So I just ran though all 3 routes on AC Exp for the first time....

So I just ran though all 3 routes on AC Exp for the first time....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


with this really awesome group. So we swept through the place. The whole thing couldn’t have taken more than an hour and a half. I got 60 tokens the first, 60 the second, but 45 the last. Is this supposed to happen? I heard you should get 60 tokens the first time you run a path each day. Am I mistaken?

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

So I just ran though all 3 routes on AC Exp for the first time....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brunners.7251


I think if you complete two paths in under 30 minutes your next run will have time based DR on it. Not 100% on that though

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So I just ran though all 3 routes on AC Exp for the first time....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jakar.3685


From my experience you get DR on your 5th+ exp run in ~2 hours.

So lets say your run CoF p1/2 first and then AC p1/2/3 you would only DR on the 3th AC run which would give you 45 instead of 60. Just take a short break in between different dungeons and you ll never have this problem.

So I just ran though all 3 routes on AC Exp for the first time....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I don’t see why I should have to take a break between enjoying content. Sure, I can see this happening if I ran the same dungeon over and over all day, but, like I said, this was the first time I had done any exp mode for AC. (Well for any dungeon actually.) This doesn’t hurt bots. Bots don’t coordinate dungeon runs, do they? This just hurts real players. And, worse, it makes us mad. I hope this was a bug. If it is not, then I’m very concerned.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

So I just ran though all 3 routes on AC Exp for the first time....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


Hat: What were your run times for each path? Time you zoned in to time you got the reward.

So I just ran though all 3 routes on AC Exp for the first time....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Plain and simple this system is a safety net for stopping crazy farming when people find exploits that make each run super fast. We are also addressing those loopholes, but that takes time and new ones might always be discovered. If you and your group do the dungeons without skipping large sections and run different chains this system shoul(bugs aside) never impact you.

Addendum for clarity, super fast means < 30 minutes, and even then you must hit that speed multiple times in a row before you start seeing any impact.

Plain and simple this system is a safety net for stopping crazy farming when people find exploits that make each run super fast. We are also addressing those loopholes, but that takes time and new ones might always be discovered. If you and your group do the dungeons without skipping large sections and run different chains this system shoul(bugs aside) never impact you.

Addendum for clarity, super fast means < 30 minutes, and even then you must hit that speed multiple times in a row before you start seeing any impact.

Thanks for the reply Jon, and thanks for giving a time. However, my group just did a legit maggs run and a legit AC path 2 run in 25 minutes each. Of course with the bug we all got different rewards but i will post that in the proper forum with times.

They were not death free runs and we didn’t feel like we did them as fast as we could have, so when we bring our “A” game we will basically be waiting in front of the last boss room for 10 minutes to make sure we get full rewards….not fun. But, I guess if the system starts to work like you hope and it takes multiple sub 30 minute runs in a row we should be fine.

I will also be posting links to the 2 runs we just did(as soon as they are uploaded) to prove we did them legit.

Thanks and i hope a fix is on its way soon.

Thank you this is excellent info. We would like dungeons to be legit hard enough to take closer to 45 mins but if we can’t accomplish that goal we can look at the speed clear times from non exploiters and easily adjust the system. The goal is that hardcore farmers don’t even see this thing but only exploiters. We will keep working towards that goal.


They are working to find a system that doesn’t punish the legit players. They will give us an official word when it’s ready. From some conversations I read a while ago, they “may” change the loot drops of trash mobs and additional bosses to encourage players to slow down and get more rewards. It’s not official, so don’t quote me on that.

So I just ran though all 3 routes on AC Exp for the first time....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shamrocky.5036


DR is meant to stop exploiters, but hurts legit players that are able to clear dungeons fast. People that look for the fastest ways to skip any trash or bosses they can to get to the end is the problem.

Anet should put more artificial ways to make people actually clear the trash, kill all bosses and not skip it.