State of CoF Exploit

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


I’m not describing the exploit, but there is one which lets you avoid the kite/dps event of CoF Magg path and get 25 tokens, very fast.

I went and got inside a CoF group and it seems everyone is doing it. ArenaNet, can you tell us if there is any action being taken against this exploit?

Shall I report everyone?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: William Fairfield.1428

William Fairfield.1428

Game Designer


Thanks Meuqsaco! We’re aware of this exploit and something is being done about it.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327


Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

“this” being subject to question, since “this” is never really described.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


Alright, great guys. Thanks for the quick response.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fortytwo.3485


I’m afraid , i’m one of the players who took advantage of this bug. Can you give me a hint on how much trouble im in for ? 3 day ban or perma ban :<

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZoEdgy.1609


Arena Net is exploiting US at the moment. Have they tried running their CoF explorable mode cause they would all die.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


I think the dungeon might need a bit of tweaking on the difficulty, but that doesn’t mean people can exploit.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fortytwo.3485


Well path 1 is impossibly hard, those who made it were lucky with crystal RnG spawn.
path 3 ’s rewarding is broken.

That leaves just path 2, the door buster with a PuG is pretty hard. I never managed to survive longer than 70sec let alone 200sec.

What we needed were tutorial dungeons that helped us get used to our classes and the non trinity paradyne. We need dungeons that gradually increased in difficulty. Give us hellmode before you dumped inferno mode on us.

(edited by fortytwo.3485)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tercian.5709


People will always find a way to by pass stuff in a game.

That’s the job of the compagnie to make sure this kind exploit (if we can call this this an exploit) never happen.

That said Anet realy need to buy some beta tester because right now we ARE the player the beta tester for GW2.

The game is so full of bug that when we found a short cut to get what we want it’s an exploit.

Excuse me but this is a lack of coding and testing.

I found alot of bug and its so funny to come here on the forum to see after X day after the release they just realized the bug or exploit.

I love to explore the map like any one else in a MMO only to find some kittench.
But I dont share them because its not my job to do it.

Just my 2 cents.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Are you aware of the HotW path 3 exploit?

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: arcdash.4039



People will always find a way to by pass stuff in a game.

That’s the job of the compagnie to make sure this kind exploit (if we can call this this an exploit) never happen.

That said Anet realy need to buy some beta tester because right now we ARE the player the beta tester for GW2.

The game is so full of bug that when we found a short cut to get what we want it’s an exploit.

Excuse me but this is a lack of coding and testing.

I found alot of bug and its so funny to come here on the forum to see after X day after the release they just realized the bug or exploit.

I love to explore the map like any one else in a MMO only to find some kittench.
But I dont share them because its not my job to do it.

Just my 2 cents.

You must not understand coding too well. With a program as large as Guild Wars 2, there will always be bugs. They had 3 beta tests which did weed out a whole ton of bugs, but there will still always be more ready to pop up. There’s been plenty of coding and testing done, but there will still be plenty of bugs in the years to come.

A-Net has made it clear that even if a bug exists, it shouldn’t be exploited, and rather, it should be reported and avoided. Hell, it probably mentions this in the ToS. Sure, its there responsibility to fix it, but they can’t fix it if they don’t know it exists. Its exploitation because even though people know its not supposed to work that way, people are doing it anyways.

By the way…should I assume English isn’t your first language? I had trouble following some parts.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SallyStitches.4096


I really need this dungeon for gear, but I guess I will be avoiding it until it’s fixed, because I don’t feel right exploiting it, and that’s basically how everyone is running it. >_<

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sokar Rostau.7316

Sokar Rostau.7316

You know what I would love? If all these people that came onto the forums of new games with claims of “no testing” could actually produce a single title released on the PC in the last 15 years that was released bug-free and/or actually played a game in early beta when there was actually was a lack of testing.

Dragonbrand – Reforged Vanguard [ReVa]
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crucifer.2831


“this” being subject to question, since “this” is never really described.

