The New DR System - people w/ multi main chars weep

The New DR System - people w/ multi main chars weep

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eve.1029


So here’s the main DR system: the DR is now applied across the account to all of your characters. No matter what character you use.

First dungeon run -60, 2nd -30, 3rd – 15 – each time alternating characters. Same path, did not try new paths yet.

So if you have two or more characters you are gearing, they will not be able to get their own daily bonuses.

Will add to this post once i test multipaths and different dungeons.

edit: now i think about it, it’s still weird. why did i get 30 on my 2nd char? if the bonus is already collected I should have received 20 not 30.

edit 2: my friend received 60 30 60 30 o.O

(edited by Eve.1029)

The New DR System - people w/ multi main chars weep

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Roflmao. It should be account wide so 60 30 15 8 2 0 , bugged again?

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter