Teamplaying against dungeon chalanges

Teamplaying against dungeon chalanges

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zolikovic.1803


I really enjoyed GW2 since beta released. But it get really bored since I realised that there is practitly no teamplay. That what I was really enjoing on MMorpg’s. I loved when you had to be tank or healer to help your group(like in WoW). This is like single player with multiplayer mode. Or may be I dont get this game but I wanted to asked are there any chances that game system will be more like tanks healers, dps and so on?

Thank’s for you responds…

Teamplaying against dungeon chalanges

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Saulius.8430


well uhm.. teamplay here is casting boons or blasting aoe boon combos, and standing close enough to get them.

kill all ze thingz