(edited by Wethospu.6437)
Starting a dungeon guide: gw2dungeons.net
Link not working atm for me. Be it with the www. or without it. If you just created the domain name, it’s normal don’t worry about it
Yeah host seems to have some issues. If it doesn’t work out soon I will ask for a refund.
I really liked your text guides. Not much to add, just gj.
It looks like a good start, but the one path I really looked at (CM P1) has some incorrect info and could really use some more detail in places.
How would one contribute, just through the feedback on the site?
Either reply here or send me pm/email.
I haven’t that path for ages so it’s really old info.
I like the little running man symbol for the running sequences
edit: just realized that it’s not a symbol for all the running sequences…whoops
Nice work wethospu. One technical issue I’m having is that when I click on mob for info, I can’t seem to get rid of the info panel (remains covering up part of the browser).
To me these guides seem more of a ‘what to do/where to go’ instead of a ‘how to do it’, which is unnecessary imo. It needs more tactics and tricks for these guides to be useful. It has some already, which is great, but it really needs more because people only look for guides if they don’t know how to do a certain section.
Far Shiverpeaks
still not working on my side, might have to refresh my personnal dns though, or if someone can give me the IP of the server, i’ll update my host file ^^
It has been working quite nicely recently.
Nice work wethospu. One technical issue I’m having is that when I click on mob for info, I can’t seem to get rid of the info panel (remains covering up part of the browser).
Yeah, that’s one of the primary issues. Neck is trying to find a solution which would work better.
To me these guides seem more of a ‘what to do/where to go’ instead of a ‘how to do it’, which is unnecessary imo. It needs more tactics and tricks for these guides to be useful. It has some already, which is great, but it really needs more because people only look for guides if they don’t know how to do a certain section.
I’m not exactly sure what you looking for. I’m not really going to tell people how to use skills or move your character.
(edited by Wethospu.6437)
I don’t mean to speak for Celly but it is one of the things I noticed yesterday. In your CM P1 guide you have:
Way to Victoria
2 enemy groups. Kill or skip.
That probably isn’t very helpful to somone who has never done the path, or just doesn’t remember it which I assume is your audience here.
A quick mention of whcih enemies we would be encounting, and the order in which to kill them or what path you take to run away would be uch more helpful.
That said I do appreciate the work you put in so far, and it is a very nice start. This is something I would like to see developed more, I think there is definitely a place for an all text guide to the dungeon paths, I know that I woudl prefer that to having to watch videos all of the time.
I would be willing to help out but I can never remember the exact order of encounters out of game. I know what to do when I get there, but no matter how many times I run a path I have a hard time getting the order right in my head.
That’s simply because this is just a start. It’s not supposed to be finished. I’m going to work on it and eventually it will get better.
Everyone is invited to improve the guides i guess.
Wonderful idea, i’ll probably write some extended speedrun information.
I always use the attached selfmade map for AC p3 because I sometimes have a hard time remembering all 15 positions.
I’m no designer, so it looks terrible – still gives a clear idea of what to expect though.
Thanks for starting this, it will see a lot of use for both experienced and new dungeoneers.
You might want to add a comment extension such as Disqus which is commonly used so people can leave feedback. It also helps with SEO a lot plus it can turn into monetary gain if you choose that option.
a few remarks I have, because AC is the first dungeon, I feel it’s necessary to give a bit more advice than for other dungeons.
AC p1/3:
when the selection dialog comes up, everybody can move down the stairs. once a path is chosen, a burrow will spawn as soon as someone passes the two npc explorers at the top of the stair. if everybody walks down the stairs before selecting the path, this burrow won’t spawn.
AC spider queen:
meleeing her will keep her from using her hardest hitting attack: the big AoE poison fields. for this to happen, nobody should dodge, sidestep or even move. then she becomes trivial. as soon as someone moves though, she may use her poison field which forces everybody to run around. the duration of the field is long enough so she will attack again before they clear, which usually means once there are fields, you won’t be able to meelee her again.
stacking in the corner next to the stairs behind the pillar or in the little alcove on the left side of the room get her to come to you into melee range while you’re safe from the gargoyle heads.
traps aoe circles after the spider room are a bit smaller than the actual effect. when running up the safespots can very well kill you because you get hit by 2 traps. if unsure, better stay in one trap and avoid the next one completely. traps do always 2k damage, if you specced heavily into vitality, you might lose less than 50% each hit. if that happens, you have too much vitality.
guardian: use stand your ground or wall of reflection when he raises his hand
mesmer: use feedback when he raises his hand
thief: use smokescreen when he raises his hand
all: if you have trouble timing the dodge, walk behind a pillar when he raises his hand.
blocks & reflections work but he will still use his spinning attack. interrupting his pull may get him to immediately start spinning.
p1 burrows:
guardian: stand your ground or stability field are extremely useful for the south-eastern burrow, which immediately spawns two knock-down enemies which can interrupt the icebow bearer
p1 before 5 pieces:
the hallway after the grubs spawns the oozes only if someone walks straight through. if everybody uses the small detour to the left, the oozes won’t spawn.
p1 howler king:
it’s best to wait until he walks to the back of the room before you start fighting. near the entrance he often gets stuck in a corner where no firefields spawn and his cone attack will be hard to get behind.
p3: ele and the person with the highest power (crit irrelevant unfortunately) should take turns using icebows #4. the other 3 players should focus gravelings (knockdown) and give each burrow the rest if one icebow is not enough.
if a burrow doesn’t fall with one single icebow #4, use any passives (signets etc) to improve your power or let the rest of the group generate might (guardian staff #4 is for once useful here). if you’re fast enough with your #4 attack, you can avoid most spawns except a few hatchlings.
p3 rumblus:
one of his auto attacks has a long range knockback. stand to a wall to avoid getting knocked out of your shieldbubble. guardians should maintain aoe stability and condition cleanse if possible (consecrations and stand your ground).
