The punishment of Death
I’m not sure about other classes, but, Ranger’s `Search and Rescue` works on the dead. It’ll even work when the pet is dead, just at a slower pace.
Ranger also gets to sidestep the ‘heal by hand’ issue insomuch that it offers the ability to keep doing something else as your pet is rezzing, or double up with both you and your pet rezzing somebody faster.
Are you sure there aren’t weird caveats like that with other classes that may make the utilizes worthwhile?
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
I’m all for applying reviving dead players to the Signets in PvE only. Signet of Mercy is almost useless because with the Runes of Mercy on my Guardian, it’s incredibly unlikely that it takes me more than 5 seconds to revive somebody that’s not under fire (Signet of Mercy takes 3.75 seconds to cast) and doing that doesn’t apply a 3 minute cooldown to one of my utilities.