Speedruns: Thor Elem or Zerk War?
Warrior, it’s always warrior.
idk, but this is my ele
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
Still not on par with warrior.
The Ele’s damage is still less than what the warrior can dish out in burst and over time. Warrior’s damage is more consistent and doesn’t sacrifice utility slots. The Ele is also reliant on cool downs to be effective. If you’re stuck waiting then you’re not effective since your build likely centers around them. You’re also stonewalling yourself from using your attunements to help out your group.
Absoulutely warrior. Meta for zerging is 4 zerk war / 1 zerk mes. For fractals it’s 1-2 guardians, 1-2 warriors, 1 mes, and/or an ele. For higher level dungeons (Arah/CoE/etc) it’s 1 guardian, 3 warriors, 1 mesmer.
Let me preface with this: I play and separately enjoy both for different tasks.
At this point though, i’d have to say warrior. Conjured hammer is super nice but when you use it you can’t swap like a warrior(gs+axe/*) can and someone else can easily grief your 2nd hammer leaving you to wait on the cooldown. Also the transition is very jarring when you run out of charges, it takes me a second to re-orient myself.
If they made ele conjures exactly like engi kits then we could have a discussion but for now theyre just a novelty(the skill, not the whole profession).
Hands down, the warrior is “easier” and “superior” in the world of the PUG.
But if you are talking about a guild group clearing Arah or Fractals, or heck even coordinated speed clears of dungeons… Elementalist-heavy group will hands down win in pure damage potential, and thus clear time.
Additionally, for what its worth, Fiery Great Sword’s insane levels of mobility outshine the warrior’s greatsword for the minute it’s active, making running through certain content even easier, even for other professions since they can pick it up. Giving an ally this weapon or the hammer can also improve total damage for the team as well, assuming they are using weaker alternatives (ranger/mesmer’s especially).
It’s depending on the dungeon. In AC you’d need 3 warriors to put out as much damage as one single ele, in CoF it’s the opposite.
At some encounters 3 Warriors + 1 Mes + 1 Ele will be more effective than 4 Warriors 1 Mesmer, but for that some requirements must be met. Partly also Thieves top warriors damage but the good thing about warriors is that the team does not have to communicate and everyone can just click his Skills on recharge.
But if you are talking about a guild group clearing Arah or Fractals, or heck even coordinated speed clears of dungeons… Elementalist-heavy group will hands down win in pure damage potential, and thus clear time.
Tanky guardian+3 dps warriors+mesmer is still THE best party to clear any dungeon.
Well, if we’re talking ’bout competent groups.
I suppose eles are god for uncoordinated pugs, where you must rely on self-sustain more than teamwork.
Warriors. Not my opinion, its the communities, just showing you so you dont make a mistake. My warrior can hit 35k-50k+. Id like to see thief/ele do that. Guess how? Other warriors utilities, buffing me
Source: Goto gw2lfg.com, type in “Warrior” then type in “Ele”. See which are wanted on runs more.
Dont take any sole person’s opinion as fact here, as it doesnt matter what they think. Remember your trying to get in multiple groups, over multiple days, in multiple dungeons. You need to go with whats popular, even if some people believe it to be ineffective otherwise on forums.
My guardian can hit for 100-150k+.
Warriors. Not my opinion, its the communities, just showing you so you dont make a mistake. My warrior can hit 35k-50k+. Id like to see thief/ele do that. Guess how? Other warriors utilities, buffing me
Source: Goto gw2lfg.com, type in “Warrior” then type in “Ele”. See which are wanted on runs more.
Dont take any sole person’s opinion as fact here, as it doesnt matter what they think. Remember your trying to get in multiple groups, over multiple days, in multiple dungeons. You need to go with whats popular, even if some people believe it to be ineffective otherwise on forums.
