I approve records and stuff
Solo Belka 46.480s
I approve records and stuff
Superb. I will admit I’ve already been bored with this since Particlar’s video of it at first, but this was very very well done. Not really sure how much faster this could get tbh.
I would be more impressed if you weren’t glitching the game to achieve these results. Still pretty neat!
How is it glitching the game to dodge backwards and click on a wall?
I would be more impressed if you weren’t glitching the game to achieve these results. Still pretty neat!
I think at this point the MS/IB wall-aiming to make it focus on a small area is pretty meta in most solo speedkills, or likewise the IB+Lighting Flash.
Anyway aslong as its accepted by the speedclear community theres no reason to not use it since it available to everyone.
I approve records and stuff
How is it glitching the game to dodge backwards and click on a wall?
It stands to reason that is not the intended behavior of Ice Storm or Meteor shower, though I suppose only the devs can confirm. Replace “glitch” with “exploiting a bug” if you like. I fail to see the difference between the two, however.
I would be more impressed if you weren’t glitching the game to achieve these results. Still pretty neat!
I think at this point the MS/IB wall-aiming to make it focus on a small area is pretty meta in most solo speedkills, or likewise the IB+Lighting Flash.
Anyway aslong as its accepted by the speedclear community theres no reason to not use it since it available to everyone.
I totally agree, and it’s still a hell of a performance fwiw
I don’t know about that. I think it’d make more sense for them to have intended the impacts to only land inside of boundaries, so the area of potential impacts is reduced when used this way.
It’s obvious that it was overlooked and they didn’t intend people to take advantage of it to make all of the impacts land in the same spot, but you’re referring to it as a bug/glitch… a glitch is another word for a malfunction. Whether you like it or not, the game’s not malfunctioning. It’s not a glitch/bug.
Exploiting something unintended, yeah that I’ll agree with you on. It’s really similar to people 1-shotting Lupicus, but hey… at least this requires a certain degree of practice/proper execution to pull off and isn’t an instant-KO. I still wish neither of the two were possible to do, but I’ve kinda given up hope on them fixing any controversial issues without introducing even more.
Anyways, Fennec doesn’t deserve the derailment.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
“nothing serious just for fun.” – This is the spirit I would take it in. Even if the tactics are ‘questionable’ the video is more about the execution. There’s a lot more going on then just casting on a wall. I appreciate videos like this because it demonstrates the kind of attention to detail and precision that I want to work on. Really nice job!
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
Yeah, because the fgs nerf obviously made the game so much more entertaining, fun and made less people quit, they now need to do the same about ele’s aoes.
idk, the icebow trick is cheesy…There’s just no reason that moving backwards should affect the area the projectiles land. It’s pretty obvious that it’s a bug.
That said, go for it — have fun until they fix it. If FGS is any indication, we’ve got 2 years of fun with it left.
inb4 “ArenaNet never said it was unintentional, so how can you call it a bug?”
My reply: “ArenaNet never says anything about these things. Use your brain, pls.” :P
Its not a bug. Its intended to work like that because if you place an aoe on the edge of a platform or next to a cliff it is only supposed to hit in the area possible. It would be stupid if half your aoes just did nothing because the splash dmg cant proc if you placed the aoe on a thin bridge for example. This is simply exploiting that mechanic to focus the aoe. You can say its cheesy (matter of opinion) but its definately not a bug, glitch or illegal exploit.
I personally think its pretty smart use of mechanics and not in the slight be cheesy. But thats because i dont make up my own rules when playing games. As far as im concerned anything goes as long as you arent hacking/cheating or abusing a serious bug such as item duping or whatever.
Obviously setting rules to demonstrate or create challenge is a different matter entirely.
(edited by spoj.9672)
But what does moving backwards have to do with “edging” the targeted area?
