The Easy-Mode Compromise
Waste of resources really. You “practice” raid bosses by doing the raids, period. And researching if its out there.
Again, the raids themselves aren’t really hard, some fights are tougher than others of course but after a few, ok several, wipes/hours most teams get it down. That or walk away and come back another day. I recall spending weeks on a wing in WOW to the point that people would threaten to rage quit and all sorts of drama and then BAM!!!, you get it down!
That’s the nature of the beast, its meant to challenge and try the best of groups.
Ain’t nobody doin’ squat in this game for no loot. Lol.
Perhaps a larger percentage of the PoF raids will be a bit less intense so that both types of players can have their niche. Would be nice to have one chill wing to play right through every week.
The leader board sounds a lot like fractal leaderboards. For those unaware, Fractal leaderboards were promised 3 times (the latest being with HOT) and every time Anet realized it just doesn’t work (they should be permanently canceled now). Fractal leaderboards were a huge investment sink with no payoff. I’d rather not see resources wasted like that again.
My stance: Keep making raids, make the first boss of every raid easy, make the middle boss medium difficulty, make the final boss hard. Keep doing challenge motes if it is not too resource heavy. I.e. If it takes more resources to make a challenge mote than to make an entire encounter of equal difficulty, make the new encounter instead. Considering the art assets are reused, I would assume this is not the case.
If Anet wants to devote more resources towards the casual players, I believe dungeons and fractals would have a better return on investment. However, I do support a quick dirty easy mode for story purposes. Divide all boss stats by 10, remove all rewards, and still allow 10 players to complete the raid. Disable all achievements too ofc.
My stance: Keep making raids, make the first boss of every raid easy, make the middle boss medium difficulty, make the final boss hard. Keep doing challenge motes if it is not too resource heavy. I.e. If it takes more resources to make a challenge mote than to make an entire encounter of equal difficulty, make the new encounter instead. Considering the art assets are reused, I would assume this is not the case.
That right there could possibly solve a lot of complaining.
Ain’t nobody doin’ squat in this game for no loot. Lol.
Perhaps a larger percentage of the PoF raids will be a bit less intense so that both types of players can have their niche. Would be nice to have one chill wing to play right through every week.
W4 is more than chill as 3 out of 4 bosses are braindead. Deimos is ez as well with range strats etc, etc.
The leader board sounds a lot like fractal leaderboards. For those unaware, Fractal leaderboards were promised 3 times (the latest being with HOT) and every time Anet realized it just doesn’t work (they should be permanently canceled now). Fractal leaderboards were a huge investment sink with no payoff. I’d rather not see resources wasted like that again.
My stance: Keep making raids, make the first boss of every raid easy, make the middle boss medium difficulty, make the final boss hard. Keep doing challenge motes if it is not too resource heavy. I.e. If it takes more resources to make a challenge mote than to make an entire encounter of equal difficulty, make the new encounter instead. Considering the art assets are reused, I would assume this is not the case.
If Anet wants to devote more resources towards the casual players, I believe dungeons and fractals would have a better return on investment. However, I do support a quick dirty easy mode for story purposes. Divide all boss stats by 10, remove all rewards, and still allow 10 players to complete the raid. Disable all achievements too ofc.
Yeah, I personally think there is a harder and an easier mode in raids already with those challenge modes. It’s just a different name as such and it really only has value to complete once. But other than that you can easily see it as a hard and easy mode.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
If Anet wants to devote more resources towards the casual players, I believe dungeons and fractals would have a better return on investment. However, I do support a quick dirty easy mode for story purposes. Divide all boss stats by 10, remove all rewards, and still allow 10 players to complete the raid. Disable all achievements too ofc.
Remember Arah story mode? If they indeed add an easy mode for story purposes then it should be a solo experience, without rewards and without achievements. Otherwise you’d run to the same problems as Arah story mode, eventually running out of players to finish the story.
I don’t see the need for easy mode raids honestly. And if you want training, the new and revamped fractals are a great place to become a better player. Especially the nightmare fractal and shattered observatory. They won’t teach you raid mechanics, but if you can play your class well learning the mechanics of the raid bosses will be fairly easy to do.