In the right circumstances Ele’s Firey Greatsword out dpses anything and everything. I also wouldn’t site gw2lfg as any sort of proof as they are unable to think for themselves and will just go with the flavor of the month. If someone tells them 4 wars/1 mes is the fastest cof they’ll believe it regardless of whether or not its true.
ofc 4 ele and 1 mes want be good but 2 war 2 ele and 1 mesmer can be faster then 4 war and 1 mesmer for me.
ps. (fiery gs skill1 all hit 10-12k, skill 3 all hit 22-30k, skill 4 1,6-2k each tick, skill 5 3-4k each hit) are you sure a war can do more dps? im not. till we dont have a dpsmeter can never know.
pss. i dont consider what ppl locking for in gw2lfg.
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
I have both an Ele and warrior and warrior deals more damage in burst and over time. Warrior is also doesn’t have to sacrifice utility skills or deal with long cool downs which those summoned weapons have.
If you want to prove that Ele does more damage then prove it in a video over the course of an entire dungeon. The video near the top of the pages doesn’t do that.
I’m not sure. Hammer deals 29k in 2.7 Sek. 100b deals 35k in 3.5 sec AND has 6 1/2 sec cd. If you already have 2 Warriors, elementarists are imho stronger.
… the good thing about warriors is that the team does not have to communicate and everyone can just click his Skills on recharge.
And that’s the only thing I hate about how Warriors are designed.
Warrior = PvE Easy Mode
Many other classes can provide similar levels of DPS and support, but they require more effort which means more risk to the group that the player might be bad.
My guardian can hit for 100-150k+.
Yeah man, that hawk didn’t stand a chance
Unless I’m mistaken, all summoned weapons have charges. You can easily burn through these before the weapon summon duration is up. What do you do in between cool downs? Your dps drastically falls and you cannot support your team.
He did, I barely managed to defeat him. Though I wasn’t talking about critters.
Unless I’m mistaken, all summoned weapons have charges. You can easily burn through these before the weapon summon duration is up. What do you do in between cool downs? Your dps drastically falls and you cannot support your team.
hammer with 25 stack and you got another 1 when the first is finished for the trash and gs for the boss all this is enough for have always 1 on hand
sorry i forgot something else, fire grab crit 18k and churning heart 21k
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
(edited by SoliSnake.9457)
Many other classes can provide similar levels of DPS and support, but they require more effort which means more risk to the group that the player might be bad.
Which ones? I’d like to know how any other profession can buff as much as a warrior while still dealing good damage.
Guardians and engies. You just need 1 warrior for banners/fury.
1 warrior can’t grand 100% Fury uptime, cd on Battlestandart is too high. You need at least 2.
And when warrior deals only good damage, well, then guardians deal crap damage. And no, Wall of Reflection does not count.
Great argumentation.
Oh come one, don’t take that so seriously
Appart from Wall, what high-dps skill a guard can offer? And you cant use this skill against every boss.
How much might do you offer for your group? Other buffs, like banners? Vulnerability?
Guardian deals similiar dps to warrior if he gets fury from outside source or is constantly burning. And asking about guardian buffs is a bit silly.
Guardian deals similiar dps to warrior if he gets fury from outside source or is constantly burning.
Vid or didn’t happen.And asking about guardian buffs is a bit silly.
It’s a rethorical question. Appart from 4-5 might you don’t offer any offensive Support for your team.
Btw, I dont say Guardians are bad. One Guardian/Team is awesome. But you sound like 1 Warrior + 4 Guardians new meta. And that kinda surprises me, since I know you are a decent player.
(edited by Molch.2078)
Have I really said something about 4 guardians? I’m saying that one or two guardians (dps ones, not so-called anchors) won’t make you that much slower in harder content than cof1.
OP here.
1- I was talking about highest dps over a run with a min maxed team. So thats without someone stealing your hammer or having to ask yourself if the guys is a decent player or not. Otherwise we’ll all take rangers and warriors because they are easier not to suck with.
2- As for Lightning Hammer charges: With 25 charges you rarely need the second hammer on most boss events. If need be the second 25 charges gets you way beyond summoning cooldown so its almost a non issue.
Using Burning Speed/Fire Grab/Ring of Fire/Earthquake one in a while before grabing another hammer is, I think, a DPS improvement.
3- I always seen CFG as an “ok” tool for mobile dps. I would really like to see the calculations of people stating its the best dps possible (this is not a taunt).
