The one profession

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wobels.1679


So im a ranger and dont no how many times i ask to join a group no one wants a ranger aparently our dps isnt good enuff for dungeons.. whats the one class dungeon groups just dont say no to? help me out im looking to reroll lol

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


Not sure. Never heard of people dumping rangers as they are one of the better single pulling classes in the game. Toss in healing spring for AE Condition Removal and they are quite nice.

My brother mains a ranger and has never been dumped from group.

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Funny I usually see thief discrimination not ranger. Ranger is usually “meh you will have to do. There are better but I dont want to wait and look.”

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The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wobels.1679


yea thats what i figured but i get oh rangers dont do enuff dps im like hmm… ok.. everyone wants tanky build wars or guardiaans and high dps it seems

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Binx.4610


I’ve never been denied a group on my guardian, I want to say that maybe I’ve been denied a group one time in 250 hours on my thief. I can’t think of a class I wouldn’t want to have on my team.

Even if you read the complaints in other classes forums there are roles they can fill really well. A Necromancer or Engineer can both do great support while doing pretty decent AOE damage, and once you get to a boss where a necromancer or engi has time to set up for all that sustained DPS it’s pretty good IMO.

Rangers have great kiting, utility and range, plus their short bow 1 attack from max range is insane, they rarely become a liability on boss fights and can give the entire party 10% more damage and a great heal.

My guess is that people just don’t want to deal with the pet mechanics of the ranger, there are times where you can’t control it and the pet is a big liability. Like vs Lupicus in Arah, if the pet attacks the boss it can spawn a grub right on top of it and make the fight very difficult.

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Those arent friendly players. Try to do something akin to these guys –

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The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soban.3754


Bring a warhorn. Fury is absolutely needed to max DPS and only warriors + rangers can bring long duration fury.

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wobels.1679


yea i run short bow and axe/horn combo of course i run off of crits and bleeds with that combo so i feel i do good dps was just wondering if i was missing something or if there was like a one be all class people are playing with lol

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


My static group has run successful fast and efficient dungeon clears with varying setups (even ran some good runs without having a heavy class in the team). One of my friends runs a ranger and knows exactly what situations he needs to swap weapons/heals/utilities/elites. If you like playing a ranger, don’t let others convince you otherwise. All professions are useful and efficient at some degree in dungeons.

Although I have not played a ranger yet, here’s some things I like about them based on how my friend plays his:

-entangle keeps mobs in place for an important AoE spike
-multiple ways to snare/keep mobs in place
-they are good at killing blossoms with axe mainhand in TA
-whirlwind attack gives a nice vulnerability AoE to help with damage
-they can kite well (this is a viable “tanking” strategy in GW2)
-area heal w/ condition removal

My guess is that most people that are rejecting you are probably stuck with the class role mentality of other MMOs for whatever reason. I laugh when people look specifically for a heavy armor profession and especially when they are still out there after we’ve completed 3 runs of the same dungeon without a heavy armor profession. The roles are more on the players than their profession.

I’d say look for a guild/group that actually understands that dungeons can be run with any profession. With a little adaptation to team strategy, any profession can contribute well. Don’t submit to the ignorance. Only you should decide what profession you want to play.

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wobels.1679


Lightrayne well said, you should be a writer your good. thanks for the advise guys im glad to see there isnt a “one” to play. guess ill keep doing what i do i use the same skills you mentioned except whirlwind i think thats duel axes i like my horn for birds and fury buffs mixed with weapon swap quickness and quickness skill its amazing anyhow thanks everyone

The one profession

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Redamz.5038


Just remember to not bringing your pet (or to control it, if you can.).
We nearly got wiped yesterday on SE because a stupid bear…