Thank you ArenaNet!!!
Dat dungeon is so amazing loved the dredge fractal final boss fight
I only got to play the blizzard/svanir one and the giant colossus, both where amazing and had great mechanic.. i def see mu self farming FoM all day
WOW just WOW, this dungeon omg…. We just cleared the first difficulty and our last fractak was just amazing. PRE-SEARING ASCALON!!! OMG I kittened in my pants when I saw charr attacking Ascalon =)
Oh yes pre searing ascalon i was like omg!! YES
This dungeon is amazing! Thank you very much arenanet! It is so much fun and thank you for your hard work!
Just finished two runs, so 2 × 3 dungeons + boss level and myself + guild party were blown away. Amazing art design and fun + challenging mechanics. kudos.
I absolutely loved the new mechanics in every single one of the fractals. Just completed every single one of them, except the boss fractal, with my guild. All of them have a unique mechanic to them and different approaches and cannot wait to experience the different paths you can take. The dungeon difficulty was fairly low but should be able to pick up on higher points. My favorite is split between the colossus fractal and the jumping puzzle fractal, can’t decide.
Seeing the Colossus turning around and giving us the “Namaste” nod after we’d freed him made my day. And the other fractals we ran were entertaining/challenging/fun as well (Champion Rabbit lol). Kudos & thanks!
Game Designer
You are all welcome
I’ve been taking a look around several fractal parts alone, getting as far in as possible. Even from this short glance it was noticeable that the design is a step ahead of most dungeons currently in the game. An interesting mix of non-fighting related activities and killing stuff, no unnecessary trash mobs, great architecture… I’m looking forward to explore more tomorrow with a group.
You are all welcome
All welcome to Wow 2 and get betrayed gw1 fan that support gw for a long time.
-Mike Obrien
i loved every fight, every puzzle, every map and atmosphere….i wish there were more different
I gotta say… there’s a lot more positive threads in this forum since fractals.
I think the only thing I dislike from fractals is the coin income in comparison to AC and some other dungeons, but when it comes to the fun factor, fractals does the job. I will definitely aim for the exotic 20 slot bag and maybe grab some obby shards for my legendary wep in the future. Fractals is a nice dungeon for my team to start our daily dungeon marathon: Fractals → w/e dungeon people requests → AC. At the end of the night, we’ve had fun and made some good coin.
I agree, a big thank you to Anet! this dungeon has single handedly revived my interest in the game back to where it was 2 months ago!
Thank you arenanet! The fractals:
- are the most awesome content I saw so far
- provide a challenge to all
- instantly got back the interest of a lot of people who were getting bored with the game
Had epic fun running fractals today. If this is an example of what’s to come, this game will beat any other game for me
Massive thank you from the Jozans! its epic. I can see how much work has gone in to the new dungeon.
It soo good!
Indeed, Fractals are just awesome! We play as a guild with TS.
- almost no bugs, everything works perfect (I’m in heaven, the one thing happen in “free the giant” hammer event our guild member fell off with it and the hammer didn’t appear on the altar rather is was where the player fell in mid air)
- the BEST boss mechanic I’ve ever seen!
- difficulity scaling is a genius idea – every one can find his own challenge level
- beautifully designed, the view, the grapics – breathless
- less trash mobs is good! More jumping puzzles, more traps, more riddles, more coordinated tem play, more champions! The “Hammer” idea Was just fantastic, we didn’t have such fun in ages while doing it.
Go in that direction and GW2 will be the most epic game ever played
The only one disadvantage is when a playes get’s dc (wich happens… often) and the “one-stage-difficulity” is quite long (it’s 3 fractals on 1-2 lvl dunno next). That player cannot re-enter again, also no one insteed can be invited and… we have to quit and do it from the very begining. Some are doable with 4 but that 5th person still is 1 difficulty level behind.
TL;DR: Epic work ANet! I’m impressed like never, looking forward to see what comes next
PS. Updating Shatterer fight – nice one!
Anet new dungeons are amazing!
I didint have such fun since ever in some dungeon run. Most fun dungeon ever!
I just love them!
Mix of everything in all dungeons is epic WIN! <3
For me this is even better then any raid.
And yeah i been just finish with PUG, they were awesome. We been there for 2 hours maybe we been die a lot in some parts but it was fun and noone left
Hope we gonna see more dungeons like this.
Anet <3
Just passing to tell you guys, we just made it to lev4 of the fractal, and it’s the best dungeon experience since 98 when i started playing mmos, and believe me i made a ton of dungeons, bosses since. Great job with this one, this is my new best after the dynamic event, this one just take the crown.
