Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dante.1508


As the title suggests why are Story mode dungeons so epically hard to do, we got bugged and could not do explore so we decided lets get CoE story mode done…

Really bad idea these things are a nightmare, being one shot by overpowered attacks needlessly (the mage type inquest) having to respawn after respawn endlessly is not fun.

While i like a challenge this thing took a good 3 hours to complete and after i did not feel like i’d achieved anything i was just glad to never see it again, that is not fun that is frustration.

All story mode dungeons feel this way to me, and it just turns me off doing them at all, and the whole story mode thing isn’t working as most flick past the story to continue the dungeon or get upset if you don’t…

I understand the need for hard explore mode dungeons which give you a reward at the end for armors, but Story mode effectively gives you nothing but pain and anger..

No reward is worth that and a little experience is not enough of a reward..especially at level 80, some rare kind of useless hat is just a slap in the face..

Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


SM is only hard if you’re running through with as pug that has bad gear. Now if you said Arah SM is hard I’d have to agree.

Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


I have not encountered a story mode that is difficult yet. The difficulty lies in having teammates who actually cooperate and help each otherr.

Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dehumanizer.3682


I see where the OP is coming from. He expects, just like i did, when you pug for a dungeon that is not labeled hard/heroic/what ever you want to call it, you are not supposed to have that much of a hard time beating it. I pug’ed all dungeons in story mode on my warrior, just after release, and after every run i swore i’d never set a foot in a dungeon unless i absolutely have to. it was actually so bad i stopped playing altogether.

making ordinary dungeons so hard that a VOIP program and proper group coordination are crucial to the groups success is just plain bad game design. I expect that stuff when i’m trying to get the best-in-slot items or when i’m looking for a challenge but not in ordinary dungeons i run because i’m bored of the pvp and bugged events.

I guess i was just fooled by the easy going outdoor pve where every class is viable and you almost never encounter an enemy you can’t beat. but even if you do, there are lots of other players around you. but as soon as you enter a dungeon you, and more importantly your group, better know exactly what to do or you will die – a lot.

my last and only hope for the dungeon pve in gw2 lies with the, hopefully soon implemented, looking for group function and some kind of return to the holy trinity(tank, heal, dps).

Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: runeblade.7514


SM dungeon is hard because people tend to not have the highest quality gear.

Do SM dungeon with a pug with full exotics, there will be a huge difference.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xander.7260


I see where the OP is coming from. He expects, just like i did, when you pug for a dungeon that is not labeled hard/heroic/what ever you want to call it, you are not supposed to have that much of a hard time beating it. I pug’ed all dungeons in story mode on my warrior, just after release, and after every run i swore i’d never set a foot in a dungeon unless i absolutely have to. it was actually so bad i stopped playing altogether.

making ordinary dungeons so hard that a VOIP program and proper group coordination are crucial to the groups success is just plain bad game design. I expect that stuff when i’m trying to get the best-in-slot items or when i’m looking for a challenge but not in ordinary dungeons i run because i’m bored of the pvp and bugged events.

I guess i was just fooled by the easy going outdoor pve where every class is viable and you almost never encounter an enemy you can’t beat. but even if you do, there are lots of other players around you. but as soon as you enter a dungeon you, and more importantly your group, better know exactly what to do or you will die – a lot.

my last and only hope for the dungeon pve in gw2 lies with the, hopefully soon implemented, looking for group function and some kind of return to the holy trinity(tank, heal, dps).

This mentality is a little frustrating to me. I think people forget that the content in this game is quite different from your run-of-the-mill MMO. In reality, these dungeons are quite easy, but only after you get over the learning curve.

Now, I’m not talking about a learning curve per dungeon run/path. There is a style of play involved which requires practice. But once you’ve got this down, it applies game wide. You won’t find yourself dying 10 times just because you enter brand new content you’ve not seen before.

The game is very fast/reactionary in nature. Almost everything in the game that is trying to hurt you has either a “tell” or a pattern it follows that you learn to anticipate. Once you can anticipate it, you don’t have to rely on any sort of twitch reflex in order to survive.

Good luck to ya.

Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

The game is quite different from other MMOs, but ignoring the fact that a large portion (if not a majority) of your incoming player base has the traditional MMO mentality yet don’t really acclimate them to the new systems, surprise people will find it tough. Not everyone can just pick up a game and instantly “get it”.

As for the style of play… yes, you do have to learn it, but story mode isn’t necessarily the best teacher. Having done all the story dungeons on my engineer (in full exotics), and then repeating on my necro (in mostly exotics)… I would argue that most story mode dungeons are far more difficult to execute than it’s explore mode counterpart (with some exceptions). Notice I said execute… that’s cause many of these story bosses require a lot more coordination and people will often listen, but it’s hard to actually carry through for whatever reasons; though generally I think it’s more the bosses than the gear (think Fire Golem phase in SE Kudo fight…).

Story Mode Dungeons? too hard why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dante.1508


Honestly i have no issue, with the Explore being hard for reasons we all know, apart from nagging bugs that seem to be prolific in these dungeons.

But the story mode version are just that story mode (which they force us to do first) they give no benefit to our characters bar a hat and some experience and as far as i know most only bother to do them once.

Why make them insanely hard for no reward all, that insane type of risk and costs to repair for no apparent gain, and these things are aimed at 30 upwards, no real team of level 30 can do them easily they are insanely hard without money or gear..

CoE we did the monsters literally one shot my character (ranger) in exotics with 18k hp, that is stupidly unnecessary and does not make me feel like i enjoyed myself.

(edited by Dante.1508)