Stop skipping Kohler in AC
I’m just there for tokens. I don’t care for the money >.>
I’m just there for tokens. I don’t care for the money >.>
If you think people running AC all the time are doing it for the tokens well…….
As far as Kohler skipping, you just join bad pugs, I never skip him (since patch).
I really never want to skip him either. He is super easy if you know how to dodge.
The other bad thing about skipping him is that he provides a really good waypoint in the dungeon and if your already in a bad pug, your just going to waste more time running from the super far waypoint.
People just do not get it though.
I always tell my group: kill him or I leave.
Well i always let the Troll (if it spawns) do the dirty job for me!
Its nice to see that not all monsters are against ‘you’ and ‘you’ only.
Did they nerf him? If so how?
Also Id like to know if you use the Troll egainst him, does the troll kill him all on his own?
I tend to like killing Kholer now. However, I dislike pitting Troll vs Kholer now, as it makes it difficult to get kill credit for both (both drop money) without havoc going on.
Did they nerf him? If so how?
Also Id like to know if you use the Troll egainst him, does the troll kill him all on his own?
It depends. if the boss has 1 or 2 monk adds with him. There’s a chance that the troll will die
Did they nerf him? If so how?
Also Id like to know if you use the Troll egainst him, does the troll kill him all on his own?
He hasn’t been nerfed as far as I know. Still the same easy boss.
I don’t always kill Kohler, but when I do I always get a Bag of Wondrous Goods. Kohler is … The Most Interesting Boss in Ascalonian Catacombs.
That, and he’s not a Graveling. Besides, I like the extra 3 tokens.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
hasn’t been nerfed. been the same. i’ve only seen the troll once, and people were hitting both of them with ranged and didn’t aggro either of them. they were still going at it. i then decide to pop my Tome of Wrath, started burning them and the troll just kept coming after me, and Kohler after the troll. i had to jump into the water below to lose aggro. waited until Kohler was almsot done, and then we all jumped in to ensure we got enough hits on Kohler for “credit”.
the groups i’ve been in were 50/50 kill him for loot, plus he’s really easy, other half still skips and doesn’t see the point. i’m fine either way but i DO like the waypoint in the middle afterwards.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Just got an exotic drop from kholer chest today. and the rest of my group wanted to skip. they also later went and tried to actually defend on path 3 instead of just killing burrows
He still isn’t worth the trouble and risk of wasting time/repairs/wipe for me.
He still isn’t worth the trouble and risk of wasting time/repairs/wipe for me.
Or you could learn to dodge, get 10s (at least) + Wondrous Goods (contains 3 tokens for those “just in it for the tokens”). Also you can still put the troll and kholer up against each other, you can get “credit” for killing them by constantly hitting from range.
its a boring and its not worth while killing something that 2 hits you or trolls you even if you are a tank. a sily chest that gives blues or a tonic of extreme uselss ness and rare/exo rune that cant be sold. its like killing jormag after 30-40 mins of bs to get 5 blues even if you are made of magic find. Plus the dungeons bug more than anything in the game so no one wastes time killing it only to get a bug. Its safer to skip get your tokens and gtfo as fast as you can.
Kohler is so freaking easy that my real life friends actually do a drinking game for every time one of us gets dragged in. Rarely do we ever need to drink.
I honestly dont mind either way. Skip or kill, both have things for and against. I always ask my group what they want, and do as they please. It saves a whole lot of frustration if you just think ‘Meh, if I kill him I get +3 tokens and some silver, if I don’t kill him I’ll save some time and will be able to do more runs’.
Really guys, it is in the end, just a game. Try to enjoy it rather than to be annoyed at the little things, that makes it so much more worthwile.
*inb4 people saying im casual and therefor think this way, I’ve got 1000+ hours logged. (I do need a life, I am very much aware of that.)
well kohler is idd verry eazy if you just know to dodge when he raises his arm high (like the slow-mo) it’s reay eazy idd he doesn’t do great dps then that spinning atk.
+ the cave troll is even eazy’er lolz . you can die IF you don’t get out of the red circle in time yes (same with kohler) but cave troll is even more eazy to dodge so why not kill al bosses lolz ….. it’s a dungeon for a reason (@least i see it this way) i’m doing this dungeon daily ., and yes i DO like the extra bag of wonderous …..etc… again that’s why i do dungeons , not for exp , but for the (tears in this particular) , money , loot you can just sell for more money , and karma so yeah guyz why skip
i’f you wanna do a quick run i understand but i’f your playing hours upon hours dungeon farming like me just kill the guy
just like queen spider , I LOVE TO KILL THAT SHIZLE :p
Guild Leader of : Final Nightmare (FIN).
aurora glade server ^^
I leave the group if they can’t be bothered killing him.
you guys know kholer does not use his special if everyone ion group is using melee weapons right?
Tis only what you can do for all
I always tell my group: kill him or I leave.
I’d kick anyone I saw with that attitude.
you dont even have to dodge, just stand with a ledge infront of you and you cant get pulled. Still a pointless and unfun boss
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
I thought it was a fluke to start with but now the majority of people call him Kohler in stead of Kholer. Why is that?
Anyway, I never skipped Kholer cause he’s the most fun to fight in AC, gives good loot now + waypoint. No excuse IMO
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
whaat? I love kohler’s combat mechanics
I don’t get what’s to love about his combat mechanics.
He’s just your typical boss, his only unique mechanic is when he grabs your team. You see him charging his grab, you dodge when he tries to grab your party or stand behind a pillar, and that’s it.
Other than one easily dodged attack, he’s just your standard boss.
Because when I go in I want it done fast, get me some tokens and cash, killing him means a 20 min run takes 25 and that’s too long for an extra 10s and a chance at a rare.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
why should i waste my time on an optional boss with no consistent reward?
I always tell my group: kill him or I leave.
I’d kick anyone I saw with that attitude.
Me too.
why should i waste my time on an optional boss with no consistent reward?
He always drops a random item and a wondrous bag which contains 3 tokens, karma drop and a bag of coins (“gold”), in addition you get to loot his chest.
What inconsistent reward are you talking about?
why should i waste my time on an optional boss with no consistent reward?
He always drops a random item and a wondrous bag which contains 3 tokens, karma drop and a bag of coins (“gold”), in addition you get to loot his chest.
What inconsistent reward are you talking about?
Bags of Wondrous Goods are not guaranteed.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
He consistently drops 10s too, which with an omnom makes him worth more than the champion mobs and as much as the final bosses. You also loot his chest for another 3s in merchant fodder, can win big and get a Bag of Wondrous Goods from him, and on your best day have him and troll fight it out for double rewards. He’s now well worth the 3 minutes to kill and, like always, if he kills you then you should lern2dodge. :P
I always tell my group: kill him or I leave.
I’d kick anyone I saw with that attitude.
Me too.
I am not bothered. My server is full enough to find a new group within 5minutes. I am not going to skip Kholer if the only reason to do AC is making money.
you guys know kholer does not use his special if everyone ion group is using melee weapons right?
yep its true..
Tis only what you can do for all
Because when I go in I want it done fast, get me some tokens and cash, killing him means a 20 min run takes 25 and that’s too long for an extra 10s and a chance at a rare.
no its not lol where else can u get that sorta cash for a few minutes work.
Tis only what you can do for all
its crazy tho you know... when im in a group for AC and i mention this to people they think me crazy and that its not true haha... Even my guildys lol.. But I know for a fact its true but no-one including npc orpets should use any missle weapon attack on him.. just melee and he has no computational reason to use his special attack..
Tis only what you can do for all
It’s true. Running past as much as possible in order to shave a few minutes off a run is what all the leet doods do. They are way too important and have too much big stuff going on to be bothered spending an extra 5 minutes for some coin. Too many decisions to make.
You should be ashamed of yourself for even assuming that two minutes of their precious, valuable time is worth compromising for one of the best gold farming areas in the game.