I agree, hitting a wall/platform edge to focus the targeted area makes sense — the dodge trick does not ;-)
Edit: Regardless, this is still a good solo. I didn’t mean to imply that it violated any rules or anything (if I wanted to make that argument, I’d point out the bonewall glitch ;P). Only that it’s clear that the dodge + IB4 gimmick is fast replacing Fiery Rush as the questionable speedclear tactic of choice.
(edited by dlonie.6547)
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
Yeah, because the fgs nerf obviously made the game so much more entertaining, fun and made less people quit, they now need to do the same about ele’s aoes.
It actually did make the game more fun.
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
Yeah, because the fgs nerf obviously made the game so much more entertaining, fun and made less people quit, they now need to do the same about ele’s aoes.
It actually did make the game more fun.
Running the same content for two years isn’t fun, whether Fiery Rush was possible or not.
Start → all programs → Guild Wars 2 → Uninstall
If the game isn’t fun stop torturing yourself. And stop torturing us by crying about how much your self-torture hurts.
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
Yeah, because the fgs nerf obviously made the game so much more entertaining, fun and made less people quit, they now need to do the same about ele’s aoes.
It actually did make the game more fun.
Subjective. Most considerably skilled players quitting or laying down the game in a rather short time frame, not so much.
Start -> all programs -> Guild Wars 2 -> Uninstall
If the game isn’t fun stop torturing yourself. And stop torturing us by crying about how much your self-torture hurts.
Oh you don’t have to worry about my fun, but thanks for caring ~
Im still here dub ;_;
Strange how it was mostly people from rT who quit. At least that’s the impression I got :P
More people left because of the no-new-dungeons-anouncement, which is understandable
A question, if you may:
Can you do this aoe trick with the engi grenade barrage?
or even with the 3-nade atuo attack?
Yes thats the same reason many of us quit aswell. Nerfing fgs didnt make the game anymore fun so there was no reason to stay. :P
A question, if you may:
Can you do this aoe trick with the engi grenade barrage?
or even with the 3-nade atuo attack?
I don’t think so, since the nades count as projectiles.
A question, if you may:
Can you do this aoe trick with the engi grenade barrage?
or even with the 3-nade atuo attack?
Big difference between the two is that grenades show up as multiple red circles, each projectile an individual element, while IB/MS have one large area of possible hits, one circle. I imagine that would make a difference.
A question, if you may:
Can you do this aoe trick with the engi grenade barrage?
or even with the 3-nade atuo attack?I don’t think so, since the nades count as projectiles.
They don’t? They can be reflected…
Edit: kitten read your post wrong. Ignore this.
(edited by Nevets Crimsonwing.5271)
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
Yeah, because the fgs nerf obviously made the game so much more entertaining, fun and made less people quit, they now need to do the same about ele’s aoes.
People quit because of ANet openly saying on a video that they’ll be doing **** all with dungeons for at least the next six months, it’s nothing to do with a fiery rush nerf making the game more/less interesting for people.
The way I see it, why stay if you’re unhappy and the part of a game you enjoy isn’t supported in any way besides minor bug fixes by the company? And that’s why I brought my play time down sharply because the carrot and stick approach with all of the moronic collections and other dumb **** that people collect for absolutely no reason doesn’t work on me since I don’t care about gaining any sort of currency in this game. The one thing which I would want, sinister gear, is gated behind doing braindead open world crap which I will never be able to motivate myself to do.
But yes, I consider the ice bow thing as “unintended use of game mechanics” – whether that’s right or wrong I literally don’t care to argue, so everyone in this thread can rant at me until they’re blue in the face but I literally don’t even care to argue it – and it doesn’t even concern me since I’m not even playing the game much anymore.
So +1 to the solo, +1 to people doing the little trick, +1 to everyone who carries on playing the game – and I mean it genuinely that I hope you’re happy, content, and the record is impressive.
Im still here dub ;_;
Have I not been talking about considerably skilled players?
Joking, that is why I said most.
I’ve been online today, by the way.
Happy to now be able to call you out on AP who_ring.
Sandy loves farming AP. Come join him Dub!
A question, if you may:
Can you do this aoe trick with the engi grenade barrage?
or even with the 3-nade atuo attack?