They are easier than some of the dungeon paths that we have today. The guild that I raid with can clear every boss in the wings with almost no effort but will die left and right on Honor of the Waves, how people struggle with that instance I will never know.
Raids are already easy enough as long as everyone in the group is willing to:
1. Give the encounter 100% of their attention, this means turning off Youtube for a small amount of time, stop looking at the television while trying to do Xera and focus on platforms, stop trying to brown ground beef on the stove top while trying to do the ball on keep construct. Better yet, maybe fold your laundry before the raid or after and not during Sabetha. Many people can already multitask at this level yes but if its new content for the player, the general suggestion is to give it a small amount of full attention at the very least.
2. Understand that failure is a part of the road to success regardless of the medium of the trial, much like any other part of real life video games for the most part are suppose to give you an artificial environment where you can fail with little repercussion.
3. Understand that everyone is in it together, if you don’t value other people then you don’t deserve to succeed in a raid.
Granted the problems run deeper than the above. I can only remember the time that Sodapoppin tried to play Guild Wars 2 a while back and how he viewed the game. Many people will come to the game thinking you can trade blows and kill the target like a pen and paper type RPG such as World of Warcraft when reality its more of a card counter hack and slash hybrid type battle system that plays like a cross between wildstar and guildwars 1 and because of the disconnect between what the game designer expects and what the player expects, the player will struggle to understand what needs to be done to succeed, hence why the new player experience was attempted.
DPS rotations are expected in the game that is more than just pressing 1 and when this isn’t communicated in an in game manner either through a WoW style proving ground or through the player story it is not surprising when people don’t understand what a breakbar is or how to interact with different elemental fields properly but that is an entirely different subject in itself.
I am in favor of a training ground like a hybrid between Shing Jea Monastery or the Battle Preperations segment of Nightfall that teaches you all the fundamentals that are needed to succeed in any area of the game.
You can give a man a fish so he can feed for a day or you can teach a man to fish and he will feed himself for the rest of his life.
My personal opinion? I’d choose the second. Its another project but it will make it 1000 times easier for people to understand and appreciate what the game has to offer and will put players and developers on the same page.
They could slowly add certain features to the Special Training Area, eventually including the encoutners with various settings to pick from.
Just don’t expect this to please those who keep complaining. Compromises such as this one have been suggested before. Any potential practice or easy mode was shouted down as soon as the person mentioned the part about lowering or even completely removing the rewards. The majority simply wants easy mode raids with the legendary armor at it’s end.
In short, there is little need to add a training mode for those who have no intention to actually do any training to begin with.
Already is easy mode. Try escort
Ain’t nobody doin’ squat in this game for no loot. Lol.
Perhaps a larger percentage of the PoF raids will be a bit less intense so that both types of players can have their niche. Would be nice to have one chill wing to play right through every week.
Raids already got very easy, if they get even more easier they might as well remove them from the game again
About the only good idea I heard out of this was the ability to re-fight bosses. Sure, it’s a non-issue anyways as you can just have someone open a specific checkpoint in an instance for you, but it would be great to not have to rely on other folks and checking who has cleared what in a given week.
Nonetheless, still kind moot to award rewards in a training situation. If you are training the assumed reward is getting better at the instance so that you can tackle the real deal. Even then a ton of the current bosses are very straightforward and can indeed be done by anyone with Wing 4 being the most accessible to the general player base since you only need gliding to get to the platform.
W4 is more than chill as 3 out of 4 bosses are braindead. Deimos is ez as well with range strats etc, etc.
He’s easy with melee, and Melee ranged mix as well. His hit box extends halfway to the center letting people who aren’t as confident about avoiding the stupid stand further back and swing their pointy things in the air and steal harm him.
But the practice thing won’t cut it. Not just because players won’t do something for no loot. But because you are essentially wasting time, when you can do the same kitten ed thing to a real boss.
The only way around the whole inexperienced and elitist problem is for people to stop being kittens.