So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


Now that AC was needlessly ruined, what’s a quick and easy dungeon to grind gold out of? I used to run all three paths of AC in about 30-40mins for about 4g each run, but now it’s taking that long to just run one path.

Talk about a phenomenal failure… Sorry, but huge, ridiculously long lasting and ridiculously powerful poison AOE does not make the spider queen more fun. Glitched out Stalkers who get long periods of invulnerability are not engaging. Cave troll fearing you off a cliff, then resetting is not more challenging.

Each and every single one of these things is plain old arbitrary. It’s like it wasn’t even tested – just plugged in and go!

I will mention that the boss fights are a lot more entertaining, now… when they work. Ghost Eater is buggier than that one scene in Indiana Jones.

Anyway, where are you guys going to grind cash now?

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ioflux.4369


Cof 1. I highly doubt you can get 4g from 1 run of AC w/o exotics unless you meant 4g for running all 3 paths.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JungleNin.8379


Citadel of Flames path 1 still takes about 10-15 minutes. Do it 3 times, take a half hour break, come back and repeat.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


Cof 1. I highly doubt you can get 4g from 1 run of AC w/o exotics unless you meant 4g for running all 3 paths.

Clearly, that’s what I meant.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


AC can still be done in 10 min, just requires a full DPS party.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


For 5 completly brainafk players this dungeon is even easier than before. For skilled players that are trying to solo/duo its just cruel. Skill = nothing in new AC.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


AC is not trash. It’s just harder now when you have trash players in team.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mdapol.8530


I hope they buff the difficulty of CoF the way they buffed AC

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


AC is not trash. It’s just harder now when you have trash players in team.

I’m a casual player, so I PUG 100% of my dungeons. I’m used to having 3 of my party members who are completely clueless, and don’t mind giving tips and walking them through things. Now, I just have 3 party members who are dead and waiting for a chance to rez all the time.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


AC is not trash. It’s just harder now when you have trash players in team.

Its even easier now with trash players.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grizor.6543


I hope they buff the difficulty of CoF the way they buffed AC

I hope so also, it’s ridiculous that people will endure the mind numbing farming of cof1 for hours on end purely because it rewards the most cash/hour.

Many of my friends simply burned out from doing that and don’t play anymore.

Grizor – Charr Engineer – Gandara

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ioflux.4369


I hope they buff the difficulty of CoF the way they buffed AC

I hope so also, it’s ridiculous that people will endure the mind numbing farming of cof1 for hours on end purely because it rewards the most cash/hour.

Many of my friends simply burned out from doing that and don’t play anymore.

Watch tv shows / movies while you do it, won’t even feel like you’re farming.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


AC is not trash. It’s just harder now when you have trash players in team.

I’m a casual player, so I PUG 100% of my dungeons. I’m used to having 3 of my party members who are completely clueless, and don’t mind giving tips and walking them through things. Now, I just have 3 party members who are dead and waiting for a chance to rez all the time.

I pug just about 100% of my dungeons too and I don’t have your issue.

Because I can tell immediately if a team is likely going to make it or not based on their level, gear, and achievement points compared with the dungeon in question and leave before it even begins if I thought there’s very little chance of success.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiren.9532


AC is not trash. It’s just harder now when you have trash players in team.

I’m a casual player, so I PUG 100% of my dungeons. I’m used to having 3 of my party members who are completely clueless, and don’t mind giving tips and walking them through things. Now, I just have 3 party members who are dead and waiting for a chance to rez all the time.

I pug just about 100% of my dungeons too and I don’t have your issue.

Because I can tell immediately if a team is likely going to make it or not based on their level, gear, and achievement points compared with the dungeon in question and leave before it even begins if I thought there’s very little chance of success.

Players like you contribute very little to the GW2 community. I have almost 5,000 achievement points and I only ever pug dungeons. One of my favourite things to do in GW2 was run dungeons even with inexperienced people and help them to succeed. I would explain things carefully, res them when they are downed and I built to support my party (often through control skills, not just buffs or healing). I’ve been in very few parties that were incapable of succeeding and plenty of parties which learnt a lot from a run or two and a week later those same people (because they had been taught, given experience and a chance to learn) were competently running the dungeon like any other experienced person.

When GW2 starts pushing players to become more like you, something is wrong.

