Sorrow's Embrace path 1 bugged, immediate fix needed

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 bugged, immediate fix needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rezo.4815


The grenadiers kept spawning after pulling the second boss, the waves of 4 grenadiers are so hard to kill they spawn even before the other one is killed, they do not dissapear when they run to the far back of the room.
You can’t possibly expect people to KILL these things every wave when they keep on coming. I think my full exotic group wiped about 12 times before giving up when the grenadiers spawned on the second boss and wiped us.
This makes this dungeon the leakittenn and most frustrating dungeon in the game since dont get me wrong, i have killed the last boss in the 1st path but it takes a million wipes even with a well geared group.
You could assume that if players played well you shouldn’t wipe even once in a dungeon but i don’t see how it is possible in this dungeon with not bugging the grenadier spawn.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

(edited by Rezo.4815)

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 bugged, immediate fix needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AusterlitZ.7941


drag them to the corner,die there,then use the tp and go to the boss

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 bugged, immediate fix needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rezo.4815


I learned something new today, you cant combine the word “least” with the word “fun” without it turning into leakittenn

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 bugged, immediate fix needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rezo.4815


drag them to the corner,die there,then use the tp and go to the boss

No dungeon should ever require you to die in order to complete it unless it is a deliberate mechanic.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 bugged, immediate fix needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AusterlitZ.7941


drag them to the corner,die there,then use the tp and go to the boss

No dungeon should ever require you to die in order to complete it unless it is a deliberate mechanic.

i know,but this way the OP can finish the dungeon until arenanet patches the bug

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 bugged, immediate fix needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xhaine.4120


Me and my guildies can do all 3 paths every day.

Not all of us are in exotics and some never ran it before. Just to get those introductions out of the way.

Path 1 does seem bugged and the grenaders have a lot of HP and hit pretty hard in area of effect type skills applying freeze and poison. Spread out.

We also noticed that they only send another wave of these grenaders when you kill all of them.

Therefore we came up with the idea to keep one alive. One grenader is not that big of a deal. The first boss we clear and let him throw grenades at us. Then we have one person kite him with us through all the destructable gates.

The second boss we 4 man him and have one person keep the last grenader at bay away from the group, but not too far as to help. But far enough to keep the 4 out of the grenade range. This I took at my job, I am a warrior with a shield/mace and gun. with gun I was able to move side to side shooting while dodging every grenade. You have enough time to go from one side to the other before the grenade hits, and reflect the occasional one back.

Once you complete the boss kill the last gate and take the grenader with you. Once you leave the ramp kill him and you’ll see another pack spawn at the 2nd bosses location but they will not come after you. Even if you aggro them they will not come down that ramp.

The rest of that dungeon is easy. I can explain each boss if need be though.

- Xhaine, Warrior spec’d 30 defense, 30 tactics, 10 strength

Sorrow's Embrace path 1 bugged, immediate fix needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Did this today with pug. Took them while to realize that we should just skip grenadiers (like run past, you know :P).
Grenadiers won’t bother you if you are near closed door in the boss.
Alternatively just make one guy tank one of them.