Thanks for the new fractal system!

Thanks for the new fractal system!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: harold.3526


Thanks a lot for the new fractal system, everybody i know is back for fractals!!!!! swamp of the mists was so boring that even with being worth people would not do FoTms.

- CliffSide changes were awesome!
- Bigger Mossman, THANKS! i can finnaly see when he does the double Axe hit!
- Enough challenge if you want to
- Enough rewards
- (looks like ascended drops were increased?) people can gear for more AR from FoTMs only
- Ascended acessorys on FoTms!!!
- more important than everything else, FUN!

But some stuff are not good yet.

- Rings are still sometimes not worth salvaging(you lose gold), some people don’t salvage than because of that.
- Normal fractal skins are 100% useless, please give us something we can do with than, maybe changing those for pristines/relics? 10 normal skins for a golden nugget? anything.
- Please more Fractal capacitor status options would be awesome!
- Please ascended rings with the new status!
– JadeMaw need a rework A.S.A.P. i don’t think anyone did exploit JadeMaw because of “difficult”, but because its boring as hell waiting jade colossus appear….

Chaos | Death And Taxes [DnT]

Thanks for the new fractal system!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DrEckers.2039


On Ascended Ring Salvaging: Always remember to attune the rings first before salvaging. That will give you two rolls for the number of stabilizing matrices (3 in the case it was infused). At an average of 3-4 stabilizing matrices per roll, you will break even on average for about 6-8 stablizing matrices. Since the bare minimum price is 20s, that nets you 0-20s profit per salvage (subtract 1s for the kit and 26s for the attuning process). While this may need to be looked into since in comparison salvaging a rare ring is much more profitable (30-40s depending on ecto prices), it will not result in a net loss.

Also, Ascended Salvage kits are dropping much more commonly from the daily chests. This means Ring Salvaging can actually be quire profitable when you get a 20x ascended salvage kit from the dailies.