Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Atreides.3709


This one was atrocious. Make something challenging, not cheap. When “magic” walls appear out of nowhere with no warning, coupled with the fact that your collision detection problems make it so that traps will spring when you’re at least 5-10 pixels off them, it. feels. cheap. Not fun at all.

(edited by Atreides.3709)

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Konfuzfanten.6503


agree with this one. the rest of the fractals are great, but not the swamp one.

Commander of Blade and Quill[BaQ]
Aurora Glade <3

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabin.4590


mesmers, get yourselves mesmers, managed to complete the swamp in 10 minutes.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AIMonster.8236


The Fractal dungeons are amazing, but this one is was just frustrating for us. It’s not really challenging in a sense that the MOBs themselves can kill you, just the event itself is frustrating due to as mentioned already – walls popping out of nowhere and trap collision problems. For example sometimes I can jump over the spikes on the ground sometimes I can’t with seemingly no reason for them to trigger.

Aside from the other issue that members who disconnect are gone for good till you reset the dungeon, the Fractals are perfect. Absolutely love the new dungeons much better than any of the old ones.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: psy.5437


Oh gees, this bloody fractal… group I just was with took more time to run the wisps successfully than the following 2 fractals combined. I thought the water fractal was going to be annoying this one is infinitely more so.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


It wasn’t that bad! Well, on level 1 anyway.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


Problems with this:
Trip wire TOO hard to see – make them more noticeable. I basically have to memorize them all to jump over.
Moss man – Whats he even for? We just ignored him and he poofs then comes back randomly. He isn’t threatening he just appears go crazy and leaves. Remove him or do…something with him.
The doors – Please just remove these, traps/mobs are enough. “Trick” door you have to exploit up by jumping up it to get through is just annoying.

Ohh also for the all the is mighty STOP making them swap places! Multiple times I have had them “swap” during a run because it took so long to setup and REMOVE the wisps from us.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jaxxeh.8614


Having condition removal helps a lot. Other than that, it’s just a matter of coordination & teamwork, and a bit of luck.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AnemoneMeer.7182


Mesmers solve it well enough if you can get two orbs next to eachother. Other than that, the best tactic is to have banner warrior(s) haste spamming like mad.

And luck. Lots of luck.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TwinkOwnsFace.7968


Problems with this:
Trip wire TOO hard to see – make them more noticeable. I basically have to memorize them all to jump over.
Moss man – Whats he even for? We just ignored him and he poofs then comes back randomly. He isn’t threatening he just appears go crazy and leaves. Remove him or do…something with him.
The doors – Please just remove these, traps/mobs are enough. “Trick” door you have to exploit up by jumping up it to get through is just annoying.

Ohh also for the all the is mighty STOP making them swap places! Multiple times I have had them “swap” during a run because it took so long to setup and REMOVE the wisps from us.

Moss man ends up being one of the two (chosen randomly) final boss encounters for the map.

Once you get to fractal level 6, moss man will be very annoying. He will do a lot of damage, do knockbacks, and go in and out of stealth for random amounts of time. He also seems to stalk you for a longer distance.

That, and cloth classes get 2-3 hit by 2 skelks.

PLEASE make the traps easier to see. And the whole popping up trees … yeah … kind of kittening stupid.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mage.6045


Problems with this:
Trip wire TOO hard to see – make them more noticeable. I basically have to memorize them all to jump over.

Um I think the idea of a trip wire is to be not easily noticeable.

I personally liked this fractal. Even thought it took me about 5 times to finally figure it out. I finally realized that I could only get the whisp to its place by using the side entrances as other entrances would grow roots…

Too bad I didn’t get to finish that run as my party did not get it and wanted to restart. : (.

It is funny how SOMETIMES (not always) people just say that this is too hard just because they cant run it through and/or they don’t have the patience to figure it out. (not everyone as I said)

Love the dungeon so far but hey I’m overly positive person anyway.

Feel free to disagree

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakki.3219


The Swamp is definately the EASIEST fractal, you know you can just jump above those walls, don’t you?

Reaper – Anguîsh

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: diablodropout.8670


one trick to reset it a few times if the points are far away. usually does the trick.