This comment might get me banned and if it does i have some serious loss of respect for ANET but this really needs to be said:

“This” guy really needs to be let go. Since “this” guy does not even know the issues with his own content design. And if he is sitting here not aware of the issues of CoF and is “this” delusional to all the reports that have been said today since the patch. And how sorely bad he ruined CoF and refuses to show proof that even he can run his own dungeon with the content he’s designed without dying repeatedly even when doing mechanics “his intended way” means that he is far out of his depth in “content design” and really should be replaced by someone who understands gaming balance.

If he becomes in control of any major content in the future I fear for the expansions that could cost ANET GW2 players.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lerlian.5190


Please do something about this exploit quickly. I’m tired of getting groups that are doing it. I was in one just now and I argued back and forth about why they shouldn’t/why i’m not going to do it. One of them said they’ve been doing it all day.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crucifer.2831


You know what I would love? If all these people that came onto the forums of new games with claims of “no testing” could actually produce a single title released on the PC in the last 15 years that was released bug-free and/or actually played a game in early beta when there was actually was a lack of testing.

World of Warcraft does 6 months at minimum of PvE content testing before it ever comes close to release…does that mean its bug free? NO….however Blizzard also sits there WATCHING in GM mode over content being played on launch and HOTFIXES bugs instantly upon seeing them when they occur immediately after content is released.

Example: Sinestra in Cataclysm when it first opened up and Paragon was doing it Paragon hit Sinestra for 300 something million damage and Blizzard developers were watching it happen within 1 hour it was hotfixed.

this recent “Dungeon Patch” went through ABSOLUTELY 0 PTR testing or testing of any kind. No bugs/exploits have been hotfixed and no general concern for their playerbase or apologies have been issued.

This is a very very bad sign for future releases. And really is the core issue people have with the whole “Testing” stuff.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Abolition.4309


I would like to see video evidence of the devs doing the defend the door thing. Because doing it the old way meant it was tricky and you got overwhelmed at 100%. Now they increased the timer AND increased the spawn rates so it’s impossible. I refuse to believe that a “suicide train” is the intended way to pass this stage.

I severely doubt this latest “dungeon patch” was tested at all – it seems like the devs said “Lets just double the timer and increase the spawn rate” – without testing it at all.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crucifer.2831


That is exactly what he did…he even said that was what he did…he just did those two things did not test them and figured it was a perfect update.

And his “intended way” is for you to kill the mobs before another set spawns.

Yet he refuses to comment on himself being able to do that in level 75 greens/blues.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain.9167


Could an employee of Arenanet let us know that those of us who are trying to do it legitimately won’t be punished by actually punishing those who profited (5+ runs or so) off of the exploit? These exploiters now have full CoF sets and snaked a butt load of extra loot from glitched treasure boxes as well.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I wish an Anet employee would do this with green/blue armor that you normally give people from chests. There is always the argument that dungeons are for “the elite of the elite” in GuildWars for dungeons, but does this mean full exotic geared armor? If so, I was under the assumption that the whole point of people doing dungeons was to just to get max exotic gear? I would really get a good laugh from Anet employees testing their own mobs getting 1-2 shotted by the crazy amount of silvers mobs they expect people to kill with non-exotic gear (only possible with waypoint death spamming), but that’s just my 2 cents. I wouldn’t expect a reply and know they are trying to balance dungeons, but at this point you are pretty much telling more than 70% of the community that if you didn’t exploit your way to exotic gear, you are pretty much S.O.L. (My opinion is coming from someone already maxed exotic gear with 3 sets (and 2 separate weapon sets) and believe it’s unfair for anyone trying to start dungeons).

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kaemrys.5320


I’m gonna have to agree with Crucifer on this one. It’s a very thin line of principles and in this case the Anet development team really just fudged it hard. A customer base needs to trust a development team and a development team needs to listen to its customer base.

However in another thread they did say that they are addressing the loot issue in dungeons so I’m HOPING that they will take that seriously and understand how seriously fubar’d the current system is. I have faith that this is their chance at redeeming the previous mistake. I’ll stay tuned for that.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlurKiller.1976


Exploit? I don’t see anyone exploiting this. With so many jumping puzzles everywhere in this game, one can treat this like any jumping puzzle

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fellyn.5083


It doesn’t matter how you want to treat it. It only matters what Anet thinks. If they think you are exploiting then “but it’s a jumping puzzle” isn’t going to get you your account back.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: chrisdeans.2739


I have no experience in game developping and I dont pretend to teach you how to do your job. But the current cof gate exploit seems like an easy fix to me an invisible barrier around the gate( like we sometimes encounter when doing explorin) would do the job fine. That or an extra boulder.