4- I am amazed how people still get confused by channeling damage. Last hit from 100b and from CFG#1 doesnt deal what it says, its the added damage. Quit saying “lol I hit for 50k” nonsense.
5- “What gw2lfg thinks” is ridiculous. People are sheeps and most of them have no idea whatsoever of what is good or bad.
As for the “fotm” meta, its about the same. Look at Elems, a couple of month ago they were underdogs and widely considered as underpowered and weak. After 3 patches of pure nerf its all about “OMG D/D Elem is so OP”… seriously.
Guardian deals similiar dps to warrior if he gets fury from outside source or is constantly burning. And asking about guardian buffs is a bit silly.
The question of the guardian is off topic but yet interesting.
Burn as a DPS source isnt always reliable. It stacks in duration. That means all the burns you apply are wasted if, from you or another source, its already 100% uptime.
Spirit Weapons in WvW and Agony Fractals is stupid. I think this game really needs to have AoE immune pet feature.
I meant guardian being burnt, not applying burning.
I meant guardian being burnt, not applying burning.
There are way more reliable ways to gain perma Fury, having a ranger or an auramancer is probably easier. Fury btw isnt such a incredible dps increase.
There are way more reliable ways to gain perma Fury, having a ranger or an auramancer is probably easier.
Ranger for speed runs? Zephyr’s boon was nerfed enough that taking 3-4 signets fire aura spammer isn’t viable for speedruns.
Fury btw isnt such a incredible dps increase.
No, but it is the leverege group of warriors has over other proffesions.
I meant guardian being burnt, not applying burning.
There are way more reliable ways to gain perma Fury, having a ranger or an auramancer is probably easier. Fury btw isnt such a incredible dps increase.
Fury is an incredible DPS increase, what are you talking about? A maxed out Berserker (of any class) benefits incredibly from Fury. Mathematically speaking, if you had maximum Critical Damage, you would on average be getting about 20% more damage output with Fury.
Of course it’s not the only thing Warriors get with FGJ, but that’s nothing to scoff at.
I don’t know about you guys, but I once ran Arah exp with a staff ele, zerk war, and here’s the best part, engi(me), ranger and necro. It was a piece of cake, had no problems at all.
I don’t believe in profession priority, guild wars 2 depends more on skill rather than on gear and profession.
Another day, I decided to roll the same path of Arah, this time, I rolled my zerk warrior. We had the same guardian, the same necro, but instead of the staff ele and the zerk warrior, we had a thief and a guardian. They were both well geared with exotics, but kitten kitten they were useless. I could not remember the amount of times we wiped at lupi. They couldn’t dodge the AoE, they complained that they can only dodge twice because they’re too stupid to realise that they can walk out of the AoE if they can.
I’m just saying that doing dungeons mostly depends on player skill and experience.
My engineer is full berserker geared and uses a static discharge rifle crit build. I feel much more useful than condition damage or support tank. Wouldn’t you guys think a 3.5k crit hip shot(auto attack) is great?
I don’t know about you guys, but I once ran Arah exp with a staff ele, zerk war, and here’s the best part, engi(me), ranger and necro. It was a piece of cake, had no problems at all.
I don’t believe in profession priority, guild wars 2 depends more on skill rather than on gear and profession.
Another day, I decided to roll the same path of Arah, this time, I rolled my zerk warrior. We had the same guardian, the same necro, but instead of the staff ele and the zerk warrior, we had a thief and a guardian. They were both well geared with exotics, but kitten kitten they were useless. I could not remember the amount of times we wiped at lupi. They couldn’t dodge the AoE, they complained that they can only dodge twice because they’re too stupid to realise that they can walk out of the AoE if they can.
I’m just saying that doing dungeons mostly depends on player skill and experience.
My engineer is full berserker geared and uses a static discharge rifle crit build. I feel much more useful than condition damage or support tank. Wouldn’t you guys think a 3.5k crit hip shot(auto attack) is great?
This was mostly theorical thread. Side question what Engie spec makes Zerker gear better than rampager?
lightning hammer is limited to X charges so no no no
Its 25×2 charges, more than what you need to hit constantly and be large on cooldown.