Stop Players from Dungeon Exclusions
B — [ expanded] create a Dungeon Group category for groups which must be active for players to enter a dungeon and armor linking cannot occur before one hour and ten minutes after finishing a dungeon.
Dungeon Groups must (as a category of group) must be activated 10 minutes before entering any dungeon.
Each consecutive dungeon after the first is completed may be entered immediately.
D — Create your own LFG party where you accept PHIW players.
You’re only forced to play how they wish if you refuse to create your own party and insist on joining one of their groups. Instead of forcing them to play how you want to, advertise on LFG with the playstyle you want to use, and get like-minded people to join. It’s not impossible, and when I go for groups that way they fill up reasonably quickly.
E – Link Fractal Spoons on join or kick
They want to play how they want , You want to play how you want, The fact some parties are not compatible with their potential players individual views shouldn’t be a problem. Most of the time the LFG states perfectly what is wanted / required / needed….
I run many different builds and I will not join a zerk party with any of my sinister or zealot builds.
On the other hand if ppl are in a l80 (EXP) a wannabe zerker can lose face fast if he tries to push zerk meta… Even though people often DO wear zerk, the idea behind a lvl 80 (EXP) is to have ppl run their own DPS builds. It allows for zealot, rampager and sinister and some other more niche builds. No clerics, knights, cavalier, nomad and the like though…
I did extremely fast runs with l80 EXP groups. The synergies are most of the time better compared to “zerk meta” this as the group focussing on maximizing their ptential instead of DPS.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
D — Create your own LFG party where you accept PHIW players.
That sounds like a great idea, more people should do that instead of making unreasonable requests.
Is this guy trying to kill dungeons off completely or something?
F – uninstall the game and go play a more holy combat trinity focused one
Although I have to agree on your first point, Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….
(edited by bladex.9502)
A — remove achievement points from being visible in dungeons or in party.
B -- remove the linking of armor stats within dungeons to allow for players to play support roles, condition roles, and etc.
C — disallow use of damage metersCreate a Terms of Service agreement that bars players from being able to do all of the above.
B: You’re telling me a zerker guard is unable to provide support or condition cleanse/application because of their gear? OR, are you asking that players be able to hide behind a mechanic without giving proof they are meeting what the other party members have requested be used in the dungeon?
C: I’m not sure how much you’ve looked into damage meters. But the ones I have seen so far do 2 things. A: Measure the change in a targets hp over an interval, and display that change. Which means it measures the groups dps, not the individual players. Or B: reads the combat log to determine the outgoing damage of your skills upon various targets. Which means it only reads personal dmg. Neither of these options give you another players outgoing damage. You could though, have 1 person measure the total dps, and have everyone but 1 person in the group measure their own dps, and solve for the missing dps, but I don’t think pugs are that coordinated.
A/B: In tandem with the ToS statement, are you asking for it to be a bannable offence to read the AP of another player or read a piece of linked gear while in a dungeon?
F – uninstall the game and go play a more holy combat trinity focused one
Although I have to agree on your first point, Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….
+1 to the entirety of this post lol
F – uninstall the game and go play a more holy combat trinity focused one
Although I have to agree on your first point, Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….+1 to the entirety of this post lol
+2 You beat me to it
- remove achievement points from being visible in dungeons or in party.
- remove the linking of armor stats within dungeons to allow for players to play support roles, condition roles, and etc.
- disallow use of damage meters
- Create a Terms of Service agreement that bars players from being able to do all of the above.
- armor linking cannot occur before one hour and ten minutes after finishing a dungeon.
Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….
AP is totally a great indicator of dungeon skill — I mean, look at this scrub. Prolly wears a shield on his head. Certainly couldn’t handle Arah or FotM 50 without a hard carry.
Who wouldn’t kick?
I… what did I just read?
Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….AP is totally a great indicator of dungeon skill — I mean, look at this scrub. Prolly wears a shield on his head. Certainly couldn’t handle Arah or FotM 50 without a hard carry.
Who wouldn’t kick?
You’re just jealous because my warrior has full yellow clerics with dwayna runes and yours doesn’t!
F – uninstall the game and go play a more holy combat trinity focused one
Although I have to agree on your first point, Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….
Lots of AP = more likely to be familiar with the game, little AP = less likely to be familiar with the game. People are just playing the odds.
And given that Anet gives players no better alternative, this — bad as it may be — is the best that player’s have.
B — [ expanded] create a Dungeon Group category for groups which must be active for players to enter a dungeon and armor linking cannot occur before one hour and ten minutes after finishing a dungeon.
Dungeon Groups must (as a category of group) must be activated 10 minutes before entering any dungeon.