Tested it, does work
Sandy loves farming AP. Come join him Dub!
I see what you did here.
A question, if you may:
Can you do this aoe trick with the engi grenade barrage?
or even with the 3-nade atuo attack?
Yes you can, with both, it’s not really practicalfor a few reasons though.
1, because of the 1500 range (from grenade trait) and that you need to max range it.
2, Compared to MS/IB the projectiles are few and damage low.
Saw Goku´s Belka kill and decided to beat it, nothing serious just for fun
Eh, so it’s all about focusing the heavy-hitting AoEs into a single spot now? …wow, game’s surely getting more and more fun all the time.
Anyway, the kill is still nice I guess, also bonus points for music choice, MGR:R is great.
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
Yeah, because the fgs nerf obviously made the game so much more entertaining, fun and made less people quit, they now need to do the same about ele’s aoes.
People quit because of ANet openly saying on a video that they’ll be doing **** all with dungeons for at least the next six months, it’s nothing to do with a fiery rush nerf making the game more/less interesting for people.
The way I see it, why stay if you’re unhappy and the part of a game you enjoy isn’t supported in any way besides minor bug fixes by the company? And that’s why I brought my play time down sharply because the carrot and stick approach with all of the moronic collections and other dumb **** that people collect for absolutely no reason doesn’t work on me since I don’t care about gaining any sort of currency in this game. The one thing which I would want, sinister gear, is gated behind doing braindead open world crap which I will never be able to motivate myself to do.
But yes, I consider the ice bow thing as “unintended use of game mechanics” – whether that’s right or wrong I literally don’t care to argue, so everyone in this thread can rant at me until they’re blue in the face but I literally don’t even care to argue it – and it doesn’t even concern me since I’m not even playing the game much anymore.
So +1 to the solo, +1 to people doing the little trick, +1 to everyone who carries on playing the game – and I mean it genuinely that I hope you’re happy, content, and the record is impressive.
Well then I guess it is only a coincidence if you, as well as many in your guild, are the most vocal advocates of conservative and boring ways to play this game.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
My thoughts on all those tricks is honestly they shouldn’t be part of records but should be fine in daily runs. They’re neat tricks. If enough didn’t want them though I’m sure the rules of the GWSCR could be changed to outlaw them, but it never has, so that shows how unpopular that option would be as far as I’m concerned. Seems like people like it so /shrug.
My only problem with it is that they’re so good it’s silly to do anything else if you’re going for speed which has left it as a “stack as many Ele’s as you can” thing for a long time. It’d be interesting to see what other combinations could do is all.
My thoughts on all those tricks is honestly they shouldn’t be part of records but should be fine in daily runs. They’re neat tricks. If enough didn’t want them though I’m sure the rules of the GWSCR could be changed to outlaw them, but it never has, so that shows how unpopular that option would be as far as I’m concerned. Seems like people like it so /shrug.
My only problem with it is that they’re so good it’s silly to do anything else if you’re going for speed which has left it as a “stack as many Ele’s as you can” thing for a long time. It’d be interesting to see what other combinations could do is all.
The last updated record on the GWSCR site was on November 3rd, so I guess if they get updated at all they might change the ruleset as well. But I hope they ban wall-on-wall at Lupi. dodge-shower (and ice storm, etc.) doesn’t annoy me nearly as much.
Even before people started to focus all AoE’s in a small spot you would stack eles because their DPS is good, their mobility is good, their utility is good and their burst is excellent.
My only problem with it is that they’re so good it’s silly to do anything else if you’re going for speed
And I am sure this is what Colesy & Co have in mind as well. Very noble of you. Very human.
But also very wrong. There will always be one thing that is better than others. I know, I know, this is not a rocket science breakthrough. But apparently this is too hard to understand for many.
If you go after the “best thing” all the time then you end up with whack-a-mole balance like Anet is doing. It is boring, and it is inefficient.
