on their dungeons but it took a while to get there. I just hope that Arena can put the same effort towards tweaking their dungeons.
Trash mobs take time to kill, can wipe groups, and don’t drop anything worthwhile. As long as they can be skipped players will make the choice that leads to the least headaches.
It’s a general failing of all MMO players to compare new MMOs to what WoW has. Like you said, WoW has had many years to perfect their formula and make dungeons that are fun and function perfectly with their system. TBH, I thought GW2 did a decent job on dungeons; I had some pretty good fun the first time around. They just don’t really have a whole lot of lasting power. Part of it is the content, part of it is the reward. I think the token idea came from perfectly good intentions, but the idea of unique drops in each dungeon/path works MUCH better for replayability.
Most of the dungeons I’ve done a half million times. I just want to get the tokens and move on.
I’ve attempted Arah Path 1 many times and each time, the group wants to skip and we wind up dead multiple times. It’s not worth the frustration or the repair bill; the time we spent running back could have been spent on killing the mobs and getting gold.
I dont have a problem with killing everything or skipping.
I just hate when the group insists on skipping, but one or two people can’t make it past the mobs without dying. So, you have a couple players sitting at the next event, while another couple players are struggling to catch up. The whole things ends up taking longer than if you just killed the mobs in the first place.
Yes, Scrambles. And that happens all the time because the mobs tend to target one person of the group to use their crowd-control and one-hit-kill attacks, while others can go past free from those.
Then, your attacked friend will have to respawn and try again, now being the sole center of attention for all mobs. Remember that stability and invulnerability skills have a cooldown larger than the duration of the effects.
Even though the trash mobs seldom if ever drop anything good, I don’t like to skip due to the fact that death can and does happen. That said, I will avoid those thing that are not on the beaten track; think TA. If a fallen party member can make his way back through the cleared area then killing all of the trash can just be an unrewarding nuisance IMO. That said I play lots, and find it terribly hard to find like minded players on the LFG site due to the fact that it is considered a waste of time to do the trash. I do have a few like minded friends that like to do the trash, but most times if they are not on, I am forced to just farm the open world, thus I don’t know many of the dungeons very well.
Bottom line is that until ANet finds a nice balance in drops, gates the content/rewards to include all trash, or gives all the trash interesting mechanics worth taking out (please no more bloody knockdowns though), then sadly the majority will just skip and look down at those of us that don’t.
Then, your attacked friend will have to respawn and try again, now being the sole center of attention for all mobs.
Being the sole center of attention for the mobs is not an excuse for being unable to skip most things unless you’re playing a class like necromancer that has no access to invuln/block/vigor/endu regen. I’ve practiced soloing the skip in dungeons like arah on all my four lvl 80s, and except for the guardian, they’re all in berserker gear, so they can’t really take a lot of damage. I still solo skip fine.
I tend to waypoint back and help whenever I see a necromancer or ranger having trouble with the skip, but I don’t bother if it’s a war/mes/guard/thief, they can do it without assistance and should learn.
Im pretty sure it has to do with, any “Pro/Elite Speedclear Mob Skipping” player, would not use a Ranger/Necro to do dungeons with, since clearly their are higher DPS choices, which would make their skipping/clearing experience faster.
I dont have a problem with killing everything or skipping.
I just hate when the group insists on skipping, but one or two people can’t make it past the mobs without dying. So, you have a couple players sitting at the next event, while another couple players are struggling to catch up. The whole things ends up taking longer than if you just killed the mobs in the first place.
Yeah unfortunately this is an issue of other players being kitten. I’ve had groups where we said ahead of time we’re not skipping content, and four of us would go through (lets use the tunnels in AC right before the HK or CR boss) clearing each pack, while one guy just runs ahead and waits at the boss. We tell him to come back and help clear, but he just sits at the end and afks waiting for us. Once I told a guy who did that to either “Get back here and help or be kicked” and he just left. He left right before the final boss because he didn’t want to spend an extra 2 minutes clearing the packs up to them. This, ladies and gentleman, is an example of a piece of kitten human being. No amount of dungeon patching is going to stop some players from being complete kittenlords, so unfortunately in some cases you’ll just have to grin and bear it.