(edited by Oranisagu.3706)
So got the IP of the server on which you are hosted ( and finally was able to access the site. I looked at arah P3 and activated tips & exploits in the settings.
I think you know them and the site might be just showing Warrior & Guardian. But some quick additional tips you might add for mesmers:
- General Arah tip for mesmer/guardians/engis, they should be using reflect skills… tons of times I end up with groups that don’t use reflection skills in arah /sad
- Pretty much every time you have WoR / SoA / #5 shield tips as guardian, you can add a mesmer tip for feedback.
- For non reflect mesmer: they can still use warden phantasm to block projectiles on group on turrets to block them while group kills.
- For reflect mesmer: they can use focus #4 and #5 to kill turrets
- Corrupted light #1 can be soloed with all classes. As mesmer #2 with portal + speed + blink
- Feedback on lupicus
stand under it & all ^^ (seems that tip does not show up on all lupicus path guide for me)
- Arah P3: Warriors, Engis, Guardians can skip the running part after Wraithlord Crusher/Hunter by using leap skills
- Arah P1: On the right before first jotun boss, there is a rock platform on which you can climb. It is also a safe spot for ooze and can be used as a stop point in the skipping. Much nearer to jotun than coral tree
Gotta run, i ll look at caudecus after
(edited by Chryzo.8906)
I enjoyed the class tips, it was something I had been looking for for some time now. Please add more.
Mesmer feedback works on last boss in Arah 1.
Very nice! Thank you for making this resource.
Oh forgot to say about arah the tons of places where a mesmer can do a portal in order to help group skip tons of stuff
This is pretty awesome Wethospu.
One thing I would have found useful when I was learning dungeons would have been a concise summary of what “type” of skills to bring for each fight, i.e. reflects, condition removal, revives, blinds, stability. Especially when re-running a dungeon that I’ve forgotten a bit, reading the whole fight summary can be a bit time-consuming while in a group, but a quick “bring these types of utilities” would allow one to go into the fight prepared. Adding enough class-specific tips could incorporate this too, but right now non-guardian tips seem pretty lacking.
I have a ton of necro and engi tips if you’re interested; I’ll PM you the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Yeah, class-specific tips are supposed to fill that vacuum.
Great info you got there!
(Overay in google chrome is off but on other browsers it works really well. Also the settings are really a great tool!)
I don’t see anything unusual on my chrome. Could you take a screenshot please so we can investigate and fix it?
(edited by Wethospu.6437)
Run and Stack on clipboard for easy pasting.
btw, it looks nice.
(edited by Mesket.5728)
Excellent project!
My thoughts: I had actually wanted to do this exact thing a few days back since I wanted to come up with the best rotation to make the most amount of gold per day, guess you beat me to it.
Few recommendations:
1. Speed Clear: Post 2 guides for each path, one should be speed clear which will be tailored for the hardcore players. The 2nd guide can be super comprehensive, that’s how your current ones are(This would be for players who don’t like to skip trash mobs). The other way you can implement this is to make everything optional appear in a different font color, although to keep it simple and clear it might be better to have maybe the speed clear appear below the comprehensive guide.
Edit: This is no longer needed, I saw that you can go into Settings and enable something
2. Pictures: amount to a 1000 words, specifically where should a party stand when fighting a boss, this can make a fight either a face roll or extremely difficult depending on the encounter. You still did a great job being descriptive in most of your paths.
3. Composition: This used to be a big part of guides back in GW1 days, here is an example: Carry 3 DPS, 1 guardian(reflect party support), 1 thief (skip mobs unlock waypoints) – Could be the optimal configuration for lets day P2 of Arah or something etc. Each path has encounters that caters to certain mechanics and having a class that is more effective that can make the run super easy.
4. Estimated Time: This can be a good measure for a team to find out whether they need to make improvements for their future endeavors or they have truly mastered it all. I am personally all about speed clear and always looking for a way to improve.
Thanks for the time and effort for creating this, I can see this tool being used extensively by the community – Possibly even Anet can use this to revamp the dungeons that reward only 1g and scale it to an appropriate amount based on difficulty and time.
Also I will be willing to send you screenshots etc. if you need any help more improvements.
(edited by ZilentNight.5089)
Being the kind of person I am, I would love it if the guide had some pictures. I don’t run dungeons often, but I feel like this would be a great help to those who are not experienced or do not know the dungeons. Great work.
Pictures are coming at some point. Neck is now working on tab system which allows multiple tactics for one encounter. For example it can have a pug tactic and a speedclear tactic. Or how to survive boss on melee or range.
AC Story will be the first one using this system which probably won’t be that useful for you.