The Fractal dungeon is beyond cheap

The Fractal dungeon is beyond cheap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kami.7369


For Urban Fractal

Kill the mobs as fast as possible and the Veteran Charr will rush the gate. As a Guardian, this is what I normally do. Takes a bit longer than just bringing 3 Rangers, but I’m over it. It’s not impossible with melee.

Jonlo Vangalen
Getof Fenris – Blackgate

The Fractal dungeon is beyond cheap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flindy.7530


Its amazing how people bad mouth the design simply because they cannot overcome an encounter.

I’m sorry….what mechanics would you like to make it easy mode for you?

The fact you are doing the Fractals in a PUG speaks volumes. Get a decent group with your guild and go run it again.

The Fractal dungeon is beyond cheap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ManiZach.8973


Heh, I don’t know about you guys, but this has to be the first dungeon that I think is really fun. It requires a lot of coordination, rather than spamming a skill at a target while you run 360 degress around it knowing that it’ll die in a few.

Exception being Arah (all), and CoF (p3).

I hope they’ll add more dungeons that presents us with these great artistic designs, and difficulties.

The Fractal dungeon is beyond cheap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tulki.1458


Hello Mitch,

I am sorry you are having trouble overcoming some of the encounters within the Fractals. Allow me to give you some pointers that might help you overcome your obstacles.

The Dredge Suit Boss, while being a bit beefy is not ‘immune’ to damage when he is not Superheated. He just takes normal damage during that time. The superheated buff lasts for quite a good amount of time, and allows for ample time to move him to the next bucket.. To achieve this easier.. have your team stay in the 180 degree arc you wish to go in. The bombs he throws can be reflects as well. If you have the ability to do such within your class.

As far as the Colossus, I assume you mean Cliffside, which the chest seal gave a team I was running with quite some difficult as well. So we developed a strategy.. We allowed 2 people to be the hammer switchers, and we clumped up to the left of the seal just outside of fire burn reach.. We would kill the heretics and then the hammer weilder would charge in, smack 4, then run back to the group and drop the hammer.. then the next guy would grab the hammer and do it again.. Then switching back and forth as stacks dropped for those two.. With the others running cover.. Talking with your group is the step to overcoming these encounters…

As for the Swamp issue as really the only thing I can tell you there would be to use a speed boost and jump often.

I hope these tips will help you in your travels.

Good Luck

William, the big problem is that these tips are never available for people who are actually in the game.

If you take a fresh group of five people who have never seen, say, the swamp fractal before, then they will have no idea what to do.

There is an arbitrary wisp reset timer.
There are arbitrary wall spawns.
There are arbitrary traps.
There is an arbitrary champion drake.
There is a randomly spawning Moss Man who you’re not supposed to fight.

Nothing in the fractal indicates why any of these things happen or when they happen. The only way to know is by leaving the game to read the forums or to have someone who’s done it before. Do you see why this is a problem?

The same thing happens with the snow fractal. Oh, you have to light the big fire and not fling torches at the wall that the event says you have to destroy? Not very intuitive. There’s no real link between the fire and the wall, and nothing indicates that Sons of Svanir will infinitely spawn while the fire is lit, nor that they will CONTINUE to infinitely spawn while the fire is lit AFTER the event is complete.

Aquatic fractal? Sure, let’s let the players find out that they’ll be one-shot by fish if they don’t touch the pretty lights. Trial and error deaths are terrible design.

The same thing happened with the Lost Shores one-time events. There simply wasn’t enough guidance inside the game. People had to read the forums to know what the heck is going on and how to get to the event.

(edited by Tulki.1458)

The Fractal dungeon is beyond cheap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


I think the only changes needed to actual content are legendary dredge and jellyfish need HP lowering about 10%. This is not because they are too hard but just because the fights get boring going on for so long.

Dredge takes longer than elemental as he pauses more to fire off bombs, lengthening the kiting time.