Each consecutive dungeon after the first is completed may be entered immediately.
So I get a great armor drop in dungeon and can’t link it because of a stupid rule put in place because a minority of players refuse to read LFG’s?
OP you need to be the change you want to see in the world. Make an lfg like this:
“p123, anyone welcomed”.
Aaaaaaaaand who’s being toxic now?
If you need to force a change of the game mechanics to be able to enjoy the game, you should probably stop playing it. Either adapt to it, or stop ruining it for us.
I swear to Balthazar I’m glad to be a member of the most respectful and modest part of this game’s community – “the dungeon elitists”! As toxic as we may be, we’re NOWHERE near as toxic as these kind of phiws.
Anet, please:
A — remove achievement points from being visible in dungeons or in party.
B -- remove the linking of armor stats within dungeons to allow for players to play support roles, condition roles, and etc.
C — disallow use of damage metersCreate a Terms of Service agreement that bars players from being able to do all of the above.
IF any of the above is considered to extreme, consider, find, and apply other alternatives.
YOU (Anet) have made a great game, but your players are forcing unnecessary and unwarranted restrictions upon how that game may be played. This severely enough that many simply won’t do dungeons now.
This reads as : force everybody to play the way I want because people having a choice of whom they bring in a dungeon with them ticks me off.
Which is wrong. You have the right and the choice of being able to play with whomever you want. And so should everybody else.
If I want to pick and choose who I play with that’s my choice. If I consider someone’s way of being and playing to be disruptive to my enjoyment of the game there’s no reason for me to be forced to play with that person.
So to you OP I say no – your suggestion is both absurd and terrible – at the same time.
Players have a right to play with whomever they want and will do so regardless of how many ways you want to think up in order to force them to take you with them.
F – uninstall the game and go play a more holy combat trinity focused one
Although I have to agree on your first point, Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….+1 to the entirety of this post lol
I agree with the first part of the initial post but not with the AP thing.
If you think about it AP is still a valuable indicator of time spent and dedication to the game.
Even if equally bad I’d still prefer the person who is more invested in the game to have along in my party primarily because it means he might be more willing to adapt and listen to advice ( since GW2 means a whole lot to him).
G: Wait for HoT release, I heard there will be challenging group content there!
H: Buy and profit
I: Get kicked because your gear and build suck since you can’t optimise and play for kitten, healer or not, and dragging the team down
J: Come complain on the forums and demand for content to be nerfed
K: Watch us laugh our kitten off
L: Sending back to F /uninstall
Anet please give me 10.000 gold ! Don’t ask why.
D) Ban all elitist scumlords
If there are so many PHIW players in this game and there is a LFG tool that allows you to specify what you are looking for, then how come there are unhappy PHIW players (on the forums) ._______________.
The internet is not infinite and you are clogging it with your bonkers theories and weird requests, pls stop.
Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….AP is totally a great indicator of dungeon skill — I mean, look at this scrub. Prolly wears a shield on his head. Certainly couldn’t handle Arah or FotM 50 without a hard carry.
Who wouldn’t kick?
You’re just jealous because my warrior has full yellow clerics with dwayna runes and yours doesn’t!
Nah bruh, Golemancer Runes OP
I’m honestly just amazed that you’ve managed to keep it so low. I’m at 6.5k without even trying :P
This isnt very different from my troll thread.. Could this be a more discrete one?
Not to mention the following scenario might also occur:
Let’s assume every Anet employee gets hit in their head by a rock (I don’t see any other way how they could listen to the OP) and decides to implement this nonsense.
LFG players, who want to do actually dungeons, but usually play alone (a lot of good players are not in a hardcore speedclear guild) will be unable to find decent players, because now random PHIWs are gonna be forced on them. THIS will make most of these players either quit the game, OR start to seek out like-minded people, build up their friendlist and perhaps join some kind of PvE guild, where not everyone is welcome and the leadership actually makes sure (via trials), that everyone entering does understand and play in PvE well. All these people will stop using lfg and begin to only play with friends, so the community will become EVEN MORE segregated.
No matter what you suggest, unless YOU are the one who adapts, everything is gonna eventually turn on you. This “exclusion” you’re talking about can very easily become more and more intensive.
The good players will ALWAYS be able to find a way to do stuff. Whether it be a huge friendlist, a guild or anything that comes up.
The fact is, you’re just hurting yourself. I have no idea why you (all you phiws) are unable to see the clear truth, but it’s your problem. What you suggest isn’t gonna help you. What’s gonna help you is changing your mindset completely. Either that, or stop playing the game. Otherwise you’ll just gonna be frustrated and upset.
