Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.
Hey everyone,
I have been running my fellow guildes through this dungeon path every Friday and Saturday evening for the last couple of months. If was going really good, able to pull off 17 for 17 achievements for the players going with me. But something has happened in the last few weeks and was wanting to see if we started doing something wrong, or if it was a bug that got introduced during on of the last patches.
We get in the fire room with the lava elementals and I make sure everyone understand to stay away from the fire. We get the room done, (Used to be about 10 to 15 mins to accomplish this, but was able to figure out some better ways of doing it and it is around 5mins now) but no one gets the achievement for staying out of the fire. I actually did this part two times in a row and the players weren’t able to get it.
So has something changed or did getting better and shortening the time it takes to do the room the cause. Thanks
I have been having the same problem for quite some time. I am currently stuck at 16/17 and can’t happen to finish this last one. We tried many different strategies, my friends got this achiev, but I seem to fail every time.
From what I’ve observed, to get this achiev you:
Can have the oozes die during the first tries and still get it.
Can have your friends run into fire and still get it.
Can not run into fire yourself.
Can not have any of the oozes run into fire.
Many times I’ve successfully met the conditions yet I didn’t get the achiev, even though my friends did. Double checked. Guess this game hates me.
As for the strats we use for this room, two heavies (war + guard) run in there first and attract all the lava eles, then two others move in to lead the oozes, we kill the elementals and finish the escort safely. Unless something goes really wrong, it usually takes about 2 minutes.
If you have any additional info about this puzzle’s mechanics or know why I can’t get the achiev, I would be really glad as it annoys me I have the section unfinished.
I got that achievement with pretty messy play somewhere in January, I think I even ran oozes into the fire. If you did all that, you should write a post on the bug forums or report it in some other way. Seeing how many obvious bugs were introduced with the latest patches, it’s not impossible that something more subtle like what you are describing remained below the radar.
Any follow up from ANET on this. 4 of the groups I have taken through this in the last two months wasn’t able to get the achievements and I had them all report it in game. I was hoping for some kind of response from ANET.
Any follow up from ANET on this. 4 of the groups I have taken through this in the last two months wasn’t able to get the achievements and I had them all report it in game. I was hoping for some kind of response from ANET.
Good luck.
Yeah uh, a guildie and me had this same issue pop up about a month ago as well. We sent in a ticket, but eventually after running it enough times the achievement just sort of happened… it’s definitely buggy to say the least. :^)
Yeah, I started running everyone in my guild through this path in late January or early February. Every run went perfectly fine then right after a patch, it stopped working. I have taken at least 8 groups through and no one has gotten the achievement. I have taken 4 people I got 16 of the achievements on so this was the only one they needed back in there for 2 hours straight just doing this one room then leaving the dungeon if they didn’t get it and start over 4 straight trys and still wasn’t able to get the achievement for them.
So ANET screwed something up with this achievement in an update they did. I have had each group do the in game reporting right there in that room everytime also.
I have done about 150 full achievement runs of aether this year, and started encountering problems with stay cool perhaps a few weeks ago? ( unsure about time)
I’ve always used the same method, which is duoing it. I pull all the lavas myself and another experienced player takes care of both the oozes. And then i call out for the rest of the team to run along the path down to the gate to get both achievements.
I have experienced one person in the team missing the achievement while the other two gets it, even though they did EXACTLY the same thing, this issue has always been there.
However after the time where the troubles escalated i had one person miss the achievement 9 times in a row, which has never happened before which leads me to believe that something is severely screwed about that achievement atm. We bug reported every time and eventually he got it, but from doing the EXACT same thing as previous 9 times.
A GM just linked me to this post from a private ticket on the exact same issue. So at least they are aware of it. Now on that note, if any of you still run it regularly, I’d love to join in somehow. I’ve been sitting at 16/17 for quite some time now.
kitten , got the same problem and it’s really annoying. I want to finish this achievement tab already. >_>
Still broken, months later. ANET fix plz.
I found the fix at work but I’ll post pictures n such but I have gotten over 25 people it in the last 2days charging 5g each. None have not got it using the way I do it . Pretty easy too just need to stand in a certain spot n email term room right. And Ranger pets n minis wouldn’t fail the achvmwnt either have tested it.
The achievement isn’t bugged, you probably did not do it correctly. To get this achievement, you must not get burned by fire, not get downed during the encounter or not get attacked by the oozes.
The achievement isn’t bugged, you probably did not do it correctly. To get this achievement, you must not get burned by fire, not get downed during the encounter or not get attacked by the oozes.
But this is not what the archievment text says… Just avoid the flames. This obviously will not work to get the archievment.
The achievement isn’t bugged, you probably did not do it correctly. To get this achievement, you must not get burned by fire, not get downed during the encounter or not get attacked by the oozes.
Not true.
Are people actually doing the escort when they go for the achievement or just standing at the entrance hoping to get credit?
Are people actually doing the escort when they go for the achievement or just standing at the entrance hoping to get credit?
I think you need to be in the room, I dont have proof, but Ive gotton 30+ players all the AP from here and no one has ever “bugged” not get it, only if they stepped in the fire.
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