The Dungeons are Not Difficult - They are Mechanically Flawed - Here's Why...
Posted by: Nocturnus.6031
Guild Wars 2 was billed, to me, as a game that was finally going to forgo the trinity; a game that embraced a new kind of cooperation with group crowd control effects, support, and damage with mobility heavily mixed in.
With that understood… I want to know exactly why all of the dungeons suddenly take that philosophy and not only throw it clear out the window, but smash it, obliterate it, and set it ablaze; along with half the house in the process going up in smoke. Yes… it’s that bad.
Dungeon mobs don’t behave in ways that encourage anything but tank and spank tactics. Boss mobs are near entirely immune to crowd control, rendering half of certain classes weapon sets and abilities completely and totally useless. Creatures throw off control effects and knockbacks regularly without any tell, thus nullifying the need for Stability at all. Damage amounts are off the wall, with large durations between auto attack and, once again, no tell; making it extremely difficult if not impossible to time blocks. All this together leads to an experience that encourages mindless tactics; stacking defense and damage, spamming abilities, and zerging to finish battles.
Why? Because there is nothing that these mobs do that at all encourages us to be careful and skilled with our abilities. There are no visual tells, no need for quick reflexes, and no reason whatsoever to spec for anything other than pure defensive or pure damage… because when someone finally gets to a mob that you can time your abilities right, and use visual information to help defeat the boss… said boss becomes immune to those abilities entirely.
It’s frustrating. Extremely frustrating. I have never seen a bigger disconnect from the primary design philosophy, and the way that these dungeons are designed. It’s like the combat designers put something together sans the notion of the “holy trinity”, and yet the dungeons themselves forgot about that entirely.
My friends and I managed to complete a dungeon or two without any trouble. We didn’t have anyone end up naked or broken beyond repair. However, we all noticed the same thing… the mobs behavior? The immunity to abilities? It’s a serious problem. I myself as a warrior who was building specifically to help crowd control and play slightly defensively found myself near useless during boss battles; unable to stop bosses from chasing my friends or time blocks due to the lack of visual information. What does this reduce me to? Someone who spams the “1” key to do a bit of damage, or swaps to the brainless rifle to range attack and add to the DPS pool.
… and isn’t that what you guys were trying to avoid when putting this game together? Isn’t that what the MMO Manifesto proudly proclaimed you were wanting to get rid of?
I’ve never been more frustrated with a dungeon experience in my over 10+ years of MMO gaming. This needs to be fixed. Dungeons are one of the primary reasons I play games like this; cooperative, five to six man group experiences, and that which i’ve run thus far has been nothing short of an extreme disappointment.
Make crowd control useful. Improve the visual cues for people that use active blocking (i’m not asking that you make it terribly easy, just give us SOMETHING). Make mobs behave in ways that challenge the playerbase to work together instead of making them just HIT hard and have BOATLOADS of HP. Do SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Because this is just… bad. It’s terribly bad. And it’s really taking away from a game that has a metric boatload of promise. As it is, I can’t really justify staying if this is what the majority of the dungeon experiences are going to be like.
(edited by Nocturnus.6031)