Just think of all the other important elite hardcore gamer shizz they are missing out on by spending an extra two minutes in a dungeon! They could spend that two minutes standing around in LA complaining about how bored they are or linking their pink rings in guild chat while ignoring guildies who might need helping getting there. It’s something casual players will never understand.
nonlinear you are a genius! Im going to spit my food out every lunchtime for a week with skittens when i think about what you have said! I love it! lol
Tis only what you can do for all
Kholer is definitely not worth it in a pug. You can only rez people so fast. Any time 2+ people miss dodging the pull it’s pretty much either a wipe or reset.
The issue is that kholer’s spin attack lasts longer than the down’s invulnerability and does huge damage. So it’s not just that people are downed…they’re dead and need to run back
Oh yeah, Please don’t skip anything. I’m with my full MF gear on and please my team you should definitely farm with me.
The whole point of pug is to get your party killed while you solo. And what achieves this better than Kohler?
The whole point of pug is to get your party killed while you solo. And what achieves this better than Kohler?
No the whole point is to get killed during the boss fight and wait for the chest. Loot rules!
Just find the people you want to play with…easy as that…
And just saying, if you are running with a pug, then run with common interest, there are people who don’t care about the money, just the token, or just that sense of accomplishment of finishing a dungeon asap. Not going to talk about premade group, that’s your own business, but if you are pugging, then just say something like LFM AC killing all boss/champs, then you end up with people that want to play the same way, how hard can that be.
Forcing to kill or forcing to skip.. there is no difference really.. find the people that share a common interest.
So long as someone in the party wants to do it, even one person, it gets done. It doesn’t take that long and you get a waypoint for your time while also keeping everyone happy. Let’s face it, you can’t really moan about a free chest/money/drops/waypoint at the cost of a few minutes. Usually groups will do it anyway if the CT spawns and get drops from both. It really depends on what the people in the party want and you also have to consider that not everyone will be of the same skill level or have the same familiarity with the dungeon as others, some might not know how to skip or maybe walk into him if it is a first time. It doesn’t really make much of a difference because even with a half decent PUG you will blow through it and probably have a fun time.
He still isn’t worth the time it takes to kill him. Not difficulty, just a time sink. If he had less hp, was more interesting, or dropped better stuff, I would actually want to kill him. As it stands I just ask if the party wants him or not, but honestly I don’t care either way.
Kohler is a pretty good example of the problems with some dungeon encounters. If he doesn’t kill in the first 45s cause you know what you’re doing, then he isn’t gonna kill you in the next 2-3min while you pound on him. The graveling packs on the other-hand, are actually challenging and enjoyable.
I’ve never not gotten a bag of goods. 0_o
As for fighting him:
Is the reward worth the difficulty? yes. I think most can agree to that.
Is the reward worth the time? …depends on your value of time and if you find him “fun.”
And instead of leaving your party or kicking for fighting/skipping why not determine before even entering the dungeon? i.e. “LFG AC path X w/ kholer” or “LFG AC path X w/o kholer” Leaving/kicking is just rude. (ofc if anything takes more than 1 attempt it’s acceptable by my book)
For the “fight/skip or I leave mindset”: Is leaving, finding a new party, and getting through the intro stuff up to the kholer part, and doing the dungeon without that WP faster than just killing him? If so, please, feel free to link a video
I go down twice when I fight him, on a good day only once. Doesn’t matter the group I’m with. It’s worth a damaged piece or two. And I enjoy the challenge; one day I hope to go down nonce. The whole “broken armor” argument is. . . well. . . broken.
@Quiznos – am sure that day will come soon ; )))
i think Kholer is a fun boss regardless. not that hard, but not terribly boring. and decent rewards. most of the time i’ve gotten bags and even if not, it’s good enough for me. the central waypoint helps too : ))
@Jaz – had no idea about the melee weapon thing. so even if i, as a Guardian, was using scepter/staff in melee range, and everyone else was melee weps (sword, axe, dagger, etc), it’d still proc his pull / spin attack? and yes yes, scepter/staff aren’t really ranged weapons.. ; ))) lol
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall