Solution for long dungeon wait time.

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sargent.5649


I am a frequent dungeoner. I run everything but CM and Arah, because I find them too tedious for the reward they give. As it stands, a lot of people feel the same way about CoE and HoTW, which is why I often find myself standing outside the dungeon waiting for almost half an hour just to get one person joining a team for either dungeon. Whats worse is that CoE can become closed. Megaserver was supposed to help resolve the perma-closed dungeons, which it pretty much did for CoF, but CoE is just not popular enough and I often find myself having to solo the pre just to open it, just to stand outside for half an hour waiting for a team.
There are several reasons people refuse to dungeon, or avoid certain dungeons: 1) They find them boring. Fair enough, to each their own. 2) The reward is not worth the effort. This is where my solution comes in, something Anet should look into. A simple fix to make dungeons more popular, especially the higher level ones.

I propose a reward revamp. Nothing fancy shmancy like new skins/weaps/whatever. Just more gold. As it stands, AC gives 1.5g per path. This is the main reason it is such a popular dungeon to run. Dungeons like CoF and SE are easy to get teams for because they are quick. Also, certain paths of all dungeons are easier or faster than others, so perhaps adjusting the reward within a dungeon to make it more suited to the path you’re running might help some too. Let me break down my proposal per dungeon (and each of these remain as a once a day reward):
- All dungeons from Ascalonian Catacombs through to Citadel of the Flame should have a base reward bumped to 1.5g, instead of 1g. Harder paths, such as CoF p3 and SE p2 should be bumped to 2g, or 2.25g.
- TA Aether is almost as hard as arah so probably needs to be 3-4g reward.
- CoE and HoTW are not particularly hard, but are time consuming and not really worth a measly 1g. I believe these dungeons should have a base reward of 3g per path. Possibly 3.5g for the harder paths, though really they are all of similar difficulty level.
- Arah is by far the hardest dungeon. I have tried it on a few occasions and only ever end up rage quitting out of frustration. Thus 3g is definitely not worth it. The easiest path (i forget which it is as i never run it) should be 5g reward, the next two harder ones should be 6g, maybe 7g per path, and the hardest path, which i beleive is p4, and no one likes to do, should almost be as much as 10g per run.

Maybe the arah rewards are getting a tad high, but this is around what i feel they would have to be for me to even consider running them regularly. I wish I could run all 3 paths of HoTW/CoE every day but it almost takes longer to get a team than to run them at the moment. At the very least, these 2 and Arah need a reward boost to match their time consumption. It’s a simple thing that would take Anet a few minutes to adjust in the programming, i’m sure. Maybe longer if they were to make rewards different per path. Am I asking too much or does this sound fair to people? Thoughts?

Anet please consider this!!!

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They don’t care about dungeons, OP.

I hate to be blunt because you sound very hopeful but… there’s just no chance at them reworking anything for our dungeons. They refuse to even let 1 person there spend even a little time fixing bugs in dungeons or improving them.

To give you an example of how bad they are, one of the bosses in Arah path 2 was bugged for roughly a year and one of its attacks would instantly kill everybody on the team if someone didn’t evade it. It took nearly a year for them to fix this bug.

If something basic like that can’t get an ounce of their attention, then no offense but… your suggestions surely won’t. :x

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Hotw, I agree, not peoples favorite, but I tend to run CoE full daily. Mostly because if you do it the stacking way it’s braindead easy and quite fast, compared to dungeons like CM (unless you climb walls) and AC. Nothing faster out there than CoF P1 and P2 though.

Talking about having problems LFGing, ever tried getting the Aetherblade path on TA and successfully completing it?

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Purple Miku speaks the truth. It’s sucks, but that’s how it is.

The idea of a reward revamp has been brought up repeatedly, especially since they nerfed AC into the ground and yet it gives more gold then any other dungeon, other than Aether and Arah. Aetherpath, too, should be more in line with Arah.

It would require changing a couple of properties in an XML / header / json file somewhere. It would take a programmer an hour tops to make that change, and that includes two coffee breaks.

There have even been large, in-depth proposals made by the community where we suggested what each dungeon’s rewards should be and the reasons why, and they don’t even respond. This has been going on for months, if not years now.

Either the people making these decisions actually feel that AC should be worth more than CoE/HotW/etc, or they just don’t give a kitty. Or, there is just nobody at ArenaNet responsible for paying attention to these things and doing balance.

It’s the lowest of low hanging fruit, and yet it seems out of their reach.

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Nothing is faster than CM.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hybrid.5027


This is pretty much a non-problem. I was pugging HOTW (the most hated dungeon) every day for dungeoneer all three paths and never had trouble filling a group from the LFG in seconds or minutes.

Every group for every dungeon fills fast unless you start putting childish requirements.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Yup. I’m about to finish HotW for my Dungeoneer and even if it take a little more time, my group always fill. The maximum I had to wait for a complete group was 10min and it gave me just enough time to make some toast with nutella so perfect The problem with CoE is that the pre event is long and you don’t have a defend event like with CoF so it doesn’t stay open that often.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirta.5029


The problem with CoE is that the pre event is long and you don’t have a defend event like with CoF so it doesn’t stay open that often.

there is a defend event. At a point the place gets a big circle around it and you have to defend it from the inquest. The problem is whenever people have to do that the maximum amount of people I’ve seen at the entrance to do it was 2 counting myself. Others get out of the dungeon and port.

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


The problem with CoE is that the pre event is long and you don’t have a defend event like with CoF so it doesn’t stay open that often.

there is a defend event. At a point the place gets a big circle around it and you have to defend it from the inquest. The problem is whenever people have to do that the maximum amount of people I’ve seen at the entrance to do it was 2 counting myself. Others get out of the dungeon and port.

Oh you are right, i just checked on wiki. But I think I never saw this event ever. Each time i get out of the dungeon its either closed or open, I never saw a defend event. Maybe i’m just unlucky, but I usually always see the defend event of CoF. Maybe the duration of the event is too short compare to the length of a CoE path? Ppl never have enough time to get out of a path before the defend event finish.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Just checking, but you do use the LFG tool right? You said multiple times you stand outside of dungeons for 30 minutes – that’s not to look for a group in map chat, right?

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tom Yzf.5872

Tom Yzf.5872

Many people don’t bother with the event for CoF, the old tricks to getting past the gate still works. For a while I though there was a trick for CoE too, but it wasn’t widely known.

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


Many people don’t bother with the event for CoF, the old tricks to getting past the gate still works. For a while I though there was a trick for CoE too, but it wasn’t widely known.

There is a trick for CoE (both for getting into the room with the gate when the event chain is in the early stages, and for getting into the dungeon from the gate room). See Frifox’s YouTube channel.

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Nothing is faster than CM.

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