(edited by HellHound.5480)
Submarine path / CoE - Tips on how to pass the Security Console event
Trigger one wave, kill silvers, trigger another wave, kill silvers and so on.
Well, got it done yesturday after a several wipes. Had to regroup at the entrance to this room after an each stage. Had party of engineer, ele, 2 guardian and ranger. With all bunch of golems out of aggro range, we all run into room. All mobs come at our direction, after they are passed about half of the room, ele casts frozen ground on them, and some other cc (electrical field, earth wall). Engi went straight to the console and triggered it. Then we all stood near him and aoe’d like crazy to kill small golems. Its best to have some kind of protection, for big golems lazors are hitting pretty hard. After killing a bunch of small golems, there more free place to do some kiting with big ones (dont bother to kill them). Basically you need to protect person triggering the console for a certain amount of time. Killing small golems is a must, because their blasts are pushing ppl off. So, several rounds of this insane kitten and you are done.
Trigger one wave, kill silvers, trigger another wave, kill silvers and so on.
No point of killing silver ones – they are respawning.
Trigger one wave, kill silvers, trigger another wave, kill silvers and so on.
No point of killing silver ones – they are respawning.
His tactics are correct.
They only spawn ONCE for each time you activate the security console.
Right. The silvers only spawn once per console use, so kill them.
Once the silvers are down, notice there are 4 spawn ‘areas’ in the corners of the room, where golems appear on platforms. Just send one person to each area and have them run around meleeing golems as they turn red. All they have to do is basically make circles around the pillars. If all silvers are dead, this frees up the console for your fifth party member to use. So long as people are active on each of the four spawn quadrants, they should be unobstructed.
silvers only spawn once per trigger that you do it.
Elementalists can easily avoid being hit while hacking using arcane shield and mist form. I assume something like a thief can probably haste + stealth himself and do it pretty kitten fast to.
Dont hack twice in a row unless you want to deal with lots of silvers along with the bombs.
Pro Tip: Do the last two steps at once, the bombing golems then despawn and you have only the 3 silver golems left.
Thanks guys! Great info =)