The NPC's that accompany you are a burden...
Better yet, make them do 1 damage and make them invincible. More health isn’t going to fix the problem that they just get curb stomped by effects that they don’t dodge out of.
Also make it that if no one else is attacking the target, they should stop. They have a knack for keeping you in combat and pulling extra mobs.
Usually I don’t mind the NPC but on occasions they can really ruin the fight (Like Rhiannon is a pain on the torch bit of CoF path 3 or the grubs on the NPC during lupicus fight)
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Even better idea:
Make them invincible and non agro. I just did scepter path in Ascalon and hodgins died in the middle of the flame trap before burrow fight.
Also don’t count them as “allies” if mobs abilities do something. Giganticus tosses grubs on players which you have to kill, but last time I killed him iirc he started to toss grubs at the AI which is REALLY annoying.
Between boss attempts sometimes the NPC will pull a Leeroy Jenkins. they just look stupid doing it. Poor design imo.
I’m surprised no one mentioned that they also eat 5 target capped buffs, including the guardian book complete heal.
Do SE and bask in the glory that is koptev and his veteran status. Koptev can tank an enemy for days. It’s so good.