Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xazereth.4058



Sooo…I just got done with Sorrow’s Embrace. And apparently my last thread contributing my opinion to the community was considered “frivolous”, so I’m going to attempt to make this constructive as possible.

My group was in Sorrow’s Embrace for about 2 and a half hours. The amount of mobs in the dungeon was obscene. I am really too upset to even attempt to use the english language appropriately to accurately convey my severe and utmost disappointment in this game’s definition of PvE.

Were these dungeons beta tested?

My group was unable to complete the dungeon – most human beings require about 8 hours of sleep per day, therefor we were unable to finish. I would attempt this dungeon (or any of them) again, but I have plans to finish my education, perhaps meet a woman, start a family and acquire my own property at some point. I am curious as to what the developers plan to change regarding the level of fun in PvE. I am also curious as to their definition of “difficulty”. Is their definition of “difficulty” in correlation to the amount of money spent in repairs, the number of times the players die, or the damage that players receive per hit from mobs? I really don’t think you can fathom my level of frustration at this point.

Two posts ago I vowed to never do a dungeon again. I was a hypocrite. This time you will truly not catch me in another dungeon again. I enjoyed CM, but it seems that has been taken away from me as well. I feel this is an appropriate comparison to PvE in this game.

Take a World of Warcraft 10 man raid. But only put 5 warlocks wearing no armor into the raid. Then have the 5 warlocks attempt to complete said raid.

My question is…what do YOU think of PvE and what do you think can be done to improve the system?


Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Adzy.8370


First I just want to ask you to state what level you are, how geared you are, and a bit of insight of your party composition (what levels/gear were they).

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xazereth.4058


I believe we had 2 level 62’s, 2 level 80’s, and a level 73. I was one of the 80’s. I have 3 or 4 pieces of yellow gear (lv 80) and a bunch of level 80 blues/greens, all appropriately upgraded.

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prime.9450


Are we talking about Explorer modes?

Ranger Nova Stark – Far Shiverpeaks [EU]

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xazereth.4058


No, sir. We are talking about story mode.

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Sorrow’s Embrace is level 60. A level 60+ party wearing blues should be able to complete SE but since it’s over-tuned at some points this makes it very difficult.

Party composition shouldn’t matter, as stated by ArenaNet. Story Mode or Exploration Mode. The whole point of no holy trinity is to take any group make up you want.

Its just sad how hard Story Modes are due to over-tuning and bugs.

I know I don’t even care to to dungeons anymore, which suck because i love doing them!! And after the last 2 nights it seems others don’t want to do them also, it’s getting harder and harder to get a group for them.

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: arji.7192


I did it 2 days ago and i think it was the harder story mode that i ve did so far!! With peek the boss before the last one! I am happy that its over and that i dont have to run it again. Not becouse i hate it, just becouse we wiped endless times. Was fun, wont be missed)

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Adzy.8370


Don’t be disheartened, once you get to level 80 you will most likely be geared enough to do the dungeon. And trust me, there won’t be much else to do.

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xazereth.4058


Well I already am level 80…and yeah…man, I’m so bummed : \

I understand this game has just been released….but really where was the beta testing for this? I waited patiently all summer….I would have gladly told them 5 months ago the dungeons need a little more tweaking…

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prime.9450


The only hard part of SE SM is Kudu’s fire golem (and it relates to melee classes). Stacking condition removers will help here.

Cant recall what else is HARD in SM… 1st champ is easy, then AoE lots of dredge after clearing mortars, survive Inquest ambush and… last boss is a cake walk.

2.5 hours? BTW I did it with guys who were lvling in relative location. We were all like 60-65. Please tell me exact moments where you feel this dungeon is very HARD.

Ranger Nova Stark – Far Shiverpeaks [EU]

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xazereth.4058


We just died 1,000,000 times. I never said it was hard. My main complaint: it could not be completed in a reasonable amount of time, there was an idiotic amount of trash mobs to be cleared, etc etc etc etc. You get the picture. Look, I really like the game. I just want to be able to enjoy the dungeons. I was a little angry, but I am not giving up on Arenanet or Guild Wars 2.

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eyevan.6027


A lot of the dungeons, I feel, are just too much of a hassle to be enjoyed. Along with being far too long (Majority of length comes from the fact that every monster is elite and come in packs of 3. Then bosses seeming to have an infinite amount of health).
I honestly love a lot of the ideas they had for them, but sometimes it’s just far too much. Protecting Magg at the Kaboom door in CoF/E is ridiculous, imo. You can’t kill the monsters fast enough, and kiting them only buys you so much time. I feel if they’re going to make these mobs have THAT much HP and spawn as fast as they do and as much as they do, they should nerf the damage they can do. You can’t really outrun them without a buff of sorts (Which would sacrifice another, or will be on cooldown), then when a ranger spawns it’s just even more “FML”. If they’re going to make them easier (As in majority of the monsters can be killed in the time it takes to spawn), then they can spawn them in larger groups and spread more across the room.
I understand that they want the token rewards to not be a cake walk, but they shouldn’t make it so obnoxious to the point that people will be turned off from doing them. I wanna say “OH FUN, THAT PERSON IS DOING CoF or CoE! I’LL JOIN THEM”, not “… I don’t know if I want to do it, I only ever hear people talking about how much of a waste of time CoE is, or how CoF is now, in Map chat”.