I find the underwater one far more annoying – the part where you have to run though the dark and the dark ink or whatnot in the water instant kills you. very annoying.

also the dredge final boss can be annoying with pugs if there is a lack of coordination on the pouring/pulling.

the statue one is somewhat annoying but doable as long as you have a few good jumpers. admittedly I am not one of them.

(edited by diablodropout.8670)

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


Jump over the trees,
keep jumping to avoid traps,
I can run the wisps from every posistion with 5 seconds left (scale 15)

Its not that hard, really the boss is more annoying xD

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Panzen.4625


I thought it was pretty interesting but it really felt like the cripple duration from the traps was far too high. Catch one trap and you probably won’t make it back in time. Catch two or be disabled by a mob and you’re already out.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cloyster.1758


Besides the minor bugs where my character wouldn’t stand up from falling over a trip wire until I used a move, I really enjoyed this fractal. It’s something different, challengning and what not.
And yes, the point of trip wires and traps are your not supposed to see them haha

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RedDeath.2980


anyone else see the video of the fractals being explained and played by some of the designers before release? They were forced to cheat using teleports (admin powers) just to complete it… what did they say? “With group coordination you should be able to do it” ….

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HtFde.3856


the statue one is somewhat annoying but doable as long as you have a few good jumpers. admittedly I am not one of them.

That’s why we usually pack a Mesmer (me) – the new cooldown hurts but you can help your team greatly with portals and I can jump like a frog ^^

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kuroi.5467


the problem with the swamp is that you’re doing basically the same thing over and over again and whether or not you’re successful is determined by something completely out of your control – the door’s timing. i spent a good 3 hours in the swamps (finally completing it and level one and have been back in the launch dungeons ever since) with two different teams and finally, FINALLY completed it (mesmerless, i took pictures… it’s possible) by repeating literally the same tactic ad infinitum until the doors had mercy upon us. that’s NOT COOL. i’m sure it also involves where the wisps themselves spawn (which should be fixed locations, stop trolling), because some configurations gave you much higher chances than others. it’s ridiculous, it’s a gamble, and i won’t be back into the fractals with just any PUG until it’s addressed.

arena net: NEVER TAKE ALL OF THE CONTROL AWAY FROM THE PLAYER. it didn’t work with legendary precursors and you’re fixing that now. having our success tied to something entirely out of our hands makes fun frustrating. which is not fun.

that said, the rest of the fractal I played (and i think i got like six or seven of them) were very enjoyable. when there are real rewards for doing it i’ll investigate.


Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Monarch.4026


mesmers, get yourselves mesmers, managed to complete the swamp in 10 minutes.

So mesmers are op in more than just Pvp? Who knew?

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sorrow.7452


I can offer you a bit more situational advice, if you don’t have a mesmer and you have a guardian, have the guardian run the furthest wisp, or provide a relay for the furthest runner.

Stand Your Ground, Retreat, and (if the guardian is running) Save Yourselves, is enough uninterrupted running to make it back from the furthest point with time to spare.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bluee.1425


1. Use profession abilities; haste, condition remover, stability
2. Jump through tree holes
3. Always an open area on the left-side
4. Use the other two party members to escort or eat traps for you.

It really isn’t that hard. My team did it in one try.

Commander Champion Magus Bluee of Rata Sum Security [RSS]

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Swamp is easy no matter what classes you take in group. Those tree walls that spawn aren’t random at all and traps are always in same place, so just use your head a tad bit and you’ll be fine. And yes use different profession abilities and you’ll see just how easy it is.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flindy.7530


This is literally the easiest one with some practise. It is so quick as well.

They are not ‘random’ spawns of trees either, you can easily time it.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

this is the fractal i always skip if its the first we’re starting on lol

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoRo.8270


This can be done easily by bringing a mesmer it shouldn’t be a requirement though placing a portal can save your team a lot of time depending on how experienced they are

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: miniL.7361


Without mesmer its quite the pain in the kitten and a mesmer shouldnt be needed. When this one pops up we even got rage quits, and as you cannot bring new players in atm Id rather see this one removed as so far, I kinda at least enjoyed the other ones.