Stunlocking is not fun
Your party should be able to revive you faster then a single mob will kill you. The big problem in PUG groups is people don’t work together. They also don’t use group buffs appropriately. Sorry but this ain’t WoW – if your group is bad you should die even if you do everything right. One person can not carry the entire group.
shield skills blocks knock downs.
Not blocking stuns intended? dont know.
The majority of the complaints, that i read, are bout being knocked down.
The separatist fighters in CM story are brutal.. mainly because they come in packs of 5 or 8 and they knock down like crazy.
more over the area is kinda tight making it hard to have team members around.
Still…. I got knock down locked down in a PUG and there did not appear to be anyone who was capable of working as team enough to stop them.
we still beat it but i dont know how and therein lays the problem. Although I don’t let that kind of thing bother me that much. Ill figure it out.
(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)
I’ve seen some of the worst stunlocks mentioned in the original post here, and I agree that they are excessive, particularly the gravelings in AC. As a mesmer, I generally keep at least one stun break utility skill, in addition to phase retreat (staff 2). In most cases, even when I see the knockdown coming and teleport away, I still get knocked down and chewed on despite being 20 feet away. Often when I get knocked down, I’ll immediately phase retreat or blink away, only to continue taking massive damage from 20 feet away. The only time I actually managed to escape was by using phase retreat, blink, and decoy in rapid succession.
There have been more than a few times when I used Deception (downed clone + stealth teleport), and the target maintained focus on me, turning to face me as I teleported and didn’t even slow down while completely ignoring the clone I left behind.
To me, it seems stupid that many of our skills have altered or no effect on dungeon monsters. We have way larger cool downs on our skills than monsters do and on top of this they just ignore our effects.
I wish they based the difficulty of dungeon monsters more on reflexes and timing than just nullifying a lot of our skills. Because right now, they are not even difficult, but rather boring.. and some are just annoying.
Even the silly (and easy) heart events can be more fun to play. For example that little arena where you pick up the shield, and time your block accordingly or the Trainer knocks you down. That stuff is hilarious and fun, and far more engaging than a fat monster that ignores most cc. Of course this is all just one man’s opinion, people expect different things from the same game.
Some of the stunlocks in this game are pretty cheap i gotta admit. I don’t even think the AC graveling ones is bad at all. An example of a cheap one imo is like in HotW SM, theres that once boss that breathes ice, and drops a bunch of red circles + rocks. The rocks drop repeatedly in the circle in such a way that if the first one hits you, you are stuck eating dirt the whole time.
On a related note, auto-balance stance for warrior trait is bad, doesn’t activate very often/at all. Not sure what the internal CD on it is, but it seems to be alot worse than the auto-endure pain trait.
For the AC scavengers, there’s a lot of things to counter it:
First is pretty typical. Dodge it. There’s an obvious animation you should watch out for. After you dodge it, don’t be stupid and stand in front of it.
If you somehow got knocked down, you can stun break out and dodge back then proceed to go behind it. The same scavenger will NOT stun you again due to it’s being too busy hitting nothing.
If there’s more than one scavenger, they will generally both do the knock down at the same time or close to.
You can interrupt them while they’re on top of someone.
Don’t be stupid and stand in front of them after the leap.
a character build should have:
a way to break stunAnd you use it, and you immediately get knocked down again. Now what? Equip two stun breakers? Three? I’ve seen people get hit by up to five knockbacks (up to three from a single enemy) in a row.
Besides, if your “list” was meant to be mandatory, no one would use most of the utility skills (that don’t fall into those categories), such as remote reviving, reflecting walls, CC, quickness and swiftness boosts, etc..
The “punishment” from being knocked back is being knocked back. It should not be complete loss of control of your character for the following 10 seconds while continuing to take damage.
Reading these answers, looks like we have a lot of “armchair dungeon explorers” here (i.e., they read the wiki but don’t actually do the dungeons very often). Stability is pointless unless you can predict when the shot is going to hit you, which in most cases against “normal” mobs you can’t. Stun breaking works once and then it’s on a (long) CD.
The thread is about stunlocking, it’s obviously not about “being hit by one stun”.
If the stunlocking is a bug, it needs to be fixed. If it’s intended, whoever is designing the dungeons should look for a different job, because they don’t understand the concept of fun.
I don’t know what’s up with your party members, but where are the other four people and what are they doing while this one person gets jumped 6 times? Sheesh.
In regards to SWTOR if you got hit by two consecutive stuns than you would become DR’d for about 20 seconds where you couldn’t be hit again.
In this game there is NO DR SYSTEM so in PvP/PvE you can be completely locked out from doing anything from full HP to 0%. There are still counters to it like Stability, but once you’re out it’s a FFA. Also some builds can literally spam snares on you.
Honestly because of the lack of a DR system I find this games PvP a lot less fun than SWTOR.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
(edited by ComeAndSee.1356)
i said it before and i am gonna say it again here : this game NEEDS imunity timers. one for each form of cc. nuff said.
the blindsided fanboys who will tell you to shut up and l2p are just that. blindsided fanboys that have mostly no clue at all. guys like these are everywere out there on any game. they are the real reason games getting worse and worse for every year since everything is FINE to such players. in reality they are just blindsided by marketing mostly.
anet needs to put in cc imunity timers for each form of cc. they dont need to be longer than 5-10 seconds each but they should be there from the get go. anyone who thinks stunlocking something or someone is skill is a complete kitten
preventing players from beeing able to defend themselves is a mechanic only defended by morons who want easy kills.
face it . thats the truth.
You honestly should be immune to further knockbacks until your character has stood back up after a knockback.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
I totally agree with the OP.
I noticed the annoying stunlocks while leveling fighting against certain Mobs which seem to have almost no CD on their Knockdown skills.
A very famous Stunlocker is the Guy with the Musket in CM explo. If he managed to hit you you are doomed. If your teammates are not able to distract him or throw a Guardianbubble around you you will simply get kitten
I reffered about this issue and other unfair mechanics in PvE in this threat:
Imo Bosses and Dungeon Trash uses their “special” Abilities too often. We have a CD on each Skill so why Mobs havent?
In case of that Musket Guy: he should have a CD on his knockdown. Enough to let a Player get up again and do a dodgeroll before triggering the Knockdown again. I wouldnt mind if he does some sort of Autoattack in between specials because well thats what we players do too right?
Another example would be the Archerthiefs in CM who activate their blockingskill with almost 90% uptime. If you hit them with your super duper it gets blocked, if you see a number pop up from your autohits and activate your super duper again there is a very high chance that Archer activated those Blockingskills again and your Attack misses. This is just annoying and should be fixed with a CD in between.
Unfortunately the Last Stand Trait for my Class is still broken.
(edited by Monki.5012)
Everyone has anti stun skills and some type of block ability. You should be expected to pack your bar accordingly for each specific fight. That is the point of a limited skill system.