(edited by Enko.6123)
[Suggestion] Fractal Tier Rewards
I admire your philanthropic suggestion but doing a fractal 50 to get a lower reward just doesn’t make sense to me.
The suggestion could work for a small group of players who can afford the time to help others complete their 50s. Personally, I think there is little incentive for the general community to want such a system in place.
I would much rather do 4 50s a day and be able to go with different groups in my guild to be able to help them out. The main problem is a lot of groups go do a 50 at reset so if you get on even an hour later and want to do a 50, you can’t get a team.
With dungeons if you repeat it again, you at least get the xp and 20 tokens. Fractals, you get nothing.
Even disregarding teaching people, all the people in my guild who do fractals would much rather do multiple 50s and get the next lower tier reward on subsequent runs just for the practice and so we can improve further. One of the reasons why fractal records took so long to get anything posted was that most people only do 1 50 a day and the ones you get are randomized. If you look at any of the fractals records beyond the ones you can get on first rolls, they’re all pretty much recorded runs from guild daily 50 runs.
(edited by Enko.6123)
Yes ANet, please do this T_T
I also support this idea!
Personally I wish they brought it back where you could gain FoTM end daily rewards on each of your toons.
The single reset period for dungeons/FoTM hurts those who cannot be around at reset – never liked the idea of a single run/day on an account.
Before anyone moans – the reward/HR for average runs is generally less than open world content (spam 1 in many cases). I see no reason to not allow a reversal and allow FoTM 50 rewards for N toons in a single day.
(edited by TPMN.1483)
+1 great idea.
I agree w/ this. I would love to farm 40> constantly for karma and drops while still getting lower tier rewards from daily.
I agree w/ this. I would love to farm 40> constantly for karma and drops while still getting lower tier rewards from daily.
This would be the only problem here for people who farm 40s for karma. They would need to add an option to receive the 40 reward again which would get you the karma but not the chest.
Currently if you did repeated 40s, you would get the karma but not the wiggly chest. If you do 40s in around 20-25 minutes, this is the current fastest repeatable source of karma in the game.
I support this as well
I don’t see a negative side to this, would be great, support
i… love this. on top of incentive to run multiple 50’s a day, it gives people a reason to Get to 50. additionally, to the brave 50 pug’s out there, it ensures you can keep pugging 50’s instead of having to risk the lower levels, where (in my experience) most groups just don’t have a clue.
The main reason is a good one for me, as sometimes i will do a 50 with guildies and pugs and then another guildie will get online and want to do a 50. now all of us guildies could do another one if we wanted!