A — remove achievement points from being visible in dungeons or in party.
B -- remove the linking of armor stats within dungeons to allow for players to play support roles, condition roles, and etc.
C — disallow use of damage meters
A) I hate when people kick because of AP, but I don’t want it to be removed. I want to know if the guy have 400 AP, I’m gonna ask if he now the patch. Either because I’m gonna help him or because I ask for Experienced in the description and I want to know if that’s a second account.
B) People after the patch should accept condition build in pug. That’s just stupid to kick for that unless you specified zerker or meta. But that’s cute what you think about support. Usually that’s the kind of people that take AH, Staff, toughness and vitality in their build and present themselves as support even if they have almost zero support. Personnal survivability isn’t support and the only stat that affect support is healing. You could have a point for zealot gear, but other than that…
C) Something really funny is that damage meter would actually help PHIW people. A good portion of the players would realize that they don’t achieve near the dps numbers that DNT advertise and they would realize that the gap between meta and some non meta build are very small. That wouldn’t help for a Cleric AH Staff guardian. A bad dungeon build stay a bad dungeon build, but it would help to kick some sense into try hard.
Anet, please:
A — remove achievement points from being visible in dungeons or in party.
B -- remove the linking of armor stats within dungeons to allow for players to play support roles, condition roles, and etc.
C — disallow use of damage metersCreate a Terms of Service agreement that bars players from being able to do all of the above.
IF any of the above is considered to extreme, consider, find, and apply other alternatives.
YOU (Anet) have made a great game, but your players are forcing unnecessary and unwarranted restrictions upon how that game may be played. This severely enough that many simply won’t do dungeons now.
How on earth can you think that’s a good idea?
Imagine this ridicuolusly narrow-minded request would come true.
Most of us would fill our friendlists and join (even more) special guilds just to be able to play with like-minded people, so don’t really expect someone to carry you, if that’s your point
Maybe make your own friends to carry you, because I can’t possibly think of any other reason for such post, just having nobody else then PUG to carry you thru the content…
I agree with the first part of the initial post but not with the AP thing.
If you think about it AP is still a valuable indicator of time spent and dedication to the game.
Even if equally bad I’d still prefer the person who is more invested in the game to have along in my party primarily because it means he might be more willing to adapt and listen to advice ( since GW2 means a whole lot to him).
You are entitled to have your own opinion, and I’m not gonna say you are wrong.
If you want to make a LFG with AP requirements, that’s fine, I’m just not gonna join them.
The problem is that 90% of the time people ask for “experienced” people, and then judge/kick someone that joins based on their AP, while they haven’t even seen that player perform yet.
I have played many MMO’s in my days and I don’t think I ever saw another game that lets other players see your achievement score, or anything like that.
Even tho Arenanet advertises it’s game as a more “casual” MMO, a big part of the dungeon community definitely turned into an elitist, toxic bunch.
With people like you defending the holy-ap-grail and zerker gear on one side, and people like the OP that are anti-meta/efficiency on the other side
I also want to add that I’d rather kick someone with 25,000ap than someone with 3000ap, because that person with 25,000 probably only plays pvp/wvw and is more likely to play mace/shield warrior or staff guard
Fortunately ANet will never do this. People can make their own teams in the LFG for a reason.
Pretty much. For better or worse, dungeons are dead in the water. Been that way for a while too.
I suspect HoT is going to have some farmable content that will reduce the numbers of people running dungeons even further. Maybe then the noobs and lowbies will have their chance to reign over the LFG.
OP you need to be the change you want to see in the world. Make an lfg like this:
“p123, anyone welcomed”.
How then would the OP get carried by other players when he/she wants to play their Nomad/Staff “Support” Guard?
I have played many MMO’s in my days and I don’t think I ever saw another game that lets other players see your achievement score, or anything like that.
And how many of those MMOs allowed you to inspect other players’ gear?
Thought so.
I agree with the first part of the initial post but not with the AP thing.
If you think about it AP is still a valuable indicator of time spent and dedication to the game.
Even if equally bad I’d still prefer the person who is more invested in the game to have along in my party primarily because it means he might be more willing to adapt and listen to advice ( since GW2 means a whole lot to him).You are entitled to have your own opinion, and I’m not gonna say you are wrong.
If you want to make a LFG with AP requirements, that’s fine, I’m just not gonna join them.
The problem is that 90% of the time people ask for “experienced” people, and then judge/kick someone that joins based on their AP, while they haven’t even seen that player perform yet.I have played many MMO’s in my days and I don’t think I ever saw another game that lets other players see your achievement score, or anything like that.