I beleive that the community’s feedback should be included when tuning dungeon. The kite room is atm overpowered. Very simple way to nerf kite but promote fighting have spawns of one silver meler two bronze archers, the waves do not just appear out of thin air they run into the room from the circular room that to the left when you leave kite room. If this is too easy add a regular mob or two. When mobs inside a dungeon are harder than the end boss something is definitely wrong.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


From what I’ve noticed they’ve been keeping a close eye on community feedback but that it takes some time to fix the various bugs and exploits. I understand that it’s frustrating (I’m awaiting some fixes as well) and a lot of people exploit it (which they shouldn’t) but to compare it to WoW’s business is silly..

Why? Because WoW has 10 million + sub worth of money to invest and A LOT more employees to deal with community support and game development. As soon as GW2 was released and they obviously didn’t expect quite such a success I noticed they put up on their front page that they’re looking to hire people (This should also tell you something).

I just get the impression that they’re slightly overwhelmed and simply don’t have the manpower and/or time to iron out all bugs and fixes asap. Also this is an entirely new game. WoW is working from a platform that’s been out for years and had time to iron out all the kinks and so they’re able to work from that. GW2 is a whole new massive world and recently released. Bugs are to be expected.

So as a community we can help Anet by reporting bugs we find, NOT exploit them and wait till they get fixed patiently and they will be. I’ve been around since BWE1 and the various problems get fixed with time. Most things worked before launch it was the sheer amount of people they couldn’t anticipate when all went wrong but again we patiently waited and they’ve been fixing stuff ever since.

Also keep in mind that people in BETA often didn’t want to go to higher levels to test content because they didn’t want to spoil it (and some weren’t made accessible) so most of the high up content was never as thoroughly tested and as a result you’ll notice that the low levels are quite polished while the high level zones and dungeons have all sorts of things wrong with them.

What I would suggest to Anet is if they want to speed up and test new content in the future is to select some people/groups from the community (Like WoW has paragon) to test the content, Both skilled and average gamers.

One way of doing this is to release a patch with the new content but only allow the designated teams/people to run the dungeon/content for a few days. Then you can tweak any bugs or balancing issues and open up the content to a larger audience.

You might be able to implement a simple way for you to control access to this content like an event that blocks access (Like the event that blocks CoF at times) but that you can surpass with the people you run the dungeon with for testing…. Just some random ideas, but it might help.

Plenty of people would volunteer to test content (I’d be one of them :P) and then people might not feel like you implement changes without testing them first.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

(edited by Moderator)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratto.1572


Exploit? I don’t see anyone exploiting this. With so many jumping puzzles everywhere in this game, one can treat this like any jumping puzzle

YOU WIN hahahaha

Human – Thief | Norn – Warrior | Asura – Elementalist

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Endaline.8752


Thanks Meuqsaco! We’re aware of this exploit and something is being done about it.

Can I just ask if I am at risk of getting any actions taken against me if I participate in groups that do exploits but never actually take any of the loot that they are exploiting to get?

Because the current state of CoF on my server is that it is impossible to find a group to do the instance that doesn’t want to abuse some bug or another and I only want to get my last few runs done so I can finish my set.

It would be really helpful to know this so I can decide if I actually want to run the instance at all before you guys patch it.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rush.8239


if they keep punishing players they wont have any left, why should players be punished for arena net not testing their changes , if you make content so hard that its impossible and then give players a way to bypass that part ofcourse they will do it …

its arena nets fault not the players

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlurKiller.1976


Exploit? I don’t see anyone exploiting this. With so many jumping puzzles everywhere in this game, one can treat this like any jumping puzzle

YOU WIN hahahaha

They should reward us for finding out about it and doing it, like with other jump puzzles. Oh wait, they did! The extra chest!

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


if they keep punishing players they wont have any left, why should players be punished for arena net not testing their changes , if you make content so hard that its impossible and then give players a way to bypass that part ofcourse they will do it …

its arena nets fault not the players

Tad dramatic? You aren’t being punished. They’re working on fixing the issues. There’s tons of other content for you to do while they work on it. I’m sure you’ll survive the few days it’ll take to patch.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jozefka.7256


This came to the point where you can’t find a party for doing CoF without exploiting it. Minutes ago I was kicked out of the party because I didn’t want to use it. Is it worth reporting these people?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain.9167


Same here jozefka, I cannot get a group and was basically taunted by the people for saying I didn’t want to exploit.

Arenanet showed off a nice minimal tolerance policy for the karma weapons fiasco where excessive violators were permabanned. I need to see this continue with a wave of bans for this exploit. These people are making a large profit off glitched treasure boxes and are getting CoF gear without any struggle, and it is absolutely unfair to those of us who aren’t abusing the hell out of it. Call me crazy but this is what I want to see:

2-5 runs – 3 day suspension and a removal of all CoF tokens and gear.
6+ runs – Permaban

Doing it once? Okay, maybe you didn’t know… Doing it twice? You knew what you were doing and chose to exploit.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DarkTirano.6159


I’ve exploited it to get around 300 tokens (dint do it for the gold or loot) and i regret it… but i understand that a ban (perma or not) is needed and i ready to face it. They should fix this soon or more people (maybe even innocent) will fall for the easy route to profit.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


The hammer of Justice from Anet please.

There is no need to use this bug. The room can be cleared/kited if players use their head. Some CoF Farmers have crossed the line tbh, they repeatedly try to gain advantage over the hard work that Anet put into creating these dungeons. At the same time they undermine the work in which many dungeon loving GW2 players put in to figuring out how to over come these various obstacles.

I personally refused to exploit this bug in several cases. The quick response from my party was auto kicking me, or disbanding the group. They dont even try to finish the room.

Enough is enough. Same with the Arah Dungeon. Stop exploiting the maps to get easy access to Tokens.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

(edited by DKP.4196)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fortytwo.3485


I be willing to bet that a significant population are using this exploit. Every pug i’ve been in knows about it and is using it.

Perma banning 10-20% of ur users within the first month is not a good start.

That being said I do feel bad for using this exploit. They expect us to run this dungeon 70 times to get all our gear. They want us to be farmers. You can make something hard or grindy, but not both.

And people who say , we can do the door buster phase, its easy, no problem at all. YOU GOT TO BACKUP UR CLAIM WITH VIDEOS or something , help us noobs out.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lyralei.5920


I be willing to bet that a significant population are using this exploit. Every pug i’ve been in knows about it and is using it.

Perma banning 10-20% of ur users within the first month is not a good start.

That being said I do feel bad for using this exploit. They expect us to run this dungeon 70 times to get all our gear. They want us to be farmers. You can make something hard or grindy, but not both.

And people who say , we can do the door buster phase, its easy, no problem at all. YOU GOT TO BACKUP UR CLAIM WITH VIDEOS or something , help us noobs out.

I’ve successfully done it with 1 death. Its very difficult and only doable by a group in full exotics or you will not have the DPS or sustainability to outlast the last 30%.

It is by no means easy but it is definitely doable and with minimal losses (CoF consumables help also.).

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


how about we have a dungeon that doesnt need to be exploited to be completed……..sounds like a fun idea no?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maximillian Greil.1965

Maximillian Greil.1965

I be willing to bet that a significant population are using this exploit. Every pug i’ve been in knows about it and is using it.

Perma banning 10-20% of ur users within the first month is not a good start.

That being said I do feel bad for using this exploit. They expect us to run this dungeon 70 times to get all our gear. They want us to be farmers. You can make something hard or grindy, but not both.

And people who say , we can do the door buster phase, its easy, no problem at all. YOU GOT TO BACKUP UR CLAIM WITH VIDEOS or something , help us noobs out.

I’ve successfully done it with 1 death. Its very difficult and only doable by a group in full exotics or you will not have the DPS or sustainability to outlast the last 30%.

It is by no means easy but it is definitely doable and with minimal losses (CoF consumables help also.).

