TA Arah trash running.

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


I see so many warriors being guilty of this in TA and ARAH. Ever wonder why people you left behind die? Well its not because they suck and you are good. The person in front will usually never get aggro, instead the aggro gets transferred over to the people behind you.
You should stay with the group and use your warhorn 4. Please don’t be that guy.

Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


When i pug TA i always bring my guardian if there is no other in the group, specially in a group with newer players a guardian helps a lot. Now if there is a warrior who wants to make the skip by his own i just wait for him to make it so i dont end up eating all that poison from the vines, if he dies during the skip thats his bad.

On arah i usually run with my warrior, so i dont know if i’m making the other players from my group die because i’m rushing ahead :P

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Warriors give thieves a run for their money as the fastest moving profession in the game.
Running ahead of the group just says that person is not really interested in babysitting squishier professions in their skips, hard to expect otherwise in a PUG culture where anonymity rules.
Also, very few if any profession can claim not to have the means to sucessfully skip a group of trash it’s about managing your utilities, leaps/teleports and dodges and keeping them available for when they’re truly needed instead of burning them to keep up with somebody who’s rushing ahead.

(edited by Veckna.9621)

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Heh, yeah, that back aggro sucks.

Unfortunately, the best way I’ve found to deal with it is to either be the first to YOLO, or wait a little while after the the first person goes so that things have a chance to reset.

Sometimes you can follow Senor YOLO at just the right time so that all the mobs are in the middle of resetting when you go, which makes it much, much easier

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Warriors give thieves a run for the money as the fastest moving profession in the game.
Running ahead of the group just says that person is not really interested in babysitting squishier professions in their skips, hard to expect otherwise in a PUG culture where anonymity rules.
Also, very few if any profession can claim not to have the means to sucessfully skip a group of trash it’s about managing your utilities, leaps/teleports and dodges and keeping them available for when they’re truly needed instead of burning them to keep up with somebody who’s rushing ahead.

I play mainly Guard and Mesmer. Guard has GS leap on a longish reuse (compared to some other professions similar moves).

Personally if I see someone taking your same mentality I just hold up for a good ~20s so things can reset or get out of the way, then do my run. The question here though is, why run ahead of the group if you’re just going to be sitting there waiting? The best is when they claim “first” i mean really is their self worth that low that they feel that is an accomplishment?

For most runs themost dangerous place to be is just behind the front of the pack. 5s back and you’re ok. up front and you’re ok. But right behind the front is where the AEs and attacks the frontrunners triggers are landing. So if you’re just barely behind you’re going to be eating all those… so when that warrior decides to sword leap/GS rush just to get a few feet ahead he’s doing probably the worst thing he could do. If you’re going to be that guy, then just run, go right away, don’t wait for the group to stack swiftness and run as a group, no get the hell out of there and don’t screw your team.

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


I think its wrong that a heavy armor class like warrior has the highest mobility in the game, how come a full plate armor fighter can move faster than a leather armored one, it shouldn’t be this way. ANet should make the rangers capable of using their leaps on sword auto atack without having to target any enemie, it would be nice to spam those leaps to get away from enemies.

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If people infront are causing you to die. Just let other people have a 20 second head start, so you can solo your run.

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Whenever there is a skipping part (In TA and Arah the most, indeed.) Either I run ahead immediately to be the first or I wait until the others go ahead and lose the aggro. I don’t care to take that bit of time, if it means I won’t die and have to run back.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s pure stupidity to run together unless you’re all blasting stealth + using shadow refuge. I always ignore pugs that demand that I go with them in Arah P2 after Belka if they refuse to listen to me when I say that it’s better to run individually.

It matters a lot less when you’re on a warrior because it’s really hard to die with by comparison to the more fragile classes, but sometimes all it takes is one mob to apply a movement-impairing condition to cause a chain of bull that ends up overwhelming you. Most of the time, this tends to happen as a consequence of being near others that draw aggro/get attacked.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


The only run where running in a group makes sense is the one after belka, it’s really screwy if someone runs ahead, as spiders will just use their 600 range aoe bite (anet please) into the nothing and hit following people with it. Some professions (well, just necro and mesmer) can also get screwed elsewhere, but thats about it.
Aside of above mentioned scenarios, theres just one thing you can do to avoid dying. Get better.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TKiller.6829


spiders will just use their 600 range aoe bite (anet please) into the nothing and hit following people with it

Oh yeah I screwed up some people with that before I realised what majestic creatures those spiders are.

Defeated by packet loss.

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


Yes spider cave is stupid to run as a group unless you have a thief. But in general as warrior you want to run with the group so you can provide swiftness to other classes as well as removing cripple / immobilize. There has been countless times where warriors just run ahead in Arah p1, triggering all the drake poisons and the oozes b4 the crystal champs and just make it a living hell for any1 behind them to run.

Or arah path 3 after crusher/hunter, warrior runs ahead triggers all the illusionists and have every1 in the back get sandwiched with elite risens in the back and front.

Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

(edited by EcoRI.9273)

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


I got into a TA forward run today on my ranger that turned out to already be waiting at Leurent, expecting me to make the skip from the elite guards to Leurent all by myself. I’ve got to say I totally failed that one (several times even sigh).

Does anybody have any tips how a ranger can make it past that section alone? I tried equipping signet of the hunt (movement speed) and signet of renewal (condition removal), either longbow or shortbow to remove blossoms before they exploded into poison clouds, call of the wild for swiftness, and rampage as one for stability and swiftness, but never made it past all the groups on the way.

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Greatsword gives you a huge leap skill, and a block. I wonder if 1111 from the gsword is good enough to clear the blossom?

Edit: What was the problem, exactly?

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

(edited by Iris Ng.9845)

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

On top of that you have 12 seconds of invulnerability from Signet of Stone and Protect Me.

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TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


take axe mainhand to clear blossoms ( its a bouncing aa). go with axe/warhorn + gs. When you use gs block make sure you are not in melee range of anything attacking you or you’ll do an animation that will lock you in place for a few seconds.

Use the siamoth pet – he will give you a drop that’s either all the boons (so aegis and swiftness, etc.) or 3 seconds of stealth.

Signet of stone (make sure your traited for sig of the beastmaster), rampage as one and healing spring are the the most important utilities. With rampage as one and call of the wild you shouldn’t need to slot sig of the hunt. You can take protect me, signet of renewal, lightning reflexes (if you can use about-face quickly), or signet of the wild for more stability.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Awesome advice. I should play my ranger more for this.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


Thanks a lot for all the advice, that should help me get through there next time!

Iris, the main problem most likely is that I’m still learning my ranger and forget to use the easiest things . Like this time, I totally forgot to use the gs leap because I tried to clear those blossoms with bow and have off-hand horn on swap for swiftness. I also hadn’t traited signed of the beastmaster (I’m currently using this build) and thus didn’t think of using signet of the stone. Axe mainhand I probably last used around level 5, which was close to two years ago (the ranger was my very first character in game ), so totally forgot about that weapon.

The secondary problem in this case was that I was unable to juggle staying on my feet with the knockdowns and fears along the way (there was at least one, possibly even two groups with knights) and not getting poisoned to death by the blossoms (there are many on that path). I did craft my ranger a shiny new axe just a few days ago, I’ll make sure to put it to use next time I find myself in TA without a lawnmower guardian .

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Ehhh, it’s so easy to skip on a ranger. 2nd easiest after warr. Just keep practicing.

I remember that time when the guys weren’t used to being a team and played selfishly, with the warriors rushing ahead and triggering stuff…. ahhhhh. We improved so much.

You know, there’s nothing I like more than this. Being in a team. This is actually one of the first times in my life when I feel like I’m with people that consider me as an equal, or at least not vastly inferior to them. I regret being so bad at group activities, because being a lonewolf is so against my nature. What’s more pleasing than having trustworthy teammates?
Uh, the hell am I talking about? Ugh, I’m so tired and bored. Anyway…
Morale of the story, they play selfishly because they don’t respect you and don’t owe you anything.
Morale of the morale of the story, don’t pug and don’t try to force strangers to respect you. That comes with time and… you know… the thing which starts with L.

Can you be so bored that you can’t even fall asleep?

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: winterchillz.2564


I beg to differ on the aggro, especially in TA since I run it on daily basis. The aggro remains on the first person, that’s why I usually always run as second a few meters away from the first one. This way he gets the aggro on him and if he’s gone left, then I go right and I never have problems with it. It is very rare for me to get downed in TA when I play my ele and I’m not even using Mist Form, Blink and Armour of Earth.

In Arah however, it’s different, I get downed instantly by the illusionists crap c:

Cloud of Sparrows
Fluffiest Blood Legion Charr
“At least I die knowing my sisters are free”

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


I know, I need to find new friends … the ones I have still prefer their “trinity lite” playstyle with lots of ranging and cleric staff guardian and general chaos . But practicing in pugs is still better than not practicing at all … and actually half my pugs this weekend were really good and taught me a lot, just unfortunately TA wasn’t among the good pugs, or I was just being especially bad.

The funny thing is, I doubt I would’ve had much of a problem making that skip on mesmer or even on my ele (by far my most-played character but I don’t dare take her into dungeons outside of groups of old friends, since unfortunately I don’t know the first thing about properly stacking might or conjuring weapons or whatnot … that’s a future project once I feel comfortable with mesmer and ranger in dungeons ). There’s so much I still haven’t figured out about the ranger … but it gets a little less each day.

Maybe I’ll have more time next weekend to concentrate on the game. The last few days unfortunately were overshadowed by my “lovely little daughters” that got into a fight to the point where one broke the other one’s finger, so I was kind of “on call” for entertaining a bored 8-year-old who couldn’t go to the pool with her friends, and only got to do some (mostly) quick pug runs inbetween.

Kind of off-topic … I really should be working, not forum posting .

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


The forum is addictive.

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: winterchillz.2564


Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery, Rasi! And yes, I’m supposed to be working myself, but oh hey, it’s fun here :P

Cloud of Sparrows
Fluffiest Blood Legion Charr
“At least I die knowing my sisters are free”