*Oh, this censor makes me smile…
I dont have a problem with killing everything or skipping.
I just hate when the group insists on skipping, but one or two people can’t make it past the mobs without dying. So, you have a couple players sitting at the next event, while another couple players are struggling to catch up. The whole things ends up taking longer than if you just killed the mobs in the first place.
Yeah unfortunately this is an issue of other players being kitten. I’ve had groups where we said ahead of time we’re not skipping content, and four of us would go through (lets use the tunnels in AC right before the HK or CR boss) clearing each pack, while one guy just runs ahead and waits at the boss. We tell him to come back and help clear, but he just sits at the end and afks waiting for us. Once I told a guy who did that to either “Get back here and help or be kicked” and he just left. He left right before the final boss because he didn’t want to spend an extra 2 minutes clearing the packs up to them. This, ladies and gentleman, is an example of a piece of kitten human being. No amount of dungeon patching is going to stop some players from being complete kittenlords, so unfortunately in some cases you’ll just have to grin and bear it.
*Oh, this censor makes me smile…
While I also hate the skipping, the amount of health these trash mobs have make skipping the prudent thing to do. This, in my opinion, is an indication of poor dungeon design.
While I also hate the skipping, the amount of health these trash mobs have make skipping the prudent thing to do. This, in my opinion, is an indication of poor dungeon design.
When a mob has an excessive amount of health and provides no real additional challenge to match the length of time it takes to kill, yes that’s poor design. Breeders having large health pools makes sense, as they will continuously spawn additional mobs to fight. Other variations, even as champions, should probably be toned down as they don’t really do anything different that could cause any threat between their 80% health mark and death. A specific culprit is the Stalker, who has a state where they turn transparent and invulnerable but literally do nothing while in that state. That’s just wasting time. I don’t care if it’s triggered based on one of their other attacks succeeding, if it’s not actually doing anything then it exists solely to fake out player abilities and draw out the fight. This is also really bad design.
Then, your attacked friend will have to respawn and try again, now being the sole center of attention for all mobs.
Being the sole center of attention for the mobs is not an excuse for being unable to skip most things unless you’re playing a class like necromancer that has no access to invuln/block/vigor/endu regen. I’ve practiced soloing the skip in dungeons like arah on all my four lvl 80s, and except for the guardian, they’re all in berserker gear, so they can’t really take a lot of damage. I still solo skip fine.
I tend to waypoint back and help whenever I see a necromancer or ranger having trouble with the skip, but I don’t bother if it’s a war/mes/guard/thief, they can do it without assistance and should learn.
I really don’t see the point in kitten off other players because you want to skip content. Instead, players die multiple times, waste money on repairs, and waste everyone’s time rather than clearing the 12 mobs that keep killing them.
Arise, my brainless, arise!
Arise, my brainless, arise!
i just had to…you made me log in for this!!!
edited image for context accuracy – and it’s a totally legit card!
(edited by Bread.7516)
I find too often that groups I join for runs want to skip content to go through the dungeon faster. Many of the Twilight Arbor runs I have been on have ended in total wipes because they skipped the beginning with the hounds and the huge tree things and were unable to return through that path. My main question is: why skip fights/content to get gear faster that will only help you to skip more later? All sides of the argument are welcome!
-Mattpicture is how I feel after clearing a dungeon like a boss
Please share your thoughts here too i made a thread about this
Arise, my brainless, arise!
i just had to…you made me log in for this!!!
Not a mass skeleton , revive, tap 1 swamp to regenerate this enemy if killed deck!
Arise, my brainless, arise!
i just had to…you made me log in for this!!!
Not a mass skeleton , revive, tap 1 swamp to regenerate this enemy if killed deck!
oh noes skel revive decks too stronk, OP OP OP /ragequit /wrist
Three same Threads on 1 page…I just don’t have words.I’m not surprised at all that Anet merges things.People should learn to read.
Three same Threads on 1 page…I just don’t have words.I’m not surprised at all that Anet merges things.People should learn to read.
I had a double take when I saw that freaking amazing.