[Suggestion]Respawn Bosses In Raids

[Suggestion]Respawn Bosses In Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AndyJo.8794


A suggestion for raids:

Once a wing is cleared, allow specific bosses to be spawned, either instance-wide or inside the instance itself. Example: When Spirit Vale has been cleared by someone (Vale Guardian, Gorseval, and Sabetha are all dead) allow that individual to open ANY instance of Spirit Vale (with one of those bosses alive)

My guild has several groups of raiders in it with various experience levels, and it’s really hard to practice specific aspects of fights or even specific bosses that people need more face time on, EXPECIALLY Matthias or Sabetha. This would let us actually practice bosses and compositions.

NOTE: I am NOT saying to let us repeatedly kill bosses for more rewards.

[Suggestion]Respawn Bosses In Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ramoth.9064


Oooooooh, let us use those decoration tokens to spawn a practice boss in the guild hall!