I’m not looking to play GW2 to mentor people or guide them, that’s not my primary goal in game, I like successful and efficient runs as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean I want to be party of a dungeon community that kicks inexperienced people, doesn’t help people to learn or try to grow the possible players we can play with.

When you see a group that has little chance of success, I see a group that has a lot to learn and with a little bit of patience (and the right selection of paths) they could get well on their way to joining the wider dungeon running community (and increase the number of people in the pug pool).

In response to the OP, run CoF path 1 to death. If this patch is anything to go by, dungeons are going to become less and less viable in the future, abuse it while you can.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


When GW2 starts pushing players to become more like you, something is wrong.

I’m not looking to play GW2 to mentor people or guide them, that’s not my primary goal in game, I like successful and efficient runs as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean I want to be party of a dungeon community that kicks inexperienced people, doesn’t help people to learn or try to grow the possible players we can play with.

I want to live in a perfect world with fluffy bunnies and rainbows where everyone treats each other with respect and help each other too.

Too bad that’s not happening.

The best way people in general learn is if the world gives them a rude awakening, otherwise you just promote bad behavior. I’ve learned this long ago after doing exactly what you did for a while.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


I like that AC is harder but the changes are obviously there to make the content gated and to hopefully squeeze gems out of new players.

I’m only playing this to hang out with my guildies now and we will all be leaving as soon as another game comes out.

No reason to be in a small guild in this game now so we would have to join one with 100 kids to be able to run the guild content and none of us are wiling to do that.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


When GW2 starts pushing players to become more like you, something is wrong.

I’m not looking to play GW2 to mentor people or guide them, that’s not my primary goal in game, I like successful and efficient runs as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean I want to be party of a dungeon community that kicks inexperienced people, doesn’t help people to learn or try to grow the possible players we can play with.

I want to live in a perfect world with fluffy bunnies and rainbows where everyone treats each other with respect and help each other too.

Too bad that’s not happening.

The best way people in general learn is if the world gives them a rude awakening, otherwise you just promote bad behavior. I’ve learned this long ago after doing exactly what you did for a while.

Seems like you would rather live in a world where players are rude to each other. Well with the changes Anet has made with the dungeon buffs, nerfing loot drops into the ground and join a huge guild or get lost attitude you should fit right in :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Timze.7980


AC is great now. People might feel AC is trash now just because they can’t run it now anymore in about 30mins.

The fact is that once they have reworked all the dungeons I can feel they will be quite much more better then. CoF get’s harder and the ones like HotW get’s shorter for sure.

You know they don’t do these dungeons for just money/token farming? They are supposed to be fun right? And AC really is that now…

If you are reading this, you are only waisting your time!
Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


When GW2 starts pushing players to become more like you, something is wrong.

I’m not looking to play GW2 to mentor people or guide them, that’s not my primary goal in game, I like successful and efficient runs as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean I want to be party of a dungeon community that kicks inexperienced people, doesn’t help people to learn or try to grow the possible players we can play with.

I want to live in a perfect world with fluffy bunnies and rainbows where everyone treats each other with respect and help each other too.

Too bad that’s not happening.

The best way people in general learn is if the world gives them a rude awakening, otherwise you just promote bad behavior. I’ve learned this long ago after doing exactly what you did for a while.

Seems like you would rather live in a world where players are rude to each other. Well with the changes Anet has made with the dungeon buffs, nerfing loot drops into the ground and join a huge guild or get lost attitude you should fit right in :-)

Apparently you would rather live in a world where people don’t bother reading before responding.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


AC is great now. People might feel AC is trash now just because they can’t run it now anymore in about 30mins.

The fact is that once they have reworked all the dungeons I can feel they will be quite much more better then. CoF get’s harder and the ones like HotW get’s shorter for sure.

You know they don’t do these dungeons for just money/token farming? They are supposed to be fun right? And AC really is that now…

It’s great if you run it with players that are experienced with the old AC but not fun if you planned on pugging it to meet new players or are going to run it as a level 35

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Now that AC was needlessly ruined, what’s a quick and easy dungeon to grind gold out of? I used to run all three paths of AC in about 30-40mins for about 4g each run, but now it’s taking that long to just run one path.

Talk about a phenomenal failure… Sorry, but huge, ridiculously long lasting and ridiculously powerful poison AOE does not make the spider queen more fun. Glitched out Stalkers who get long periods of invulnerability are not engaging. Cave troll fearing you off a cliff, then resetting is not more challenging.

