Before I jump on the whine train, I must say GW2 is the most fun I have had in an MMO in a very long time. Albiet this is only in open world dynamic events, and exploring. I have only a smattering on WvWvW experience at the moment but from what I see it is fun, and engaging.
My Biggest Gripe is with dungeon difficulty:
Let me explain.
Story mode is supposed to be furthering / augmenting a players class quest and lore of the game. It is therefore in my HUMBLE opinion, that story mode should be completable by a small group of 3 at most. Now granted the three should struggle, but it should still be achievable. If you have a good group composition, and have 5 people. You should easily complete the dungeon with maybe 1 or 2 deaths max. The difficulty for story mode is a bit high.
Remember STORY mode is supposed to be furthering lore, and story for a players class quest. So at 35 with in game dropped gear, and a group of 3 people we SHOULD be able to complete the dang dungeon the game steers us towards with minimal knowledge of game mechanics. This should be our introductory dungeon, with long boss telegraphs to their signature move. Lower hitpoint pools, etc.
Then the next dungeon we get steered towards for story mode, should be slightly harder, but still achievable by 3 people. As a matter of fact all story mode dungeons should be achievable by a small group.
Explore mode is insanely difficult, and far to punishing. Risk -vs- Reward is the key here. I grant you explore mode is designed to be difficult and the games RAID mode. But again, it is insanely difficult. We would be better served with a 3 tier difficulty selectiong for explore mode dungeons with scaling rewards.
Story mode
– 3 people hard difficulty
– 5 people moderate to easy difficulty
– Least rewards, only xp, silver, and some random boss drops.
– learing mode for Explore mode
– At level 80 doing all dungeons in story mode, should gear you up for Explore mode (easy)
Explore mode: (Easy)
– requires full group
– slightly harder than Story mode difficulty
– smallest rewards for dungeon tokens
– Designed to be the introductory to the A$$CI pain that is about to ensue. But greatly forgiving.
Explore mode: (Normal)
– requires full group
– This is the standard difficulty
– Standard rewards
– The difficulty here should require coordination, and the group should be almost on their A game.
Explore mode: (HARD)
– required full group
– This is raid difficulty
– higher than average rewards
– This is unforgiving, metric ton A$$CI pain, and the group better bring their A++ game to the table.
Standardize dungeon tokens to be universal across all dungeons. Lower the cost of dungeon gear to only require at most 5 runs per gear piece at normal difficulty. Easy = 10+ runs, 2-3 runs at Hard mode.
This eliminates the grind, but still requires work. This also allows a player to vary their dungeon experience, and still get the gear set (look) they desire.
As it stands I am not sure I will do any dungeons beyond story mode for myself, and with great reluctance help my guildies, and friends through their story modes.
War and Peace,