Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lolnut.9812


I’m just curious to hear what others think about the recent buff to the Mark II golem in SE path 2.

Our group entirely clad in exotics, orchestrating over vent was absolutely slaughtered by the outgoing damage of the Mark II golem. Has anybody else had any amount of success with this path so far?

I should mention we were unable to see either golem past 95% hp because in order to survive the endless spam of the electric field ability you have to be paying attention 100% and that makes it impossible to also focus the right target in between invuln swaps……

I have a suggestion to Anet…Stop buffing these dungeons. Why don’t you just focus on releasing new dungeons and buffing those to be harder instead. Fix the dungeons we have now so that groups are able to do them at least…then add in new impossible dungeons so we at least have the old dungeons to run…If this keeps up we won’t even have the dungeons we have now to run because everything will be broken and impossible.

(edited by Lolnut.9812)

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


Story mode is also hard as balls

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: William Fairfield.1428

William Fairfield.1428

Game Designer


The Buff to the Mark 2 golem was a bug that is being remedied.

Story Mode actually received a tiny nerf as the fire golem is much easier there now.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


The Buff to the Mark 2 golem was a bug that is being remedied.

Story Mode actually received a tiny nerf as the fire golem is much easier there now.

Thanks for the information. But can you please share your thoughts with the community on the difficulty increase on path 1, about patrol waves arriving at the spawning waypoint every 15 seconds? Are we supposed to fight like 15 of the Inquest mobs at the same time, while each wave now include Assistants (which is a buff to difficulty compare to pre-patch).

Can you please confirm whether this is working as intended?

a shard of crystal in the desert.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: William Fairfield.1428


William Fairfield.1428

Game Designer

The timing on the waves is currently a bit off. With a few tweaks, things will be running much smoother

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


^ Thanks for the reply. I remember reading in the patch note hinting that Inquest Grenadiers won’t be in the patrol. Is the current patrol group’s mob composition correct, or will there be changes to that along with the timer?

a shard of crystal in the desert.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrRightclick.4769


We just finished Path 2 by counter-bugging it. Like a boss.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: YaHiKoDrG.3467


Bullkitten its a bug, you guys took the time to add the change to the patch note. Just admit your dungeon designer crew deserve to get fired they are lazy programmers, they are clueless of what they are doing and they are not testing their work.

If you want an advice get the peoples that was working on the guild wars1 dungeon and have them fix this mess cause gw2 dungeons is so badly designed its a joke.
Anet why did you put way point in a dungeon anyway ? Who had this idea? You guys should have kept the guild wars1 formula if your party get wiped you are thrown out of the dungeon and start again, instead you guys opted for the diablo3 respawn formula this is pretty weak.

GW1 dungeons had respawns in them, what you are thinking of is the almost raid like group runs such as UW/Urgoz/FoW that if you wiped you were done. Which for GW1 makes sense but not in a new MMO. All MMOs allow you to retry if you wipe which is a good thing(although the graveyard zerging is a problem) but wiping allows the party to think about what the problem was and fix it.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


Who had this idea? You guys should have kept the guild wars1 formula if your party get wiped you are thrown out of the dungeon and start again, instead you guys opted for the diablo3 respawn formula this is pretty weak.

Yeah! In prophecies if the NPC died the mission was over too! THAT was a great idea as well!

Ohh wait…

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Joined a random group, beat it on first try and i’m not really sure what you’re talking about. Damage wasn’t THAT high… I fund story of SE way harder. SE’s p2 is just a major waste of time compared to the other two paths. P3 can be done in about 15 minutes if u skip everything and p1, well, its p1 lol leech for 10 minutes and its done in 10 other minutes.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hand.1692


Was working on path2 last night, managed to get all the way through the dungeon only to get stuck at the final boss for over 2 hours. In the end we simply had to give up due to the repair costs beginning to total more than 2 gold apiece.

As a fairly high toughness character (2700+ armor when deleveled to 65, 3600+ at 80) The field was hitting me for 1300ish every half second, which means any time a field lands on me i take a minimum of 5200 damage which is roughly 1/3rd my hp. I can dodge 2 fields and block/reflect one, however when the mob tosses them literally every 2 seconds and most of the times it’s multiples (I’ve seen him toss a field at every single player and each pet so about 6-8 simultanious fields) not to mention had him throw them so fast that even when constantly moving you cannot get out of the fields (as you run out the edge of one he tosses a new one on your head).

The other members of the group (lower toughness than me, some by quite a bit) reported each tick at being 2.1-2.8k.. and that is every half second.

As it currently stands I see no viable way to complete the path without some sort of exploit/bug.

It was my understanding that the challenge of the fight was killing them at nearly the same time, not in getting killed by unavoidable AOE. This round of changes to Sorrow’s Embrace has made both path1 and path2 nearly impossible to complete.

To refute these statements I would like to see someone (a Dev posting it would be lovely) post a video showing just how ‘balanced’ and ‘fun’ these paths are now.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orissa.1872


I just did the path 3 which was said to be untouched (despite of lava correction)…

  • Lava is burning while it doesn’t even appear to be placed, normal route with cold-looking ground. Also it might randomly pop, when I’m standing in the same place I’m starting taking dmg after like 10-15 seconds, for no reason. No visual effects ofc, only lava debuff icon
  • All of the monsters are hitting harder, I can’t tank as much as before
  • Something happend to the final boss, burning applied by fire fields is at least 2x stronger. Also it’s applied more often
  • On final boss stage whole party might go down for no reason, even if they’re not burning and have no mobs on them, some invisible forces are attacking all of them

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thorn.1703


Path 1 was supposed to have gotten a nerf at it’s beginning, however there are 3 mobs spawning constantly every 10 seconds, and they are all veterans. This just became impossible.

And @Orissa, I was noticing the same thing for the invisible lava, rest not sure.

(edited by Thorn.1703)

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZombiesTT.3619


I can barely find people to do paths 1 and 3. I’ll probably never be able to do 2 -_-

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


I can barely find people to do paths 1 and 3. I’ll probably never be able to do 2 -_-

Actually Path 3 is the only one worth doing right now.

a shard of crystal in the desert.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yenn.9185


Just tried path 1, wasted 1 hour of my time. The grenadier waves doesn’t stop even after 20min. We tried kiting 1 mob but in the end our kiter couldn’t get to us because the grenadiers spawn like every 5 seconds.

I can barely find people who wanna do SE, now I probably wont find any.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Polaritie.4851


While you’re at it, reconsider the sheer number of dredge you have to go through in there. It took like an hour and a half just to reach the end, then the bugged boss just meant we melted instantly.

It was very rarely even remotely threatening, as opposed to just being millions of HP of weak grunts to cut through. The numbers and HP of them needs to get cut, especially the taskmaster room, and the escort portion (Guy takes step, 5 dredge. Repeat six times.)

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: terialk.6174


P1: I haven’t done it since the latest patch, but previously we had 1 person remain back to kite 1 grenadier while the rest of the party proceeded forward. I’ll take some guildies to check it out tomorrow hopefully. From everybody else’s feedback, it seems pretty broken at the moment >.>

P2: Haven’t tried it in recent times because time involved for tokens doesn’t seem worth it. It was doable before the patch but just required a good chunk of time.

P3: Just ran it and actually felt like General Whatshisname with the tracking AoE fire circles had less health than normal… Went down way faster than I’m used to. Overall feels the same, and I can speed run this in 15-20 minutes with a mesmer, 25-30 minutes without.

At the moment, P3 seems to be the only one worth doing but I’ll check out P1 soon.

Terieleth | Tirieleth | Terial Dreamweaver/Duskwalker
- Terror [TG]| Crystal Desert

(edited by terialk.6174)

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


The worst part is, with the explore run I had worked out, the wait at the start of path 1 was the most social time most of the people I ran with had encountered in the game.

It’s like they actively sought to make one of the complaints from the general discussion forum worse.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


Just did path 1 with some friends
After killing the second boss the dungeon bugged and the patrols spawned instantly as soon as they had left their points
We all got wiped before we could get through to the golems and the endless zerg prevented us from even leaving the spawn waypoint. :l

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Account.9832


The timing on the waves is currently a bit off. With a few tweaks, things will be running much smoother

“A few tweaks” ? I’ll say. Waves of 3-4 mobs are currently spawning every 18 seconds. They cover the walkway with AoE (in addition to the boss’ own AoE and the pulls that remove control of your character for 3-4 seconds), kill mesmer illusion and engineer turrets instantly, etc..

It takes a group of pretty well-geared level 80s close to 30 seconds to kill each wave (and that’s without caring for their own HP, so half the people are at 50% at the end).

Do the maths.

Path #1 is basically undoable, unless you’re willing to just “zerg it” (keep respawning and running at the boss), or get really lucky with the wave composition and get almost no grenadiers.

The concept of infinite dungeon spawns is dumb enough as a RPG design principle (if the enemy has an infinite supply of soldiers, surely he would attack with 50 at the same time, not in groups of 4), but does anyone actually test these dungeon changes before inflicting them on 3 million clients?

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stormie.1284


With the latest patch, SE’s path 1 final boss is pretty crazy. Now there’s an extra Champion mob aside the boss, and this champ has huge hp pool + dmg, also to add to the pain, she also spawns a silver mob to aid her. We tried pulling that champ out but couldn’t really deal with it due to the lack of Warrior/Guardy.

Along with the grenadier bug in the beginning, this path is unacceptable for the moment :\

Forever a Mesmer

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


I’m glad I don’t just royally suck all of a sudden, because the Mark II golem is DESTROYING me now. I have absolutely no idea how to avoid the damage. I get hit and it’s an instant half my health gone.

Thoughts on Sorrow's Embrace?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


Hmm, I can’t even get past the first barrier fields. It seems that everytime we try to do path 1 it just bugs at the start. No waves are coming, the barriers are indestructible.