I can second this. It’s totally doable, just not pugable. There aren’t many games out there other than “that game which shall not be named” where you can pug End Game content.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minisnoballz.1240


It is doable, it’s just hard. I did it with a pug group where everyone had like 80% exotics and we tried to kill the first waves very quick. But if everyone has to get an exotic set first to be able to do dungeons, it kinda defeats the purpose of doing them imo. Might as well craft a set and reskin it to what u want.

In my opinion every dungeon should have 1-2 ‘easier’ paths that are pugable (maybe the longer ones) and the other ones should be hard so it gives something to do for people that want a challenge and get the achievement. And organised teams will finish faster than pugs anyway.
Like it is now it looks like gw1 where u had to be in a specialised guild to be able to complete ‘elite areas’.

It’s debatable if you should be banned for this in a game that allows you to jump over things, has jump puzzles or poor content testing. The difference between this and the reason they banned for karma exploit is that the karma exploit had a big impact on the game economy while this gives like 2silver on 3rd completion and gear that is not tradeable.
And yes there were 3 beta tests and lots of stuff got fixed but soon as you get to the high lvl zones its full of bugs. Claw of Jormag, glitched event chains of temples in Orr, bugged spectral weapon skillpoints and the list goes on.
What this game needs is a test team that tests difficulties of content and searches for exploitable bugs. And this shouldn’t be happening now, this should have happened months ago before the release.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The so called exploits aren’t actualy exploits since most of the game was built around jumping puzzles and event triggers.

If i do a jump puzzle and trigger a event, is that a exploit?

Am just playing the game they built

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lerlian.5190


The door buster phase is easy, you’ll suffer quite a few deaths or maybe not a whole lot but it’s definitely doable as other people have said. As for the exploit; I’ve been going along with it but I’ve never gotten the 5 extra marks. I leave as soon as I get the 20 I’m supposed to. In some cases I’ve been able to persuade the group I’m in to not do it, other times I’m not so lucky.

I was in a group last night where one other person agreed with me and that it is an exploit. When we got there, two of my group members were attempting to do the exploit when one of the other members started the event. The 3 of us attempted to do the kiting while the other 2 members ran out of the room and said “You’re all gonna die” and “Wtf who started it?” I then proceeded to get into an argument with the two while saying that this part IS doable, you just gotta be smart about it. They didn’t believe me and continued to do the exploit after we all died, then the other 2 group members joined in. Anything after that I don’t know what happened because I left the group and told them I’d just report them for exploiting.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lerlian.5190


The so called exploits aren’t actualy exploits since most of the game was built around jumping puzzles and event triggers.

If i do a jump puzzle and trigger a event, is that a exploit?

Am just playing the game they built

Severely messed up train of thought. It IS an exploit seeing as you get 5 extra marks from doing it.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SallyStitches.4096


Any indication if this is going to be fixed soon?

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sokar Rostau.7316

Sokar Rostau.7316

From what I’ve noticed they’ve been keeping a close eye on community feedback but that it takes some time to fix the various bugs and exploits. I understand that it’s frustrating (I’m awaiting some fixes as well) and a lot of people exploit it (which they shouldn’t) but to compare it to WoW’s business is silly..

Why? Because WoW has 10 million + sub worth of money to invest and A LOT more employees to deal with community support and game development. As soon as GW2 was released and they obviously didn’t expect quite such a success I noticed they put up on their front page that they’re looking to hire people (This should also tell you something).

I just get the impression that they’re slightly overwhelmed and simply don’t have the manpower and/or time to iron out all bugs and fixes asap. Also this is an entirely new game. WoW is working from a platform that’s been out for years and had time to iron out all the kinks and so they’re able to work from that. GW2 is a whole new massive world and recently released. Bugs are to be expected.

So as a community we can help Anet by reporting bugs we find, NOT exploit them and wait till they get fixed patiently and they will be. I’ve been around since BWE1 and the various problems get fixed with time. Most things worked before launch it was the sheer amount of people they couldn’t anticipate when all went wrong but again we patiently waited and they’ve been fixing stuff ever since.

Also keep in mind that people in BETA often didn’t want to go to higher levels to test content because they didn’t want to spoil it (and some weren’t made accessible) so most of the high up content was never as thoroughly tested and as a result you’ll notice that the low levels are quite polished while the high level zones and dungeons have all sorts of things wrong with them.

