So I kicked a dugeon seller...
Arah is not the hardest dungeon. That dungeon is so full of exploits that makes it one of the easiest dungeons to solo. Some story mode dungeons are harder than arah.
Arah have some of the most op trash mobs though.
The reason its harder to find groups for arah is because the non selling groups fill much faster and get removed from the list. Kicking sellers because you dont like it is griefing and you should be ashamed of yourself.
And what about the guys that judge or kick or don’t trust you because you’re a necro spoj? Yes it was maybe bad to kick him, but i have enough of this, understand me, i bought this game 3 months before and i love dungeons, but it’s much harder for me to ind people as i have 2k AP, i’m not a Warrior, Mesmer and selling spots that can change the economy, now everyone do these because there’s too much golds to gain.
If you were kicked from groups because of being a necro its probably because you didnt meet the requirements the group set. People arent forced to play with you. If you dont meet their requirements look for a more tolerable group or start one yourself.
The people who buy spots are usually players that farm champs all day and make way more money than the average dungeon runner. Selling slots allows us to shift some of the gold into the pockets of people who actually play challenging content.
why would anyone do this?
OP must feel like the whole world owes him a favour now
I fail to comprehend how selling runs makes finding a group impossible.
Deliberately joining a group in order to kick its players is an abuse of the LFG system and is deemed illegal by Anet. On the contrary selling paths has been confirmed to be legal. There is a demand for such service. If you have a problem with this then talk to Anet, otherwise your offence is bannable.
Play the way you want and let us play the way we want, you scumbag average-ist!
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Im actually very gutted to hear someone come out with this on forums. Everytime anyone sells now they are scared of getting kicked. Soloing/Duoing you have no clue how they do it skipping or not. Im really kitten ed off now…OP honestly…If that was me you kicked and I don’t skip, OMG i’d be ropable! Seriously I’m speechless just to know someone has admitted to forums. A t s e is a god to me now, atleast he respects the people who put in work for reward.
Proud Owner of:
Oh Did That Just Happen [Mhmm]
Beep! Beep! Beep!
-sounds like a dumptruck coming in-
OP just buried himself.
Dude that’s griefing and I do hope you get punished by doing that.
Genius level: non-existent
Even if some sellers would skip some bosses how does that affect you , I don’t understand. You can’t find a ‘GOOD’ arah group ? If you were good yourself you could carry your party. So the lame excuse ’ Pugs are terribad , i can’t find a decent group’ is pathetic . I pug arah p2 everyday and it’s not a big deal.
Me personally, I don’t care about the sellers, if some people are dumb enough to buy
arah slots its their problem.
Even if some sellers would skip some bosses how does that affect you , I don’t understand. You can’t find a ‘GOOD’ arah group ? If you were good yourself you could carry your party. So the lame excuse ’ Pugs are terribad , i can’t find a decent group’ is pathetic . I pug arah p2 everyday and it’s not a big deal.
Me personally, I don’t care about the sellers, if some people are dumb enough to buy
arah slots its their problem.
You come here and don’t notice I mentioned you in a good way…Do you want this whole thing to go back to normal…Im also happy about your paragraphing.
Proud Owner of:
Oh Did That Just Happen [Mhmm]
Oh let’s not forget that it takes 2 to kick someone from the party. So therefore you needed a friend to aid you in this. Why you want to take the fall alone? Bring your buddy on it aswell
I’m not a necro, i’m a guardian and i’m good, i did all paths of every dungeons more than 10 times atleast, it’s not my fault if the group wipe at Spider Queen in AC or GL in Arah, i use Stand your ground and Aegis correctly in full cleric/knight set.
a guardian and i’m good………full cleric/knight set.
oh boy…..
I suspect you were kicked for being a cleric guardian when joining a group that required “experienced” players.
You’re a pathetic s***bag friendly white knight, OP. Remove yourself Please stay forever.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
(edited by Emanuel.9781)
It’s not about how good or bad you are… well basicly you admited how bad and scumbagish you are in the OP… but anyway there is like nothing you could say that would justify your action. You and your friend went on an unnecessary batman mission without thinking it through. Now face the consequences of your stupid actions
I’m not a necro, i’m a guardian and i’m good, i did all paths of every dungeons more than 10 times atleast, it’s not my fault if the group wipe at Spider Queen in AC or GL in Arah, i use Stand your ground and Aegis correctly in full cleric/knight set.
You come here, insult pretty much the entire good dungeon community and then say your good because your in clerics and knight gear. I hope your some troller from one of the guilds featured here just trolling us…
Proud Owner of:
Oh Did That Just Happen [Mhmm]
This is a troll.
This is a troll.
Check his post history. This is for real! Just like Floryn!
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
Is this a bait to get more people infracted or something?
Even if some sellers would skip some bosses how does that affect you , I don’t understand. You can’t find a ‘GOOD’ arah group ? If you were good yourself you could carry your party. So the lame excuse ’ Pugs are terribad , i can’t find a decent group’ is pathetic . I pug arah p2 everyday and it’s not a big deal.
Me personally, I don’t care about the sellers, if some people are dumb enough to buy
arah slots its their problem.You come here and don’t notice I mentioned you in a good way…Do you want this whole thing to go back to normal…Im also happy about your paragraphing.
My paragraphing will be different tonight, I’m on my computer now which dosen’t have the bug that I have on my cellphone.
Well Im not going to elitist you tonight a t s e, im not cranky about any of your remarkable posts…aye xD (saying your canadian was the worst thing your could ever do)
Proud Owner of:
Oh Did That Just Happen [Mhmm]
come on, where is the ban?
full cleric/knight set.
Wow, cleric/knight is even worse than PVT which has Power as a main stat. No Wonder you can’t find a group….
OP, its easy to get a full group for dungeons at any time, just type ‘lfm p1 ALL WELCOME’ in your description. Don’t join any speed run or experienced only groups and you’ll be fine!
Few days ago there was a thread that was removed quite quickly about removing less intelligent players from the game. If they all start doing threads like this one, it will make GM’s work really easy. I mean no offence but the level of stupidity that OP showed is just beyond belief. Cmon swing dat banhammer at him already.
Guess OP also cuts his neighbor’s internet wire because he finds out his neighbor is downloading porn.
Guess OP also cuts his neighbor’s internet wire because he finds out his neighbor is downloading porn.
Guess OP also cuts his neighbor’s internet wire because he finds out his neighbor is downloading porn.
respect for OP +9001
And what about the guys that judge or kick or don’t trust you because you’re a necro spoj? Yes it was maybe bad to kick him, but i have enough of this, understand me, i bought this game 3 months before and i love dungeons, but it’s much harder for me to ind people as i have 2k AP, i’m not a Warrior, Mesmer and selling spots that can change the economy, now everyone do these because there’s too much golds to gain.
no matter what your sad excuse is, if the seller is legit you just griefed him. you should be reported for being scum
aww people kick you for playing a certain style l2makefriends
(edited by Bread.7516)
You actually contradicted yourself saying that the elitist only want other elitist in their party then how I read it was that the elitist are buying Arah slots. Wouldn’t the elitist just run the dungeon themselves?
- The elitism, the guys that only want level 80 people for dungeons, only warriors etc
- The selling spots that makes the LFG tool useless and researchs really hard because you’ll only find mediocre groups to do dungeons (wipe at spider queen in AC for example)
Lol. So you don’t expect a certain level (and with that gear) from someone, but you do expect groups to be good despite a certain required skill threshold?
Requiring level 80 has nothing to do with elitism, it’s just common sense. Be more realistic.
Far Shiverpeaks
I’m gonna have to do another video about finding an “anything goes” dungeon group
It seems to me we were perfectly fine on the dundun forums until a minority came here (wrong neighbourhood) and brought the mods with them. Now our friendly elitist community has to evolve in a toxic environment fearing to be banned left and right for speaking the truth … woaw …
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Yes of course i’m a troll, a kittenbag, i should kill myself, it’s a fad to hate dungeon sellers, they are not doing anything wrong, even teaching lupi skips for 8G is fine, it’s candyland etc… Oh wait, Anet said that kicking in dungeons is allowed too but they also said using exploits to run a dungeon isn’t So i’m not doing anything wrong.
Erm you are doing something wrong. You griefed a seller. Even if the seller exploited and skipped lupi you should be reporting rather than griefing.
Yes of course i’m a troll, a kittenbag, i should kill myself, it’s a fad to hate dungeon sellers, they are not doing anything wrong, even teaching lupi skips for 8G is fine, it’s candyland etc… Oh wait, Anet said that kicking in dungeons is allowed too but they also said using exploits to run a dungeon isn’t
So i’m not doing anything wrong.
if stupidity was against the forum rules
Stop responding to the obvious trolls guys, no one is actually dumb enough to grief a seller, come on forums to admit it, and then complain like he was the one wronged.
Yes of course i’m a troll, a kittenbag, i should kill myself, it’s a fad to hate dungeon sellers, they are not doing anything wrong, even teaching lupi skips for 8G is fine, it’s candyland etc… Oh wait, Anet said that kicking in dungeons is allowed too but they also said using exploits to run a dungeon isn’t
So i’m not doing anything wrong.
Where’s the proof that anyone selling dungeons is using bannable tactics? Just because I say I am using the exploit doesn’t mean I am actually using it. Talk is cheap buddy. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
To the OP: going on a personal crusade to stop path selling is only going to cause yourself trouble. A number of your personal perceptions of the game are exactly that, personal, and are not shared by the wider community. This means you’ve picked the wrong battle at the wrong time. For the time being you’re probably better making good groups to complete dungeons with friendly people rather than worrying about exploiters, path sellers, or people who do both.
Yes of course i’m a troll, a kittenbag, i should kill myself, it’s a fad to hate dungeon sellers, they are not doing anything wrong, even teaching lupi skips for 8G is fine, it’s candyland etc… Oh wait, Anet said that kicking in dungeons is allowed too but they also said using exploits to run a dungeon isn’t
So i’m not doing anything wrong.
Abusing the kick system isnt allowed tho, and thats exactly what you did Mr. Clerics.
[url=https://] [/url]
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