The only thing that anybody here should be complaining about is the lack of addition of new mechanics. We need additions so that the meta changes forward, not backward. Think about this for one second: if we had asked Anet to make mobs able to move and attack at the same time then there would be no FGS controversy, no IB dilemma … and less fun reading posts from DnT
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I though maybe I should put together a number of arguments against changing the game mechanics like FGS or IB:
When a specific job can be done in multiple ways there is always going to be an optimal way and a suboptimal.
Just because you don’t understand the class and what you “made it for” doesn’t mean anything. The class was designed as an offensive support class in pve. You don’t like it? Oh well.
The problem with this is that it presupposes….
1. …That the current state of affairs is broken. That is not a given by any stretch of the imagination.
2. …The proposed solution actually improves the game. It certainly changes the game. Making fights more chaotic and adding unavoidable damage that must be soaked is definitely different, but its equally definitely less skill testing and certainly by no means more fun necessarily.
3. …people’s roleplaying desires
I wonder why people who don’t like this game don’t just quit? Seriously, if I disliked the core combat mechanics of a game so much that I resorted to making QQ posts on the forums about the core combat mechanics two years after the game launched I would simply uninstall.
So let’s sum it up:
Honestly, I think the entire discussion is a joke because it’s just that, a non-problem. This is like a doctor prescribing invasive solutions to illnesses a patient doesn’t have. We don’t have a berserker problem, we have an old content problem.
Solution 2 (offered by me): Introduce new content with complicated and challenging mechanics.
Oops, I gave it away. It was not about the clever FGS/IB mechanics but about the zerker meta …
tldr version of this thread…
Some people want to change the gearing system in the game because they don’t like having to dodge or because their “playstyle is support.” They don’t have any proof the new no-dodge heal spam meta would be more fun or more skill based, but they want it anyway.
What did I miss?
Oook, I’ll tell you what. In fact all the text in italics is from DnT Nike. It is taken in the context of casuals VS zerker meta.
I just found that it was incredible how topical these quotes are: if you replace “zerker” by “FGS/IB” it could really look like a text by me trying to convince Colesy/Nike that they are advocating the wrong thing – apart from the fact that I would do it in a much more respectful way than Nike of course.
The arguments of the casuals against the zerker meta are the same as those of DnT against the FGS/IB mechanics. And what Nike tells to the casuals is that it is not a mechanical problem but “an old content problem”.
You see what I am doing here?
Double standards.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I wish you would just discuss normally without leashing out at Nike and DnT all the time
I wish you would just discuss normally without leashing out at Nike and DnT all the time
Anyways, Fennec doesn’t deserve the derailment.
^ basically sums up my thoughts on this thread
I wish you would just discuss normally without leashing out at Nike and DnT all the time
Anyways, Fennec doesn’t deserve the derailment.
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
But yeah, blame me.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
FYI Colesy isn’t Nike.
FYI Colesy isn’t Nike.
Colesy and you have the same opinion, how ever misguided it can be.
Colesy and you have the same attitude.
You told Colesy to stop arguing publicly because it could “make DnT look bad”.
So for all practical matters, you are the same.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Are you trying to shut down and lock every speedkill video by bringing up your grudges and baiting other to drag discussion off topic?
Just curious, as I’ve noticed a pattern.
Might be better to just make an “I hate [DnT]!!1!!!” thread and you can just let it all out there.
But I really don’t hate DnT.
Look again at the posts on this thread. It was Colesy-Nike who derailed it.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
FYI Colesy isn’t Nike.
Colesy and you have the same opinion, how ever misguided it can be.
Colesy and you have the same attitude.
You told Colesy to stop arguing publicly because it could “make DnT look bad”.
So for all practical matters, you are the same.
I don’t have the same opinions as colesy in regards to FGS/Ice bow or any number of other issues.
I told colesy, a long time ago, to not argue on the forums with people because he was getting carried away and harming both his and our reputations. He took it to heart and chilled out quite a bit.
But I really don’t hate DnT.
