Summary PVE and ideas to help it, DEVS may want to read.

Summary PVE and ideas to help it, DEVS may want to read.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ferris Bewler.9706

Ferris Bewler.9706

This is not a post to bash the dungeons and before i go any further I want the community to know that I am a pretty accomplished PVE dungeon runner with all my exotics that runs in a structured group with voice IP comm systems.

With that said there are a ton of issues with the dungeons right now and what I am looking for is for some of you to post your thoughts on what Arena Net could do to improve them for enjoyment of the game. So ill just list the issues in PVE and you all can give positive feedback on how you would like to see it different.

1. Over tuned encounters (in all honesty there are some dungeon events that are way over tuned).
2. Under tuned encounters (there are many in the dungeons right now)
3. Bugged quest lines in dungeons and terrible NPC issues such as not following you or disapearing
4. What is up with Melee? I feel so bad for those guys, you cant hit a boss in this game in ANY explore mode dungeon from a melee perspective. If you do your pretty much dead.
5. Time vs reward factor (Even I have to admit it becomes a grind and money sink to do the dungeons and the rewards are ok at best)
6. Community PVE awareness and support ie: (tell us whats going on with the dungeons and what your fixing or buffing so that we can adjust to it, because cold patches where you get your face rolled to an encounter that was on farm the previous day is a quite dis- heartening.)

Im sure the community can list more that i havent thought of but im looking for input on what we can tell A-Net to help out with these issues because yes right now PVE is drastically not good. They made a superb high graphic quality game and the PVP I think is about the best time I have had in a MMO ever. This is really the only area where they are struggling and I feel are really making their player base fell uneasy.

Please post some solutions to PVE problems not just a string of problems… and yes i will post my input on how I think it could be better after you all leave some of your thoughts.

Pheras Bewler Lvl 80 Ranger (JINX-BG)
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)

Summary PVE and ideas to help it, DEVS may want to read.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: gwzog.6418


+1 for item #4

Summary PVE and ideas to help it, DEVS may want to read.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Evil.9061


in before it this is buried with all of the other posts 700 deep.

Summary PVE and ideas to help it, DEVS may want to read.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Disconnected.9253


Dynamic events need more ‘depth’. Seems there’s only 2 possible states for most events and locations (maybe something at least 3 levels deep, like the zone events?)

Summary PVE and ideas to help it, DEVS may want to read.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


“Bugged quest lines in dungeons and terrible NPC issues such as not following you or disapearing” ….this can actually relate to any personal story where you are having an NPC “help” you through it…but in my experience only once did my NPC actually help me…most of the time the NPC just stood there while I fought or died and did nothing to help.

I’ve heard others say the same thing. What good is it to have an NPC come along to “help” if they don’t ???? Seems as though this is an issue and really needs to be revisited by the developers if the intention was for the NPC to actually help you.

Summary PVE and ideas to help it, DEVS may want to read.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stalkarn.1329


+1 1-6.
I don’t realy have to explain my self the OP says it all.