Some words about AC3 in Gandara server

Some words about AC3 in Gandara server

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robotukas.1673


AC3 it’s mean AC path 3. Problem is with final boss. That Warmaster npc is doesn’t make circle which is protect from us, he is concentrated to fight with boss. We tried 15 times with different strategy. It didn’t work at all. We tried put agro on us, but bnpc usually fight with boss. Also I find out, if Warmaster cast circle, so after when boss tarted use skill falling stones. So it doesn’t cast in right time which he can’t protect himself and us.

I remember that one time I done in Desolition server, because NPC always cats that circle before falling stones. In Gandara server it usually after that skill which is not helpfull anymore, or doesn’t cast at all.

Does some have same issues or we doing something wrong.

We try:
Put all agro from npc to ne side, so to us.
We tried keep alive as soon as possible (problem is that npc doesn’t cast circle, it just fighting with boss until falling stones kill him)

also a problem is that npc doesn’t resurrect to WP. So you have to resurect him with half health and he going straight away to kill boss. So question, why boss is with full health?

(edited by Robotukas.1673)

Some words about AC3 in Gandara server

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Hey there,

There are a few different threads on this topic already, but here’s one of them:

And here’s a thread on the overall changes of AC:

It’s possible to take off the Colossus’ 4 stacks of defiance and then interrupt it before the rock fall animation. Also, fighting him near the southern pillars/ruin might help a bit too. Yes, Grast sometimes does his attack instead of throwing up the bubble, so it might help stabilizing/healing him while another person aggros/tanks the Colossus.

I agree it is a little difficult to finish Path 3 at the time, but not impossible. In my experience, I usually run Path 3 with PUGs, so my experiences are all different. Sometimes we are able to have Grast throw up the bubble just fine and the run takes 10-15 minutes, and other times we were unable to protect him but still able to finish the run in 60 min or under.

edit: I forgot to mention that I stay clear of Path 3 at the moment, since there are some bugs. I’m sure Arenanet will tweak something though, so we all just have to be patient


(edited by Danireathorn.2814)

Some words about AC3 in Gandara server

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robotukas.1673


Hey there,

There are a few different threads on this topic already, but here’s one of them:

And here’s a thread on the overall changes of AC:

It’s possible to take off the Colossus’ 4 stacks of defiance and then interrupt it before the rock fall animation. Also, fighting him near the southern pillars/ruin might help a bit too. Yes, Grast sometimes does his attack instead of throwing up the bubble, so it might help stabilizing/healing him while another person aggros/tanks the Colossus.

I agree it is a little difficult to finish Path 3 at the time, but not impossible. In my experience, I usually run Path 3 with PUGs, so my experiences are all different. Sometimes we are able to have Grast throw up the bubble just fine and the run takes 10-15 minutes, and other times we were unable to protect him but still able to finish the run in 60 min or under.

How I can interrupt with Warrior GS? At this point no need Warmaster. What is idea in AC3 with npc Warmaster. At least WoW have proper classes, in GW You have build system. For each dungeon, PvP, WvW you have to chose different build, also you have take build depend on party. That is really bad idea that they made in this game. You need reset and reset and reset if you want do something. It sucks. I think I will back after year, I don’t like because they made annoying build system. GW1 is best game in build system and you have templates. So anytime you can quickly switch you build. in this game is sucks.

Some words about AC3 in Gandara server

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


This link might help clarify interrupts :

Click on the Daze, Fear, Knockback, Launch, Pull, Push to see which skills each class can use.

Again, the Grast bug has been experienced and I am sure that something will be tweaked.

It’s understandable that GW 2 is different from WoW and also from GW 1, and you should play whatever you feel like playing. I think the great thing about GW 2 is the fact that you spend money one time to buy the game and you don’t have to pay monthly so you can take however long breaks you wish.

Hopefully this one experience won’t deter you from playing other aspects of GW 2!


Some words about AC3 in Gandara server

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LiveTwo Let Die.6832

LiveTwo Let Die.6832

Had the same problem many times with the npc fighting rather than pion his bubble, got to the point where we just resorted to the “safe” spot and killed him. Sad it sometimes has to resort to that but spending 10s in repairs and just getting nowhere takes it toll.

Some words about AC3 in Gandara server

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810