Each and every single one of these things is plain old arbitrary. It’s like it wasn’t even tested – just plugged in and go!

I will mention that the boss fights are a lot more entertaining, now… when they work. Ghost Eater is buggier than that one scene in Indiana Jones.

Anyway, where are you guys going to grind cash now?

You must be bad, even if you kill all silver dropping bosses and troll it takes less than 30min per path.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya so I just tried AC yesteray and did path 1-3 with no wipe and hardly any death and I’m like…. is this even hard?

But back the the original topic. What’s wrong with the game isn’t the dungeon being hard. What’s wrong with the game is in this game we farm “gold”.

When they introduced the change to cof path 2, I just stop doing it. Since it isn’t a good way to efficiently farm gold since pug have a tendency of “taking too long”, or “have a chance of failure”.

I mean seriously, I dont’ mind doing a hard dungeon with pug a few times. But when I’m forced to do it everyday to buy the things I want, it become really frustrated when you ran the dungeon so many times already and have to to endure bad pug every single day “again”.

And just like the OP says, if a dungeon have a chance of failure, or take too long. People’ll just stop doing it, at least with pug. Since it is just an inefficient way to farm gold. They might run it a few times for fun. But certainly not everyday.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Timze.7980


AC is great now. People might feel AC is trash now just because they can’t run it now anymore in about 30mins.

The fact is that once they have reworked all the dungeons I can feel they will be quite much more better then. CoF get’s harder and the ones like HotW get’s shorter for sure.

You know they don’t do these dungeons for just money/token farming? They are supposed to be fun right? And AC really is that now…

It’s great if you run it with players that are experienced with the old AC but not fun if you planned on pugging it to meet new players or are going to run it as a level 35

For sure it is at start, and I know it’s easier with 80lvls but they aren’t ment to be like there for just gold/token farmers… I’m only feeling sad about the fact that 35lvls will have bit more harder times…

If you are reading this, you are only waisting your time!
Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


You must be bad, even if you kill all silver dropping bosses and troll it takes less than 30min per path.

Ah, our resident internet stereotype who flames and misses the point, completely. I was waiting for some tool to show up and fill the spot.

The point is that it’s much harder and much longer than it was. I don’t care how quickly some shut-in obsessed loser can blow through the new AC – for someone like me whose gaming is the absolute lowest thing on his priorities, I appreciated the quick and consistent AC runs I could squeeze into my extremely limited time, and now I have to focus elsewhere.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


You must be bad, even if you kill all silver dropping bosses and troll it takes less than 30min per path.

Ah, our resident internet stereotype who flames and misses the point, completely. I was waiting for some tool to show up and fill the spot.

The point is that it’s much harder and much longer than it was. I don’t care how quickly some shut-in obsessed loser can blow through the new AC – for someone like me whose gaming is the absolute lowest thing on his priorities, I appreciated the quick and consistent AC runs I could squeeze into my extremely limited time, and now I have to focus elsewhere.

I agree with your points here but to be fair you seem to care enough to post alot about it for someone “whose gaming is the absolute lowest thing on his priorities”.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


I agree with your points here but to be fair you seem to care enough to post alot about it for someone “whose gaming is the absolute lowest thing on his priorities”.

I have, like, 20-30 posts on this site, total. It’s called having an office job and taking a break. That’s quite the reach you’ve got there, though. Assumptions about someone’s priorities based off 4-5 posts is always a solid tactic.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Oh the whining. Go grind cash in CoF P1.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

(edited by Wolfheart.1938)

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


When GW2 starts pushing players to become more like you, something is wrong.

I’m not looking to play GW2 to mentor people or guide them, that’s not my primary goal in game, I like successful and efficient runs as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean I want to be party of a dungeon community that kicks inexperienced people, doesn’t help people to learn or try to grow the possible players we can play with.

I want to live in a perfect world with fluffy bunnies and rainbows where everyone treats each other with respect and help each other too.

Too bad that’s not happening.

The best way people in general learn is if the world gives them a rude awakening, otherwise you just promote bad behavior. I’ve learned this long ago after doing exactly what you did for a while.

Oh, you must mean like kicking them the moment they set foot in your group, perhaps because they had the audacity to bring an Engineer or Ranger? Or should you wait until you can verify that they aren’t fully decked out in exotics before they get the boot. Or maybe you’re actually one of the most patient of the dungeon elite uber squad, and you give them until their first dumb mistake before you unceremoniously send them packing.

Yeah, that’s quite a learning experience you offer. Very kittening altruistic of you.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rika.7249


So now that an explorable dungeon is a challenge, where ever shall we go?

Oh, I know! Down the path where all explorables become challenging!

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Proxcel.2596


looks like i have to go back and start farming cof before they decide to remake it.
felt like the new AC is just a testing ground. Well the last 3 days i’ve been
too busy with world chest events… i guess thats only me when i got 8 characters
to play with lol.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sovta.4719


So now that an explorable dungeon is a challenge, where ever shall we go?

Oh, I know! Down the path where all explorables become challenging!

Just nerf it and introduce red quauuauauagan so they can be haaaaapy.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ioflux.4369


I agree with your points here but to be fair you seem to care enough to post alot about it for someone “whose gaming is the absolute lowest thing on his priorities”.

I have, like, 20-30 posts on this site, total. It’s called having an office job and taking a break. That’s quite the reach you’ve got there, though. Assumptions about someone’s priorities based off 4-5 posts is always a solid tactic.

Complaining = Higher priority than not complaining. You wouldnt complain if you didn’t want change (thus caring). Nice try though. I too hold an office job and I find it helps pass time to get on the forums and read terribly logic’d people make posts that contradicts their purpose.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


Complaining = Higher priority than not complaining. You wouldnt complain if you didn’t want change (thus caring). Nice try though. I too hold an office job and I find it helps pass time to get on the forums and read terribly logic’d people make posts that contradicts their purpose.

Lol, you don’t even know what point you’re trying to make, do you? I never said I didn’t care, so don’t put words in my mouth. I stated I don’t have a lot of time to play these games unlike the clinical contrarians, and the dude insinuated post an awful lot for a guy who doesn’t have time to play the game. I pointed out I have hardly any posts, and I post when I’m working, not when I have time to play. Might want to either pay more attention to your job or the posts you’re reading – either way. Nice try though.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I agree with your points here but to be fair you seem to care enough to post alot about it for someone “whose gaming is the absolute lowest thing on his priorities”.

I have, like, 20-30 posts on this site, total. It’s called having an office job and taking a break. That’s quite the reach you’ve got there, though. Assumptions about someone’s priorities based off 4-5 posts is always a solid tactic.

I never said I was all knowing. I was just pointing out some observations. You’re not the only one with a full time office job. It just so happens mine is more flexible and I get to telecommute alot.

You obviously take gw2 seriously since you chose to respond to me even though I already stated I agree mostly with your points.

Either that or you are so insecure that just can’t take it when someone questions your words or motives.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


When GW2 starts pushing players to become more like you, something is wrong.

I’m not looking to play GW2 to mentor people or guide them, that’s not my primary goal in game, I like successful and efficient runs as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean I want to be party of a dungeon community that kicks inexperienced people, doesn’t help people to learn or try to grow the possible players we can play with.

I want to live in a perfect world with fluffy bunnies and rainbows where everyone treats each other with respect and help each other too.

Too bad that’s not happening.

The best way people in general learn is if the world gives them a rude awakening, otherwise you just promote bad behavior. I’ve learned this long ago after doing exactly what you did for a while.

Oh, you must mean like kicking them the moment they set foot in your group, perhaps because they had the audacity to bring an Engineer or Ranger? Or should you wait until you can verify that they aren’t fully decked out in exotics before they get the boot. Or maybe you’re actually one of the most patient of the dungeon elite uber squad, and you give them until their first dumb mistake before you unceremoniously send them packing.

Yeah, that’s quite a learning experience you offer. Very kittening altruistic of you.

It’s always funny when uninformed people like you make unfounded, ridiculous assumptions.

When have I ever stated anything anywhere close to kicking people based on class ever in these forums?

Nice try at strawman but you fail.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucky.9421


Pretty sure everything has less health in AC now. If you don’t wipe it should go faster now. Just saying…

I still think it is too hard for level 35s, though it always was.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


Pretty sure everything has less health in AC now. If you don’t wipe it should go faster now. Just saying…

I still think it is too hard for level 35s, though it always was.

Too true on the Lv35 comment, but there are definitely things with a lot higher health – mainly mini-mobs. The little spiders and gravlings have WAY more health than before. While that isn’t a critical change, it has caught be by surprise quite a few times already. Nothing like thinking an AoE cleared them all out, only to find you suddenly have 22 stacks of bleeding on you from freakin hatchlings, lol.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Opt.3714


AC is great now. People might feel AC is trash now just because they can’t run it now anymore in about 30mins.

The fact is that once they have reworked all the dungeons I can feel they will be quite much more better then. CoF get’s harder and the ones like HotW get’s shorter for sure.

You know they don’t do these dungeons for just money/token farming? They are supposed to be fun right? And AC really is that now…

Thank you! I think the AC changes are fun and interesting too. Twitter:
Co-Leader, I Can Outtweet A Centaur! [TWIT] #twitguild
IGN: Optimus Maleficus

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OnionXI.6735


I hope they buff the difficulty of CoF the way they buffed AC

I hope so also, it’s ridiculous that people will endure the mind numbing farming of cof1 for hours on end purely because it rewards the most cash/hour.

Many of my friends simply burned out from doing that and don’t play anymore.

It’s not ridiculous at all when you have an endgame that boils down to how much gold you can farm.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Swisha.2049


AC used to be a nice relaxing dungeon to run with a casual group. Now it’s a F’ing grind like everything else except CoF p1.

Thanks ArenaNet for making this game that much more tedious.


So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

At least Loflux and Deathpanel are being honest here. If you strongly agree with their gaming philosophy (imho they are very consistent in other threads as well), add them to your contacts list and run dungeons with them.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kysus.4290


AC used to be a nice relaxing dungeon to run with a casual group. Now it’s a F’ing grind like everything else except CoF p1.

Thanks ArenaNet for making this game that much more tedious.


This. AC was always a fun, social, not so serious dungeon you could run with a mixture of people of different levels and abilities, make a bit of progress and do it within a reasonable evening’s gameplay.

Sanctum Cay Mercantile Company [SCAM] – Isle of Janthir

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tnarrant.9714


AC used to be a nice relaxing dungeon to run with a casual group. Now it’s a F’ing grind like everything else except CoF p1.

Thanks ArenaNet for making this game that much more tedious.


Most changes they make to this game seem to have this effect. It’s like they can’t stand people not being frustrated when playing. If an ability is powerful, nerf it until people switch to more boring skills. If a dungeon can be run by 80s in half an hour, tone it up so they have to take longer, never mind what that does to group composition. And never mind that what it really comes down to is having to waste more time to do just about everything.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rika.7249


Here’s my recommendation: Do something else. Dungeons are obviously too hardcore for you.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratty.5176


I’m not sure AC actually will take longer when people know it in a couple of weeks.

You can skip all the fights you could before. In fact you can even skip the Gravelings in the trap corridor after the Spider fight (which most people didn’t do before) as without the Scavengers they are far less dangerous.

So then you look at the fights.

All Paths The Spider Queen I feel has less HP, but she’s much more dangerous due to the cone immobilize, when people do her right she is actually quite a bit harder.

Kohler and Troll can still be skipped to it doesn’t matter really how hard they are now.

Path 1, Hodkins room and collecting scepters are almost identical to before. So no real change there.

Howling King. Once people know they have to kite adds into fire circles the actual fight doesn’t take that long. If anything it’s shorter, just a tiny bit more deadly and you are more likely to wipe. Saying that, there are much harder fights in the game that people get the hang of and can do without wiping. Therefore I feel that this fight will make much difference in to run time in the end. It’s just much more fun

Path 2, Other than FPS issues on the spikes, they are compatible to before. The Ghost fight as Dethra makes turrets is almost identical to before.

Ghost Eater. OK when we did it correctly and he didn’t bug out it took only 3 traps to finish him. TBH we were only a tiny bit short of 2 traps (and our team wasn’t all 80s or DPS). The thing that slows down this fight is bad communication and the actual fight bugging (Ghost Eater, stopping to have his dinner. Traps not firing correctly). My general feeling is when the bugs are fixed this fight will be much faster than before with a group that has done it a few times before.

Path 3. Collectors are actually much easier than before. I’ve never had a situation before the patch where we were sitting around with no gravelings waiting for the next burrow to spawn.

the four extra burrows are interesting, They seem to be about the same as before, but you can end up with spam spawning if you get to the stage where DPS is lacking (Due to players being down, I ended up with 60+ Hatchling chasing me around the last burrow as the rest of the team was dead). Best plan is to make sure your team collects up and hits the burrow at the same time rather than running in piecemeal.

Boss fight. OK this can be much harder than before with the wrong team composition. However with a team spamming healing and stability on the Warmaster Grast it’s perfectly fine and the boss again seems to have less HP than before. If the interrupt works now like they claim you might not even need as much healing and stability.

So Overall I feel the lack of speed on AC is down to people not knowing the fights rather than it being much longer. In fact most of the time HP has been lowered on bosses. So if you can avoid dying they should go down faster.

(edited by Ratty.5176)

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


So Overall I feel the lack of speed on AC is down to people not knowing the fights rather than it being much longer. In fact most of the time HP has been lowered on bosses. So if you can avoid dying they should go down faster.

Dungeon mechanics, especially in GW2, always boil down to the learning curve. For many people, including at least some of those who find dungeons easy now, there was an often painful learning curve. People in general do not like change. Some people were not going to like having to relearn mechanics in a dungeon where they had the mechanics down.

And for the record, any mechanic that is likely to produce the idea, “Hey, we can do this if we can spam x.” is going to produce exclusion if not all classes can bring x to the table. The dungeon team should be designing mechanics with these ideas in mind: “What will people figure out to be able to deal with this encounter in the fastest easiest manner possible?” and “Will this cause certain classes to be unwelcome in these groups?”

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soloist.4120


When GW2 starts pushing players to become more like you, something is wrong.

I’m not looking to play GW2 to mentor people or guide them, that’s not my primary goal in game, I like successful and efficient runs as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean I want to be party of a dungeon community that kicks inexperienced people, doesn’t help people to learn or try to grow the possible players we can play with.

I want to live in a perfect world with fluffy bunnies and rainbows where everyone treats each other with respect and help each other too.

Too bad that’s not happening.

The best way people in general learn is if the world gives them a rude awakening, otherwise you just promote bad behavior. I’ve learned this long ago after doing exactly what you did for a while.

Seems like you would rather live in a world where players are rude to each other. Well with the changes Anet has made with the dungeon buffs, nerfing loot drops into the ground and join a huge guild or get lost attitude you should fit right in :-)

Apparently you would rather live in a world where people don’t bother reading before responding.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soloist.4120


Seems like some people get it and some dont . It’s a great idea to help ppl . It’s a bad idea to make game content that is only for Elitist pricks . So i see two choices. Consider the complaints being made on both sides . If you only want a certain group fo ppl to be able to say they can complete a dungeon . PLease go ahead with your current direction wiht dungeons . However , if you want a the dungeons to be played and enjoyed by more people , if you want people to run aroun d in dungeon armor and tell their friends how cool the game is , consider listening to the people complaining about the difficulty . because if it wasnt so difficult , they woudnt be here kittening , they would be out there collecting tokens .

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Seems like some people get it and some dont . It’s a great idea to help ppl . It’s a bad idea to make game content that is only for Elitist pricks . So i see two choices. Consider the complaints being made on both sides . If you only want a certain group fo ppl to be able to say they can complete a dungeon . PLease go ahead with your current direction wiht dungeons . However , if you want a the dungeons to be played and enjoyed by more people , if you want people to run aroun d in dungeon armor and tell their friends how cool the game is , consider listening to the people complaining about the difficulty . because if it wasnt so difficult , they woudnt be here kittening , they would be out there collecting tokens .

If you define “elitist” as anyone that isn’t a trash/new player then maybe.

It’s a fact you can lvl up to 80 the fastest by exploring/events, not dungeons.

I leveled 8 lvl 80 characters by doing that easily and before I set a single step in any dungeon I had a full set of crafted exotic gear on my main. (Since I maxed crafting of all crafts in the first couple months of the game’s release.)

Most new players or uninformed people don’t know this, and try to go to dungeons when they are under leveled and under geared and get spanked by reality.

The fact remains the dungeons in gw2 is far more accessible than any other mmos out there.

There may need to be certain things that might need to be toned down to make it more broadly accessible but there has to be a limit for the sake of balance. If low lvls and poorly geared characters can do certain instances easily then the max geared people will just faceroll their way though the instance in minutes and that will create inflation and instability in the market.

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nialiss.6459


CoF path 1 is the last dungeon path worth doing. I’m not considering Fractals as a dungeon by the way, Fractals is just Fractals to me. Unfortunately CoF path 1 is probably next on Anet’s hit-list.