Sorrows Embrace a dead dungeon
Difficulty can be a bit subjective, all of the paths are certainly possible to complete even with an “average” group provided they come prepared.
The real problem with this dungeon is just the length. I’m all for having dungeons of variable length, but the average time to complete for an average group should certainly be a factor in deciding the rewards.
A good group can clear CoF path 1 in under 10 minutes. This path gives more coin than most other dungeon paths in a small time. Additionally, the tokens you get on the run are more valuable than most other dungeons as well since you can buy salvageable 70+ rares with only 30 tokens to convert to ectos.
After some of the more serious bugs and balancing issues are worked out, I hope arena net does another pass over the pre-existing dungeons to make them more worthwhile to run. Add some unique skins to each dungeon that can drop from the bosses, chests, etc. Make it so it’s worthwhile to kill trash, champions and bosses instead of skipping, etc. People will come back to these instances if this happens.
I use and I never have problems finding groups who are doing SE. I understand where you’re coming from for the weapon skins but CoE is the same way is it not?
Also SE path 2 is shorter than Arah path 1 and probably shorter than HotW path 2 and 3.
I wish the paths were more equal, SE path 3 takes 15 minutes or something, I did path 1 recently out of curiosity but have no desire to do path 1 again.
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
I enjoy path 3 but I dont need any gear from SE so I never bothered to try for path 1 groups. Maybe if I ever got the bug to chase the Dungeon Master title I would. But its enough that I’ve seen a little of the content and enjoyed it. But admittedly I’m somewhat of the more casual player and have to pick and choose what my time goes towards in game.
My group does path 1 almost daily, it takes about 15 minutes in a decent group. The others take longer so we don’t usually bother.
p1 and 2 aren’t just much harder than majority of paths in all dungeons but the gear from SE is plain fugly. Like all weapons are copy/pasted but in red lol i so want one…. Armors looks bulky and ugly. No point of doing SE
Path 3 is exceptionally short if you skip mobs. Path 1 is short if you manage to do what you are required to.
Path 2 takes 40 minutes and some players seem to have a hard time with the end bosses.
This dungeon isn’t too bad.
How is SE path 3 difficult? After the first boss – a doorway will open up, once you clear out the mobs you can drop down the nearby ledge and have your group destroy the barricade and then make your way through to the next area.
Sure, you agro all the mobs but the way point is up ahead so at this point, it does not matter if you “die”.
You have a choice of a quick run, or a long run if you wish to fight every mob in the dungeon. You have to look at it from this point of view.
“Why is there such a disparity in dungeon design, length, and difficulty when compared to other dungeons? This only kills content.”
- If every dungeon is going to be like CoF path 1, where it takes 10-15 mins to clear then I would just quit this game. I only prefer to run Arah path 4 daily BECAUSE of the challenge and when I loose? It just means that myself or my party member is not good enough for this dungeon – Fine a better combination. Honesty, I don’t really care about the tokens.
SE is not difficult at all and does take a bit of team cooperation for Path 1+2 to work, but the fact that nobody does this dungeon and is extremely hard to find a group for either explorable or story mode is rediculous. Something must be done to bring back people to this dungeon because I’m in dire need of 200ish SE tokens for my legendary and it has been on hold for a couple months now because of this dungeon!
Except for p1, I did the other 2 paths twice…didn’t find them hard. Best if someone in the party is has already done it. And as for as no one does this dungeon…I just completed all the paths for the first time in the past 2 days…use….
(I admit story mode was harder…but when I say harder I mean gw2lfg only had 1 post…)
Some shortcuts for SE3 are.
After first boss kill the wave the comes, drop down ledge on left, if you have a thief refuge. Instead of killing the barricade go to the left side of it and jump over. After the bridge take a left on a ledge drop down to the ramp and follow it around to the second boss.
“NO NO NO” after killing boss 2 run past all the trash and drop down behind some boxes on a ledge, kill the APC without the mobs being able to hit back. Jump down get your chest and run past all the mobs and champions till the door opens, take a left into that room and just on ledge at end of it. all the mobs will de aggro except general boss, kill him. Then pull final boss without aggroing the adds and kill him.
I always do the dungeons the proper way without skipping anything the first few times, so I’m still not aware of how fast path 1 speed run can be done.
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
“The weapon rewards are also simple reskins of widely available Asuran weapons that can be bought for copper from the AH.”
Anybody want to talk about this? The skins are recolor of a 1st tier asuran weapons. They should have made some dredge weapon design to match the armor.
P1 exploit involves a mesmer portal. Bypasses the stupid unlimited waves of asuran.
Found out recently, never done it myself
i actually love the red glyphic weapons (both red and blue). i’ll agree it doesn’t match the armour though. nor do i really see where the connection is with the dungeon itself. but i love ’em. : ))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
i actually love the red glyphic weapons (both red and blue). i’ll agree it doesn’t match the armour though. nor do i really see where the connection is with the dungeon itself. but i love ’em. : ))
i have the pistol & shield, as well as a full armor set for my charr engineer. Its just that it doesn’t feel like an achievement when it looks so similar to normal asuran weps painted red. I will probably transmute them soon. ;(