What I would suggest to Anet is if they want to speed up and test new content in the future is to select some people/groups from the community (Like WoW has paragon) to test the content, Both skilled and average gamers.

One way of doing this is to release a patch with the new content but only allow the designated teams/people to run the dungeon/content for a few days. Then you can tweak any bugs or balancing issues and open up the content to a larger audience.

You might be able to implement a simple way for you to control access to this content like an event that blocks access (Like the event that blocks CoF at times) but that you can surpass with the people you run the dungeon with for testing…. Just some random ideas, but it might help.

Plenty of people would volunteer to test content (I’d be one of them :P) and then people might not feel like you implement changes without testing them first.

There’s no need to even get that complex. LotRO has two testing servers – Palantir and Bullroarer. Palantir is a closed pre-beta test server accessible by application, and involves a NDA, that is used for testing things like new expansions, sometimes before most people are even aware of them. Bullroarer is a (usually) public beta server that has the next major update for people to test.

Now, anyone that’s played LotRO for any real length of time knows that Turbine really doesn’t make proper use of those servers (some might even say they completely ignore the beta testers altogether), but the concept is sound.

Dragonbrand – Reforged Vanguard [ReVa]
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aNuBis.6340


please fix it soon, it is now basically impossible to find a group that is not doing exploit

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: seventhson.6932


Same here jozefka, I cannot get a group and was basically taunted by the people for saying I didn’t want to exploit.

Arenanet showed off a nice minimal tolerance policy for the karma weapons fiasco where excessive violators were permabanned. I need to see this continue with a wave of bans for this exploit. These people are making a large profit off glitched treasure boxes and are getting CoF gear without any struggle, and it is absolutely unfair to those of us who aren’t abusing the hell out of it. Call me crazy but this is what I want to see:

2-5 runs – 3 day suspension and a removal of all CoF tokens and gear.
6+ runs – Permaban

Doing it once? Okay, maybe you didn’t know… Doing it twice? You knew what you were doing and chose to exploit.

Oh please, large profit? umm no. Even if you are getting an extra chest out of it, what you get is 5 extra marks and 3-4 blue items and MAYBE a green? What, so that’s 60-80 copper per item since I would be willing to bet everyone just vendors that crap, and it takes what over 300 marks to get some gear and all the weapons, so how is that even remotely a large profit? On top of that they severely nerfed the silver you get after just completing in once and you are just getting gear for ONE dungeon slightly faster, also the chance of exotic loot even dropping in that dungeon is nill. If they even ban anyone for this I would be really sad, I mean you have to realize they know about this and haven’t even hot-fixed it which would be really easy for them, so if they even ban for this and they knew about it and didnt fix it in a reasonable amount of time then shame on them.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Santus.2953


I got 5x piece of cof sets I used exploits to get these easy. Im regret it, I deleted all piece of cof sets,now Im feel like better man. I know I did use exploits but Im really hope for second chance from Anet! Dont need follow my way just I tell to everbody.

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Revelation.5804


People are using this exploit freely talking about it in map chat without any feat to get banned, this is normal? People refuses to join group for a run without exploits, what the hell is going on here?

Point is not in the rewards u get, point is in u exploit game mechanisms and this is violation of the game rules which should lead to permaban or i think deleting all CoF items for exploiter

and btw, survival event is a freaking hard atm and i can understand a desire to use exploit so i want to ask arenanet about balancing this thing at last but not changing it from normal to uberhard

(edited by Revelation.5804)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DarkTirano.6159


Like Santus i also deleted my CoF itens (only chest remain cause i got this without exploiting) and hope for a second chance, this just not worth getting banned for something stupid like that. I regret my action and will trust Anet to fix everything bad about dungeons and give us, players who exploit and have done such a unnecessary act a way to keep playing this amazing game.

(English is not my first language so this text may contain errors)

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RavenDeBlade.1670


To be honest the “jumping” part dont seem to be an exploit since you dont gain anything you actually LOOSE one (1) chest with 5 tokens. But hey im not the one that makes the rules, so i have no idea if this is deemed as an exploit, glitch or nothing at all.