I want to echo this sentiment. Thanks for continuing to give us such great content.
I enjoy the explorable modes, but the design of the new Fractals dungeon is just amazing. I was very impressed working my way through difficulty level 1, and look forward to seeing how high I can get. Definitely my best MMO dungeon experience to date.
Can’t wait to see what you guys cook up next for dungeons, even if I have to wait a while.
My group literately 4 manned the entire dungoen (cause 1 guy got kicked for w/e reason and couldn’t get back in at the first mission) until diff 3. Diff 3 wasn’t too hard for us to make us stop, the reason why we stopped was merely because of time constraints.
I really hope this dungeon gets harder but overall the boss fights were really fun (as you actually had to think to beat them) and the maps are fun to explore.
Awesome dungeon~ Loving it. Several parts reminded me of other games. That nostalgia.
Props to those behind this dungeon. Very fun, the best addition to gw2 since launch. My dissapointment still stands regarding the ascended gear, but that does not detract from how well-done the fractal of the mists is. And extra props to the choice to disable waypoints: While the inevitable unexpected bug or three will arise (parties having to wipe to rez an unrezzable character) It is a huge step forward in taking the mechanics gw2 is best at and making people play by them and learn, instead of rushing the boss again and again after dying.
Here’s what sucks about the dungeons:
- Bugs, bugs, bugs.
- They are long. It was supposed to be 15-30 minutes per fractal, but even on “easy” ones, it’s about an hour per. I know some people can play GW for 5+ hrs straight, but many of us can’t.
- If anyone presses the “back to lab” button after finishing a fractal, you lose your progress to advance to the next level. The way to advance to the next fractal is not obvious.
Yeap, Fractals is amazing! Very fun, very objective, first lv’s are pretty easy, beatiful place!! Just thrilling =D
Yup THANK you, Great work.
Here’s what sucks about the dungeons:
- Bugs, bugs, bugs.
funny, I did about 10 hours of fractal play, and didn’t see a single bug
- They are long. It was supposed to be 15-30 minutes per fractal, but even on “easy” ones, it’s about an hour per. I know some people can play GW for 5+ hrs straight, but many of us can’t.
then you have a really slow group, my groups were averaging 30 minutes even though we made mistakes like falling down
This is what explorable dungeons should have always been (I’m not complimenting ascneded gear, I think it’s terrible, I’m not complimenting agony resist, it sounds terrible but I haven’t seen it matter yet). The difficulty of these encounters is more skill based than it is a tedious time sink on overbuffed health pools. I like that the scaling works so people can familiarise themselves with the instance before it becomes harder, work around the boss mechanics before they hurt more. The scenery is beautiful and I was genuinely interested in all of the locations. I had a great time.
Onto the bad stuff. I dislike the absence of lore. As interesting and fun as they are, there is no lore or story. Having said that, explorable paths have terrible stories, so it’s not like there is much competition in GW2. I really loved the character of the Mossman and the atmosphere you felt in that fractal, but I can’t really help but wish there was a map in the world that had a lot more exposition for him and his dungeon and really built up the story around him. Killing him is a great gameplay experience, but so much more could have been done to enhance the lore experience.
Fractal difficulty. I can’t play with my friends. You have segregated us. I can’t group with people in LA – you have segregated them. I didn’t think it would be this bad when you created it, but it feels really bad now. I did several fractal difficulties over again with guildies because people dropped and we had to pick up others (who hadn’t done any) or people were disconnected mid run and when we finished it we either found another or started again. Now I am seeing people I love running dungeons with (who no longer run explorables because exotics make them redundant) who are on higher or lower level fractals than me and I can’t join some or others I have to feel like I’m repeating content to play with them. This is unworkable for me and it’s hurting guilds and friends who like to play together, but not exclusively.
I agree fractals is awesome.
Yes, there are some things that could be improved, but overall the fractals are AWESOME. They require brains, teamwork and skills. They are beautiful and interesting.
Even though I’m still not a fan of ascended gear, I have to say this is the most fun I’ve had in GW2 so far, and I hope the dungeon will be expanded later on.
yes i like it, all previous dungeons are only boring fights with little mechanics, these are really lazy & bad designs
FotM, not only mentioned its great environment, but pretty nice mechanics that required communication, so far i like Dredge boss fights and the colossus the most,
the randomization adds more for the excitement and surprise
just 2 more things, i seem can’t find the story of each fractal, if possible i hope to understand the story as well
DC really killing the mood, please fix it as soon as possible