Tips on Dungeon Solo
1. Running out and breaking the bone wall makes Belka not teleport during the fight which allows you to break down a specific barrel with cleave damage and find a confortable area to DPS her from.
2. Dodging the knockback you simply make it not knock you as farther away as it normally would, optimally you would want to interrupt the abomination’s transformation animation at the very end as it will make it not transform for a much longer period of time.
3. It kicks you with his left leg and lowers the right shoulder before it does, keep an eye on that shoulder and get used to the timing.
4. Stand and cleave when there’s up to 2 swarms, if you get 3 or 4 you better kite if you value your life.
5. Put down a few summon consumables to draw aggro from the mobs to buy you a few extra seconds as they spawn and try to DPS the boss down. As you’re rolling a warrior it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge unless you get really unlucky and have a lot of AoEs preventing you from melee’ing Brie.
Hope it helps.
Brazil’s made quite some videos about soloing Arah paths, one of which is this:
this can be quite helpful for soloing Lupicus
Thanks for the help guys!
As an Arah P2 solo noobie, I can only say the answers above are most accurate. One thing I’ll add:
2) You can use stability to ez mode through it. It can help you practice the interrupt without too much pressure. I did it with SYG! on guardian, but Balanced Stance should have a short enough cooldown (but don’t quote me on that).
Tarnished Coast
It’s great to see people trying to do things that stretch their abilities. Good luck in your soloing, and may the swarm RNG be ever in your favor. =)
Almost forgot to mention – before I soloed, it really helped me immensely to run the paths in a duo to really learn the skips and such. I think that the Noob guild has people who are Arah mentors, or try to get in on the Saturday/Sunday Arah runs that Jiyn has taken over from Ivan. Extremely valuable knowledge from those!
Arah path 2 was definitely fun to solo in the past. I would not try to do it in one go though as the path is so long. Eventually you can simply breeze past the first few bosses.