Solo Arah p2 Brie
Quoting a user from this thread:
I just managed it to solo brie)
Just kill those mobs before they kill the terminal, its quite tricky;
you have to watch for the deadeyes because they either knock you out of the godmode or run themselfes out of it, you can get obstructed to lure them to you.
Than the 3 Technicans, mostly aggroed by grubs, you can kite them around those corners ,so that they cast there stuns against the wall, and dmg them.(anyway take stability with you, it helps with the deadeyes too)
Its tricky to watch the terminal meanwhile, cause the berserkers cleave and deadeyes (not sure of it hits the terminal) pierces.
Anyways i like that change! it makes the kinda dull fight way more interessting for groups as for solos.
Good direction to make dungeons more challenging (i like the alphard change aswell)but for kittens sake, PLEASE FIX THE EXPLOITS its a HUUUGE exploit because ppl make lots of money with it, and screw legit seller
Made a little video, how i am doing this.
Isnt the best performance im kinda dazed today, died 6th times at alphard, and finished her on last try (luckily) in vengeance xD
Also forgot to use signet of rage
Anyway its pretty simple.
^ What Ram said. She spawns 3 waves of mobs, the last way won’t aggro on to you so you have to drop them fast before they kill the terminal. Also make sure you don’t cleave the adds near the terminal because their autoattacks will hit the terminal as well. I got it on my first attempt and also managed to keep her at 1% to sell the path afterwards.
Nice vids, guys.
Sorry to derail briefly, but did they make any other changes to the path with this patch? My Arah group is on hiatus atm so I haven’t run it recently.
- Fixed skips (don’t care)
- Added mobs to Brie
Anything else?
I see many “Teachers” right now , “selling” “teachings” how to do this boss.
Theyre literallly scamming you..
if you have difficultys or something feel free to wsp me , maybe i can help you
btw theyre probably using some sort of exploit (yes anet exploiting, its totally normal and ppl making money with it cause you doing nothing against it) because they want mes/thief/ele
(edited by Ram Banson.4081)
I see, didn’t know she only spawned three.
Anyone do it on mes? Seems tricky due to low DPS, but then you are invincible (and can use your phants on those mobs) so maybe.
I imagine if you wanted to be quick about it on warr then you could just aggro the first additional spawn into the bubble and ignore them while you finish her off, since the time it takes her to spawn more would probably be enough to get the rest of her HP down.
Just wanted to note that since it was said “more interesting for groups”, gotta disagree, in a group setting you should be able to burn her faster than the mobs can kill the terminal.
(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)
I see, didn’t know she only spawned three.
Anyone do it on mes? Seems tricky due to low DPS, but then you are invincible (and can use your phants on those mobs) so maybe.I imagine if you wanted to be quick about it on warr then you could just aggro the first additional spawn into the bubble and ignore them while you finish her off, since the time it takes her to spawn more would probably be enough to get the rest of her HP down.
Just wanted to note that since it was said “more interesting for groups”, gotta disagree, in a group setting you should be able to burn her faster than the mobs can kill the terminal.
While I haven’t completely soloed it, I think I can speak as such because of my duo partner’s tragic early death.
The mesmer has no particular problem with soloing this, and for several reasons:
Phantasms distract technicians, invulnerability keeps scholar bonus up, as long as you don’t let risen silver’s near the console they won’t wreck it.
The order or strategy is fairly simple, get 3 mantras, one being the stability one, and perhaps blink as a final skill. Take s/s s/f. Pull risen berserkers from the console with curtain and make sure they agro on you by hitting them. Don’t get near technicians untill they start attacking grubs. Then dispose of the low hp deadeyes first. After that, go take out the berserkers. As berserkers have been killed, move to the techs, if they lose grubagro, hide behind the rock and spawn some swordsmen. One of your phantasms will then act as an absolute tank, but make sure to spawn more for maximum tankness, this, combined with the phantasmal regen from your inspiration traits will ensure you a pretty much permanent meatshield. Kill techs off, dance around and die to brie from lost focus due to enthousuasm.
If the techs do end up attacking you at some point, try moving to the other side if the wall as blub cleverly came up with, note that you can get out of stun though the use of distortion, blink, stability mantra of a temporal curtain pull rupting the techs
Oh oh and don’t forget untraited wardens block deadeye shots.
Hope this helps
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
Very cool, ty again Sandy.
Though I do think it’s about time to move to p1/p3 solos once I get this Brie business down, the constant nerfs to p2 sell rate is getting a bit annoying.
Very cool, ty again Sandy
Though I do think it’s about time to move to p1/p3 solos once I get this Brie business down, the constant nerfs to p2 sell rate is getting a bit annoying.
The constant additions to my guide are getting annoying
Very cool, ty again Sandy
Though I do think it’s about time to move to p1/p3 solos once I get this Brie business down, the constant nerfs to p2 sell rate is getting a bit annoying.
The constant additions to my guide are getting annoying
I imagine if you wanted to be quick about it on warr then you could just aggro the first additional spawn into the bubble and ignore them while you finish her off, since the time it takes her to spawn more would probably be enough to get the rest of her HP down.
I dont think its possible, one time i failed to aggro a deadeye soon enough and he instantly shooted the terminals health to 5% or something
You saw nothing * cough *
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
oh god, Im just here to report a bug cough, so, turns out, when the console gets destroyed when you are down, the mobs will despawn but you can’t be teleported out, and brie cant reset. HOWEVER, the entire fight mechanic DOES reset, and the grubs stay. So, if a class with low dps would want to do this very easily, they could just let the mobs attack the console, go down when the console is at 10%, let the mobs kill it, rally on a grub, reactivate console and destroy brie with AGAIN a 10x damage boost for the final 50%.
Please fix this devs
How does one get downed with invincibility though? That part I fail to understand.
Brie can still kill you. :P
Ah, I figured that Sanderinoa probably wasn’t referring to Brie because if you got downed you’d likely die seconds later from a laser fire or something. You’d have to time this well… at least picturing it happening in my head that’s what it seems like.
Classified information only on personal demand cough
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
I admit to using exploits such as berserker gear.
Report yourself.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
(edited by Emanuel.9781)
But all the exploiters will do this now with this newfound info. ;(
From the image I have of current exploiters, I doubt they can manage or even bother, but just to be sure
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
oh god, Im just here to report a bug cough, so, turns out, when the console gets destroyed when you are down, the mobs will despawn but you can’t be teleported out, and brie cant reset. HOWEVER, the entire fight mechanic DOES reset, and the grubs stay. So, if a class with low dps would want to do this very easily, they could just let the mobs attack the console, go down when the console is at 10%, let the mobs kill it, rally on a grub, reactivate console and destroy brie with AGAIN a 10x damage boost for the final 50%.
Please fix this devs
How does one get downed with invincibility though? That part I fail to understand.
one possibility is that a deadeye knocks you out of the godmode and right after a technican start to atack you (you have stabitlity on cd) and with the next deadeyes shoot you will be downed, if no grubs or low health mob is in range youre dead