[TDN] HotW Path 1 - 4:18 min - restricted
did your thief just roofploit ib4 the protection totem? is that even allowed?
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
I’m not sure what situation you are referring to, but if you mean our guardian using IceBow as the totem respawns i would say that one can see the ib4 projectiles spreading at the left side of the totem.
(edited by skywalker.3481)
Im the thief. I didnt even use the ib4 on prottotem, i used it on Givan on the first spike. Guard just used regular ib4 on prottotem, when it respwaned.
Eco, at a quick glance I don’t see what you’re saying in either video. Can you explain where you’re seeing what you’re seeing?
Yes what Banner said, in both videos at around 3:53 in game time, the way the ib4 projectiles are landing leads me to believe that there is something fishy going on.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
Yeah the projectiles more or less line up, which is not the result of an ib4 targeted at the roof (afaik this would center all in one spot instead of lining them up). To add to that, we had no reason to do this as the totem drops reliably without any exploits.
If I may, when an AoE is targetted at the roof the white outlining does not appear on the ground but rather at the location where it has been targetted. So in this case, that was just a normally casted Ice Storm.
Don’t quote me on this but I believe the lined-up ice storm is the result of someone (In this case the guardian) aiming the Ice Storm slightly on top of the totem as this usually causes most of the projectiles to hit the same areas. You usually do the same thing when destroying the ice elemental in Snowblind and the three towers in Arah p4.
Besides those totems die in less than a second if you actually focus on destroying them. It’s not like linecasting/roofsploits would’ve made any kind of difference.
Aiming it at the roof isn’t even a violation of any rule so what would be the issue here anyways?
Rule 8 states:
8.) Compression of AoE hitboxes by moving, blinking and/or dodging is banned.
Right, in this case the exploit rule 8 prevents is the dodge roll cast, the Ele Fire Staff 4 into a cast, and similar. If you watch Asuna Hiraga’s PoV closely you’ll see that the Guardian does not move during the Ice Storm cast, and so it is fair game. For example, it is legit to use Ice Storm against a wall to compress the AOE into a half circle.
Regardless of Record, Asuna, thanks for extending the video for the songs sake Been a while since I heard that one, but point being that I wish people would do that, I honestly almost want to make a playlist of just songs from record runs but people always cut them off
Regardless of Record, Asuna, thanks for extending the video for the songs sake
Been a while since I heard that one, but point being that I wish people would do that, I honestly almost want to make a playlist of just songs from record runs but people always cut them off
Most of the time ppl have the song name in the description so why not search that song on youtube and make a playlist with that ?
Regardless of Record, Asuna, thanks for extending the video for the songs sake
Been a while since I heard that one, but point being that I wish people would do that, I honestly almost want to make a playlist of just songs from record runs but people always cut them off
Most of the time ppl have the song name in the description so why not search that song on youtube and make a playlist with that ?
Yeah been working on that, but they aren’t always there.
I do want to say (and sorry TDN for the slight derail) that Stormcrows videos could be an audio playlist in itself, such good stuff.