Even tho Arenanet advertises it’s game as a more “casual” MMO, a big part of the dungeon community definitely turned into an elitist, toxic bunch.
With people like you defending the holy-ap-grail and zerker gear on one side, and people like the OP that are anti-meta/efficiency on the other side
I also want to add that I’d rather kick someone with 25,000ap than someone with 3000ap, because that person with 25,000 probably only plays pvp/wvw and is more likely to play mace/shield warrior or staff guard
I make a FOTM 50 LFG asking for experienced and a guy with 800 AP joins. Yeah -sure.
Like I said before – it’s not even about how good they are but how invested in the game they are.
The more AP the better the chances they’re people that are invested into the game and that I can easily and effectively communicate and work together with. The better the chance they have at least some idea what their class does and how the content works. It is NOT 100% but it’s better than disregarding AP altogether.
A big part of the dungeon community didn’t turn into anything. They want to play the game their way. They want to farm it fast and be left alone and people simply dislike that and want to stop them or simply are unaware that if you’re joining a party with specific requirements you should meet those requirements or not join at all.
I’m not defending one side or the other – I am trying to point out that :
1.There are two sides.
2.They do not mix well together and we already have friction and conflict between them.
3.That forcing them to play together and interact more will only create bigger issues because of different visions when approaching the same content. For some dungeons are a fun adventure.
For some they are a way to kick back and relax. For some they’re about the immersive role play and story and for some they are just about the gold. Force these groups together and you’ll only make it worse for all of them since they don’t want the same thing from the same content.
It’s like forcing everyone who goes into a restaurant to order the same exact meal. They won’t like it because everyone wants to get what they came to get. Whether it is experience ( as in the gameplay experience) or gold each player has a right to do the content and do it the way he wants with people that he deems agreeable.
That is what I am defending.
The OP’s suggestions are borderline absurd since he suggests to severely limit my abilities to filter out people I dislike. This won’t mean I’ll do the dungeon with them in the long run if I’m paired with them.
It just means that instead of avoiding each other from the get-go and each doing our own thing we’ll be paired together making each other miserable culminating in a kick midway with either me or them being booted out. How is that a good thing for anyone?
I also want to add that I’d rather kick someone with 25,000ap than someone with 3000ap, because that person with 25,000 probably only plays pvp/wvw and is more likely to play mace/shield warrior or staff guard
Do you think they got to 25k ap through pvp and wvw?
Also do you think players that perform in pvp and wvw are better than your average PVE bot?
I have played many MMO’s in my days and I don’t think I ever saw another game that lets other players see your achievement score, or anything like that.
And how many of those MMOs allowed you to inspect other players’ gear?
Thought so.
I actually can’t remember a game that doesn’t allow you to ping your gear.
I even remember being able to right click on a player and see all of their gear without even asking them to ping it in Runescape back in the days…
Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….AP is totally a great indicator of dungeon skill — I mean, look at this scrub. Prolly wears a shield on his head. Certainly couldn’t handle Arah or FotM 50 without a hard carry.
Who wouldn’t kick?
You’re just jealous because my warrior has full yellow clerics with dwayna runes and yours doesn’t!
Nah bruh, Golemancer Runes OP
I’m honestly just amazed that you’ve managed to keep it so low. I’m at 6.5k without even trying :P
Ohh… I just assumed you were linking a log of when I was really low AP. I have ~10.5k or something like that
Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….AP is totally a great indicator of dungeon skill — I mean, look at this scrub. Prolly wears a shield on his head. Certainly couldn’t handle Arah or FotM 50 without a hard carry.
Who wouldn’t kick?
You’re just jealous because my warrior has full yellow clerics with dwayna runes and yours doesn’t!
Nah bruh, Golemancer Runes OP
I’m honestly just amazed that you’ve managed to keep it so low. I’m at 6.5k without even trying :P
Ohh… I just assumed you were linking a log of when I was really low AP. I have ~10.5k or something like that
Nope, that’s from today, it came from the official GW2 AP leaderboard here: Log in and it will show everyone on your friends list — it says you have ~1800AP. Now I’m looking at it in game and yup, you’re really at 10.6k.
Are the leaderboards broken? O.o
Are the leaderboards broken? O.o
Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….AP is totally a great indicator of dungeon skill — I mean, look at this scrub. Prolly wears a shield on his head. Certainly couldn’t handle Arah or FotM 50 without a hard carry.
Who wouldn’t kick?
You’re just jealous because my warrior has full yellow clerics with dwayna runes and yours doesn’t!
