I have completed two separate story mode dungeons so far on my 71 Ranger, and wanted to provide some feedback from a long time MMO veteran.
A bit of background:
Who am I: I am a 10 year MMO veteran. I have played many, many games to cap, played through countless dungeons, raids, quests, etc.
What have I run (my level at runtime): Twilight Arbor (58) and Caudecus’s Manor (71), both in story mode.
On to the feedback:
Very difficult content has it’s place in an MMO. I loved reading the previous post on these boards from Colin Johanson (response to thread: Do NOT nerf please) stating Arena Net’s stance on Explorable Dungeon difficulty – and why they don’t want to tune it down at the moment.
For a great example of a very similar system, you can look at World of Warcrafts heroic raiding. For those that don’t know, its a scaled and adjusted version of the top tier fights, only completable by the best of the best. Systems like this and Explorable dungeons are excellent, as they provide challenges for the very best players in the game.
As a long time MMO veteran, I was happy initially to hear that dungeons had a difficulty scaling mechanism. That is, Story Mode vs Explorable mode. As someone who has made the shift to a busier life, I don’t classify myself as the ‘best of the best’ like I once did in MMO gaming. The main reason for this is I simply don’t have time to spend learning every last nuance of the game mechanics.
However, in my first two experiences with Story Mode dungeons, I have been quite let down. Now, I completed both, and some would say that in and of itself is the end of any argument I could be forming here, but I disagree.
As someone who has experience in many MMO settings, when I saw a tiered difficulty dungeon system I expected that the one labeled “Story” would be pick-up-group friendly, provide some great additional story content, and in general not be of a frustrating difficulty. Sadly, that has just not been my experience thus far.
Let’s take a look at some concrete examples.
The second boss in Story Mode TA, who summons nightmare spiderlings in mass quantity. Our group of rag-tag adventurers found no way to complete this other than running in cirlces and continually resurecting at the waypoint – causing repair bills, frustration, and a total disconnect from feeling like the hero I thought my character was.
Several pulls into CM, you are ambushed in a room that looks like a dining hall. I had been willingly sending in Cola, my big ol’ bear, as the initial puller to keep damage low at the start of fights. In this ambush, Cola went in, I popped Signet of Stone to negate all damage for 10 seconds on him, about half the mobs looked at me, and in roughly 1.5 seconds I was full to dead (not downed, but dead).
There are other examples of similiar issues I have encountered, but these two sum up my main concerns which are:
1) Most of the bosses are being beaten by mass-resurrecting at waypoints
2) Whoever draws aggro initially or at the wrong time, eats dirt.
3) I didn’t have fun.
The third is honestly the most important to me. And its always the hardest for a developer, I am sure, as it is subjective. But here are my thoughts on ‘fun’:
Because fun is subjective, developers need to provide multiple types of fun and difficulties. Arena net has that system in place, with story vs. explorable vs. multiple paths in explorable. This system, in my opinion, simply needs to be utilized a bit more by tuning down story mode to allow PuG’s less frustration and more fun.
I’ll wrap up by saying: so far in guild wars 2, almost everything I come across fits with the mentality “MMO’s should be fun”. Story Mode dungeons are the only feature thus far, where I have instead hit a wall of frustration simply so I can see the story and progress my characters relationships.