(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Swamp FotM 50 Duo 3:09
Very nice, I suck at wisps, so impressed with Abe’s 2X on guard.
Yes, and he can manage it fairly consistently too. I think it’s possible to do 2 wisps on all classes if you get the west one and the champion drake one, provided you never engage in combat and have swiftness the whole time but I’m not too sure
Did you roll swamp until you got the proper wisps? :P
Well all rolls are fine except two… the two that you cannot do it with are ummm…
Northwest + North + Northeast
North + Northeast + East
Aside from those two rolls all of the other ones will be ones that guardian can do two of np, so it did not require us to restart for better wisp RNG as many times as it was for something wrong happening like triggering a trap or getting teleported randomly as you are jumping over a tree xD
Very Impressive
Thanks, Talyn! I appreciate that
That was okayish I guess, -1 for easy berserker meta.
( Seriously, that was really fast, good job)
Dang nice job, I love how abe runs the wisps.
Must have been a real pain with the rng of rolling for swamp and then wisps and then getting bloom and not mossy.
Thanks both of ya, and well to be honest I expected it to be way worse than it was, as this took a total of about an hour. I think it would have taken longer if I was the one rolling for swamp every time we had to reset, because this game just doesn’t seem to like me very much
You are right though, we have had at least 3 times to reset due to getting mossman but overall we were fairly lucky with the wisp rolling… and ele/guardian is a pretty easy and comfortable combination overall so there wasn’t too much that could go wrong.
Now, if we did this with ele/warrior or ele/ele or ele/thief… that would be a completely different story. It would be like playing the lottery every single time you try to use ice bow or meteor shower lol
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Probably we should host two records: swamp-mossman and swamp-bloomy
Man Abe, you said already that you didnt like your Seaweed Salad, but why didnt you like your focus as well.
Maybe do this earlier next time. :p
Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkSn19QmRok
Abe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnnxdfLwVxsHi, this is a full swamp duo with the game build 48,555 but I forgot to press F11 for the video unfortunately… looks like Abe remembered tho. The boss is bloomhunger.
As far as I see on the list for gw2records.net there are no FotM duo records yet so hopefully this counts as one :o
<3 Luv u mikuku <3
Man Abe, you said already that you didnt like your Seaweed Salad, but why didnt you like your focus as well.
Maybe do this earlier next time. :p
Tell me about it lol, I had great plans for Bloomhunger, like using Chains of Light when Miku was casting Meteor Shower and Ice Storm and actually swapping to focus after 4 Zealot’s Flames, but oh well. My brain was kind of shut down by this time and rolling for swamp for 10 minutes didn’t make it any better.
Man Abe, you said already that you didnt like your Seaweed Salad, but why didnt you like your focus as well.
Maybe do this earlier next time. :pTell me about it lol, I had great plans for Bloomhunger, like using Chains of Light when Miku was casting Meteor Shower and Ice Storm and actually swapping to focus after 4 Zealot’s Flames, but oh well. My brain was kind of shut down by this time and rolling for swamp for 10 minutes didn’t make it any better.
Dw mine was too, I presume we could do this over 20 seconds faster with perfect rotations etc… but our wisps was faster than it normally was by 2 seconds in this run too.
Approved and fixed entry. Not sure who started adding it. :P
According to gwscr.com (because I can’t find gwrecords.net) [SC] completed it in 1:28.
(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.
Thats an old record. This was current and a duo so its in a different category. If you look at restricted all time records you will see a 1:20 by SC/vC and a 1:14 by SC. Its all on there dont worry.
(edited by spoj.9672)