Nah bruh, Golemancer Runes OP
I’m honestly just amazed that you’ve managed to keep it so low. I’m at 6.5k without even trying :P
Ohh… I just assumed you were linking a log of when I was really low AP. I have ~10.5k or something like that
Nope, that’s from today, it came from the official GW2 AP leaderboard here: Log in and it will show everyone on your friends list — it says you have ~1800AP. Now I’m looking at it in game and yup, you’re really at 10.6k.
Are the leaderboards broken? O.o
Well they might be but at least the fractal leader boards aren’t broken. And we all know why
Dear OP, no one here is going to agree with you.
A— Because you are wrong
B— All of the above
C— Bye
Anet should remove the option to see the amount of achievement points someone has accumulated, since it has nothing to do with dungeons themselves.
But somehow most people still think it’s a relevant scale for someone’s skill….AP is totally a great indicator of dungeon skill — I mean, look at this scrub. Prolly wears a shield on his head. Certainly couldn’t handle Arah or FotM 50 without a hard carry.
Who wouldn’t kick?
You’re just jealous because my warrior has full yellow clerics with dwayna runes and yours doesn’t!
Nah bruh, Golemancer Runes OP
I’m honestly just amazed that you’ve managed to keep it so low. I’m at 6.5k without even trying :P
Ohh… I just assumed you were linking a log of when I was really low AP. I have ~10.5k or something like that
Nope, that’s from today, it came from the official GW2 AP leaderboard here: Log in and it will show everyone on your friends list — it says you have ~1800AP. Now I’m looking at it in game and yup, you’re really at 10.6k.
Are the leaderboards broken? O.o
Well they might be but at least the fractal leader boards aren’t broken. And we all know why
That was my next thought :-) I guess it really doesn’t matter that they never bothered adding it.
Dear OP, no one here is going to agree with you.
A— Because you are wrong
B— All of the above
C— Bye
Yay! /waves arms
Ref the Op’s list
A – Players use AP to gauge experience because not everyone wants to baby a nooby, even those who are willing don’t want to do it all the time. I suggest you join a guild with a introduction program, they do exist. AP is a bad indicator, but better than none.
B- Zerker meta exists for a reason – there is no trinity. Once you accept this you will be a lot happier.
C – Toxic elitists do not need facts to kick people, they can (and do) simply kick people based on projected fantasies. Gw2 NEEDS dps meters, as long as they don’t lie. However a good DPS meter that took account of debuff and condition ownership would be quite complex, so I don’t think we will see one. I wouldn’t trust a 3rd party solution.
To Anet:
What the LFG system needs is proper filters that allow a player to spec AP, class and anything else the creator wants. Then joiners could see what they needed to comply with to join. Non-compliance would mean joining would not be possible – relying on kicks is REALLY tiresome for all concerned and adds unnecessary toxicity to the game – oops, I mean adds even MORE unnecessary toxicity to the game !!
Too many people don’t read LFG descriptors and many more don’t know how to write them.
I am in full support for the OPs idea. Last saturday I got kicked from 10+ groups because i didnt have zerker or wasnt experienced. That also includes group I have started. last minute 3 members decide they want an all zerker party and kick other 2 out. I dont see a point in paying money to buy a zerker set just to run enough dungeons for 500 tokens for a legendary. Also looked into multiple ways of buying it and its all too expensive.
A- Achievement point dont mean jack. Players can have 20k and still not know how to play their class (i’ve seen it before)
B- Inviting players w/o a certain gear type isnt the end of the world plus the ammount of time it takes to find a full squad with a certain type u could probably run 2 dungeons.
C- Since when was 3rd party stuff ok.
Shame. Silvercyclone. I would love to play with you. Lets set a playdate.
I am in full support for the OPs idea. Last saturday I got kicked from 10+ groups because i didnt have zerker or wasnt experienced. That also includes group I have started. last minute 3 members decide they want an all zerker party and kick other 2 out. I dont see a point in paying money to buy a zerker set just to run enough dungeons for 500 tokens for a legendary. Also looked into multiple ways of buying it and its all too expensive.
A- Achievement point dont mean jack. Players can have 20k and still not know how to play their class (i’ve seen it before)
B- Inviting players w/o a certain gear type isnt the end of the world plus the ammount of time it takes to find a full squad with a certain type u could probably run 2 dungeons.
C- Since when was 3rd party stuff ok.
I ran through enough CoE explorable paths to get my dungeon tokens for the legendary I’m working on. I didn’t buy a single one. I didn’t get kicked a single time.
When the party was full, I made sure to ask the group if it was ok that I didn’t have experience and that I was still learning.
I was never once asked about my gear or my trait set up. And at the time, I bet my gear was mostly zerker, but traited for my clerics gear because I had forgotten to switch the traits around for ages. So my DPS would not have been meta level.