Darxio – Thief Commander
Subject Alpha without rez rushing
Darxio – Thief Commander
I would go as far to say that tank armors are completely useless in this dungeons since alpha will one shot you most days anyway if you cant make the dodge.
Key for dodge really is as simple as 1, 2 dodge. The dungeon is a lot easier after this dodge has been mastered and if all classes take some sort of Vigor skill or vigor like skills or traits.
Its also easier if people stack on alpha also because then if someone gets crystal (which causes most of the deaths due to unable to dodge while frozen) you can simply melee and break it fast. If someone does go down it is imperative everyone stop what they are doing and rez him up straight away. You should always be keeping an eye out on your allies health bars anyway.
Reiven Kloak-Warrior / Pizza Pirate-Engineer
Charr Grilled Fish-Ranger
like I said, we tried stacking on him. we still got wiped.
I’m not sure what the problem was. hi it was the last 1 to go down. the rest, maybe they didn’t have a good enough armor, but really, it was on path 1, his pbaoe fire and cone is what killed us.
If stacked ontop of him, his cone attack won’t be able to hit you – it starts a little distance away from him.
To properly stack, go into Options, and turn off Melee Assist. MA keeps you at a minimum distance when attacking based on your size so that animations look right. It’s not quite as much an issue if you’re an asura, but if you’re a large character it can force you into range for the cone. You should literally be inside him when attacking.
For his Ice attack, I time my dodge with the “frost” noise – when I hear that, I dodge. Gets me through/
I tackled Alpha for the first time last night. The guy who had run the dungeon before just told us all to hug Alpha, joint res anyone who went down and DPS the crystal imprisonments.
I didn’t have any problems, but then as an AH Guardian if I was going down I’d just switch to staff and throw a symbol of swiftness and then an empower and my health would rocket back up.
If you stack on top of him he is faceroll.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
I have to say I find it interesting how I see you have some people saying the dungeon is easy and others saying it’s freaking hard
maybe this really is a bit of a l2p issue, and I am willing to learn. I need someone to show me the ropes haha
The fight itself isn’t bad, what’s bad is when someone goes down and you go to rez, get stuck rezzing and can’t dodge out, and now it snowballs downhill from there as others attempt the same thing. Fix the kitten stuck rez bug already and make rezzing more viable and this won’t be so bad. When you’re rezzing a dead player at a snail’s pace you might as well just go ahead and team wipe because that’s exactly what is about to happen. When they fix how rezzing works and fix the stuck rez bug I’ll come back to this dungeon, until then this is nowhere near worth the time and effort invested for the pitiful rewards it yields.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
The fight itself isn’t bad, what’s bad is when someone goes down and you go to rez, get stuck rezzing and can’t dodge out, and now it snowballs downhill from there as others attempt the same thing. Fix the kitten stuck rez bug already and make rezzing more viable and this won’t be so bad. When you’re rezzing a dead player at a snail’s pace you might as well just go ahead and team wipe because that’s exactly what is about to happen. When they fix how rezzing works and fix the stuck rez bug I’ll come back to this dungeon, until then this is nowhere near worth the time and effort invested for the pitiful rewards it yields.
“No res for NPCs while in combat” would also be nice or a “throw NPC’s corpse out of the room” option.
Alpha takes some practice, but once you have it down, you won’t have much trouble with him.
If someone is defeated, have someone try to kite Alpha away from them. His attacks have a range limit. So if he’s far enough away, the defeated can be rezzed quickly.
When dodging the ice/earth, wait about 1.5 seconds and dodge just once. One dodge is enough to protect you, even if you don’t leave the area of the red circle. Also, if he’s not using the ice attack. You can remain in the center of the double circles without getting hurt.
When Alpha is using the ice attack, he will only use it again one player during the cast. Everyone else will get earth. Learning to recognize the difference between can help a lot. However, if you are stacking, then it’s safe to assume that you will see both ice and earth, so always dodge those.
well, since reading this, we did 3 or 4 runs on coe. and while it didn’t go perfectly, and we had a couple of wipes, they went much much better.
thanks for all the help and advice.
Well I just did CoE today and it was my first time with a bunch of friends. It was so freaking simple. Hug him and you’ll get broken out of crystals or res’ed in a matter of a blink of an eye. Well having 3 warriors might had made this run easier but, I still don’t see why ANYONE is having trouble with this, unless you’re one of those DOITMYWAY thiefs.