Look again at the posts on this thread. It was Colesy-Nike who derailed it.
I responded to Dub’s comment long after this train was off the tracks. Colesy took it OTT, but even his comment wasn’t the first to go off topic.
Aren’t you tired of that Zelyhn ? #nohate
Nice one Fennec, that’s why you don’t do CM with us..
I wish you would just discuss normally without leashing out at Nike and DnT all the time
Anyways, Fennec doesn’t deserve the derailment.
Focusing all AOE impacts on to one spot is about as “legit” as FGS rushing walls pre-nerf.
But yeah, blame me.
This was not specific to this thread and I feel like you voiced your opinion just because Nike made an appearance in this thread.
My only problem with it is that they’re so good it’s silly to do anything else if you’re going for speed
And I am sure this is what Colesy & Co have in mind as well. Very noble of you. Very human.
But also very wrong. There will always be one thing that is better than others. I know, I know, this is not a rocket science breakthrough. But apparently this is too hard to understand for many.
If you go after the “best thing” all the time then you end up with whack-a-mole balance like Anet is doing. It is boring, and it is inefficient.
The only thing that anybody here should be complaining about is the lack of addition of new mechanics. We need additions so that the meta changes forward, not backward. Think about this for one second: if we had asked Anet to make mobs able to move and attack at the same time then there would be no FGS controversy, no IB dilemma … and less fun reading posts from DnT
My point was to say that I don’t think ANet should be asked to play “whack-a-mole” instead we could create our own rulesets to play by. If FGS was ruining things, we could have had “no FGS” records, same with IB now. It wouldn’t be all that hard to have special rulesets on GWSCR if people wanted it. That’s all I was trying to say, I don’t want them nerfing anything, I think we have the option to limit ourselves if we want to see what is possible in alternate avenues.
My only problem with it is that they’re so good it’s silly to do anything else if you’re going for speed
And I am sure this is what Colesy & Co have in mind as well. Very noble of you. Very human.
But also very wrong. There will always be one thing that is better than others. I know, I know, this is not a rocket science breakthrough. But apparently this is too hard to understand for many.
If you go after the “best thing” all the time then you end up with whack-a-mole balance like Anet is doing. It is boring, and it is inefficient.
The only thing that anybody here should be complaining about is the lack of addition of new mechanics. We need additions so that the meta changes forward, not backward. Think about this for one second: if we had asked Anet to make mobs able to move and attack at the same time then there would be no FGS controversy, no IB dilemma … and less fun reading posts from DnT
My point was to say that I don’t think ANet should be asked to play “whack-a-mole” instead we could create our own rulesets to play by. If FGS was ruining things, we could have had “no FGS” records, same with IB now. It wouldn’t be all that hard to have special rulesets on GWSCR if people wanted it. That’s all I was trying to say, I don’t want them nerfing anything, I think we have the option to limit ourselves if we want to see what is possible in alternate avenues.
People may have been opposed to FGS records but I think they were more opposed to the idea of non-FGS ones. Think of it like this:
Would you agree to a concept like “no ele records”? I see it as the same thing, people wouldn’t want it, wouldn’t like it and wouldn’t bother with it since it’s just denying yourself optimal play – and records are all about optimal play – hence why the Arah records after the wall trick went public all consisted of using it (well until SC did that p3 where they did a mega burst without even using the wall, props to them for that).
The whole alternate avenues concept is interesting though, the best example is how record times actually went faster after FGS was nerfed since people weren’t taking a year to pull bosses in to walls anymore, they just went in, killed them and this saved enough time to bring down record times.
Personally, I think to keep records interesting, something needs to be done about the pre-80 ferocity scaling, the longer boss fights in higher level paths are more interesting to watch because it allows more room for error, and watching a team execute a challenging fight seemingly effortlessly is more impressive to me. Take for example Ginva or the final bosses in HOTW story – clean kills of those would be impressive, whereas an AC explorable record basically involves running and instantly gibbing bosses (and this is regardless of ice bow usage, it happens no matter what).