[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KaosNinja.4967


the Fractal Relic Merchant should give some sort of discount, proportionate to your personal level.

currently the only reason to reach for new heights is a slight increase in RNG tables, which are notorious for being purely IRL luck based. at least with this it’d feel like you’ve accomplished something definitive. “oh goodie, my miniscule chance of ascended chests/fractal skins is now a slightly thicker chance” isn’t a very solid motivator.

alternatively, you could add things to him based on personal level. say:
30+ you can trade a ring for another, with pristine relic charge half of what buying one would cost.
40+ you can trade fractal skins (because we’ve all got duplicates of something at this point) with additional pristine relic costs (say, 3x what a ring costs?)
50+ you can trade fractal ascended chests, with some monumental pristine relic cost (idk, 10x what a ring costs?)

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


This in addition to more stuff to spend relics on is actually a really nice idea. It was already discussed that certain new rewards should only be available to purchase at certain levels. But tiered discounts is also nice. Im guessing you mean just like the drytop tiered vendor?

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KaosNinja.4967


But tiered discounts is also nice. Im guessing you mean just like the drytop tiered vendor?

exactly. the only complication i could see is how to make the discount personalized to each party members Personal Reward Level. of course you could circumvent that by just making him scale to the level that its open to. but then you could exploit by just having that one 50 overachiever in your guild open for everyone so they could buy cheap stuff.

(edited by KaosNinja.4967)

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


Your PRL is stored in a database somewhere. It ought to be trivially easy to access that PRL value and do something with it upon talking to the merchant. There shouldn’t be any complications here.

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KaosNinja.4967


Your PRL is stored in a database somewhere. It ought to be trivially easy to access that PRL value and do something with it upon talking to the merchant. There shouldn’t be any complications here.

was unaware.
although now that i think about it Silverwaistes has merchants with something similar, with that Boot Acquisition Order. the merchant recognized person to person whether you had ever used that item or not and showed the Carapace Boots accordingly. so this could totally work for fractal discounts/unlocks

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


Seems like a nice idea. On reddit someone posted that a dev at PAX east told them to keep their relics when asked about fractal rewards, so at the very least they’re going to do something with it.

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThyShadowPaladin.9521


Been saving relics. This sound’s like a great idea.


[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Benson.9063


Hmm I don’t know I’m iffy on this. I think it should be hard to get the ascended gears but you SHOULD have something to do with them if you get them and don’t need them. i believe the “current reason for new heights” (as the OP says) is enough though. i’d be afraid of making it feel like hitting 50 is necessary. I like it as it is now as there are enough people to find parties at 11-20, 21-30, and 31-40 (haven’t gone above that) and i’d be afraid that those lesser levels would see less people playing in them. and also more people would rush through the tiers without actually being ready. my opinion at least.

I also wouldn’t mind seeing consumables and other things in fractal merchants. I like that there are 20 slot boxes already. Would like to see them expand upon that. +5AR food?

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KaosNinja.4967


what if we could throw 3 chests and a bunch of pristine relics into the Mystic Toilet for a new chest?

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kuben.9826


OP’s idea is realy nice, would be nice to see this in game. And not according to merchant, skins could have tier drop to reduce chance of multiplying useless skins in inventory. For example : 10-19 drops focus, torch, shield (offhands only). 20-29 drops onehands (or semi demanded skins) 30-39 drops most demanded skins like greatsword. Or another graetsword. It’s just an example though. So if i’m going for scepter and dagger I would run only 10-19 and 20-29. Same could go with rings, zerk at the top and some healing based on low tiers. But i’m not sure if I would like this.

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draco.9480


Yes it needs discounts and give us the option to buy fractals skins just like we buy from dungeon vendors.

[Suggestion] Fractal Relic Merchant

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jessiejay.3625


I bid 10,000 relics for the tonic via golem merchant.

Whos with me?

Ms Jessie ~ Captain Jess, 2012
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension