This is quite popular topic nowadays and there seems to quite many wrong numbers and misconceptions. I’m no expert with build theorycrafting but here are some basics.
First some basic facts:
- Skills have a cast time, an aftercast time and a cooldown.
- Cooldown starts expiring AFTER aftercast has finished.
- Using another skill or doing an action may interrupt the aftercast (going to take a better look at this tomorrow).
- Quickness increases casting speed by 50%. This reduces cast times by 33%.
- Alacrity increases recharge speed by 66%. This reduces cooldowns by 40%.
For example traited Lava Font has a 4 second cooldown. If you just spam it on ground on cooldown you can use it every 6.5 seconds because it has like 1.5 seconds of aftercast. However if you also use Fireball the aftercast gets reduced to 0.4 seconds so you can use Lava Font every 4.4 seconds.
Alacrity removes 40% of cooldown so 4 seconds becomes 2.4 seconds. Because of aftercast you can use it every 2.8 seconds. The actual recharge was reduced by 36%.
Quickness removes 33% of the cast time. Lava Font after cast becomes 0.27 seconds so you can use it every 4.27 seconds. So on top of using it faster you can also use it more often!
The impact of alacrity and quickness varies from skill to skill. With long cast times quickness is more effective and with long cooldowns alacrity is more effective.
Let’s buff quickness to 66%. This means both cast times and cooldowns get reduced by 40%. This is basically same as watching a video on fast forward. Everything happens 40% faster. In this situation most builds would simply do 66% more damage.
Let’s nerf alacrity to 50%. Same as above but most builds would simply do 50% more damage.
Now, we know that the actual situation is worse then the first scenario but better than the second scenario. This simply means that most builds will do 50%-66% more damage with quickness and alacrity.
Builds relying more on autoattacks and high cast times benefit more from quickness and get closer to the 50% boost. Builds relying more on cooldowns benefit more from alacrity and get closer to the 66% boost. Most builds are probably between 55% – 60%.
So the alacrity nerf from 66% to 33% changes this 50%-66% boost to a 33%-50% boost.
Unfortunately it isn’t that simple because there are lots of stuff which won’t go fast forward. All kind of buffs and debuffs still last the same time. You will get increased upkeep on might, fury, vulnerability, banners and transformations which increases your damage further.
But it’s not all good. I’m pretty sure that internal cooldowns (sigils, runes and traits) won’t get affected by alacrity. Also when the speed goes up so does your inefficiency. Quickness and alacrity won’t improve your latency, micro skills or reflexes.
Also there is a concept I call rotational efficiency. Basically it’s about not being able to use your important skills on cooldown because of cast times. For example an autoattack with 0.75 s cast and an important skill with 1 s recharge. You can either use 2 autos and have the important skill waiting or use 1 auto and wait a bit. Either way it’s going to be less efficient than having an autoattack with 0.5 s or 1 s cast, even if DPS values were same.
I haven’t researched this extensively but here is what I think. Quickness reduces cast times compared to recharge so on average it improves efficiency. Similarly alacrity reduces efficiency. While your recharges get reduced you may not be able to benefit from it! At the momemnt alacrity is a bit stronger than quickness so most builds should experience reduced rotational efficiency.
All in all, I think that 55%-60% baseline, +5% if you rely on a transformation and -5% if you have all buffs capped is a good estimate for all builds. If anyone has something more sophisticated please let me know.
(edited by Wethospu.6437)