So I was on my first AC
Turning off post processing in your graphic options help with this a bit, but it’s still an issue. ANet definitely went overboard with spell effects.
It’ll take some getting used to, I just watch the red outline around the enemy to determine what he’s going to do.
I understand what you mean, sometimes on Lieutenant Kholer it was really hard to see if he was charging his ‘Pull’ move because there was so many spell effects and pets attacking him.
(No thanks to me as Elementalist using all my AoE)
Although I try to refrain from referencing World of Warcraft as much as I can, The bosses in that game are Obscenely large, this does have the added positive that you can see when he’s doing a unique animation with ease.
I understand it doesn’t make sense in this more realistic game.
But Collossus Rumblus is quite big and is quite easier to see. (It seems to work well on ‘creature’ bosses as they can be scaled without ruining immersion.)
You could always give smaller human bosses audio cue’s, but taking Kholer as an example here, that would probably nullify the challenge of that part perhaps?
You hear: “Get over here!” :P
And you’d know what was going to happen.
I don’t know if anyone’s fought the boss ‘Shade of Aran’ in World of Warcrafts ‘Karazhan’?
He has audio cues for all his moves (Granted he has about 4-5 unique devastating moves)
But that fight was very fun.
…Master Ranger Nente in AC-Story has audio cue’s for his teleport to and from the platfrom.
I’m just really ‘into’ trying to solve issues people have with GW2.
(edited by BlackToof.8710)
One giveaway for this boss’ yank attack is he’s almost always moving and doing something unless he is getting ready for his pull. If you see him stand still and do nothing, dodge asap. Other than that it would be nice if you had an option to only show your spell effects sometimes.
or simply increase his size, a LOT.