Too damage focused.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Justin.7163


I’m trying not to make this a whine thread, but I find that the mobs and bosses in many of the dungeons are just damage races. A lot of the bosses in fact aren’t overly dangerous but they just take 10 minutes of spamming your most damaging skills to kill them. This isn’t really fun or engaging and really takes away other playstyles like support since all you need to do is just sit there and whittle down mobs/bosses incredibly high health pools. I’m not the only one who notices this too, as I sometimes comment on it while doing dungeons and others agree. This could also be why many people (such as myself) just like to run past many mobs since they just take too long to kill. Thoughts?

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


They’re working on making bosses having a strategy but you’ll just see people complain. Just look at AC.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Perhapz.7924


I’m a pretty casual player. I enjoy PvE and some PvP from time to time, but I can’t even have fun dungeoning. The enemies definitely do have excessive amounts of health and sometimes their damage output is unacceptable. There’s no reason to be 1-shot with no warning. I just don’t understand why every other part of the game is pretty enjoyable but dungeons just make no sense. This probably doesn’t help. All I can say is I agree with you and I wish ArenaNet would at least admit that it’s dreadful.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Justin.7163


^ I don’t really want this thread to turn into another generic “dungeons suck” thread since after some practice they aren’t horrible bad (though I’ve only done Twilight Arbor and Heart of the Waves – all paths for both) but there really isn’t a gentle transition from regular PVE to dungeons and I think that catches a LOT of players off guard. I know it did for me when I first started attempting dungeons. Hopefully Anet addresses some of these problems.

Edit: I should also point out that having all exotic items (or better, aka ascended) and being level 80 greatly increases your chance of success in dungeons as well. At least that’s what I’ve noticed.

(edited by Justin.7163)

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Krag.6210


I hope they remake the other dungeons fast, it’s a big part of the game.
Where are the guys who made FotM? Arah?

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Perhapz.7924


The lower level dungeons are so challenging though. Having to be level 80 to succeed in a level 40 dungeon seems a bit silly. I know they can do better. I just hope it’s soon, before players lose hope.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I hope they remake the other dungeons fast, it’s a big part of the game.
Where are the guys who made FotM? Arah?

FotM doesn’r devalue damage. In fact, if yuou don’t have damage in grawl shaman, you wipe. If you don’t have damage on mossman, it turns into a 30 minute fight between all his stealthing at higher levels. Dredge fractals will take forever.

It just so happens that there are so many hardhitting ranged mobs that reflection comes in very handy in fractals, alongside extra mitigation from guardians.

Guardians aren’t by any means a low damage class, however. Not close to warriors, sure, but everyone is ridiculed by warriors on the damage department outside maybe thieves on single target.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


“I’m trying not to make this a whine thread, but I find that the mobs and bosses in many of the dungeons are just damage races. A lot of the bosses in fact aren’t overly dangerous but they just take 10 minutes of spamming your most damaging skills to kill them. "

The designers need to be careful that they don’t go the other way and leave mobs with too little health. A friend said to me the other day that nobody interrupts the breeders in AC any more and he’s probably right. The breeders die too fast to need an interrupt, meaning that their health was reduced too much in the revamp. When high dps can negate skills and support then the really game does become too damage focused.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: joeytan.3865


My question is why make lower lvl dungeons harder and higher lvl dungeons easier. For eg what the did the AC and Arah. Anet states a recommended lvl for each dungeon, then why not let the difficulty follow that?

Whats the point of making the first dungeon any will try complicated? I usually done by a group of pugs and some of them can be really fresh to dungeons.

On the other had why is the world did you guys go make Arah easier. Now so many ppl have the dungeon master title I don even bother using it anymore. This is the one which is usually done by more experienced players or guilds. So making this harder would make sense.

Also adjust the loot according to the difficulty of the dungeons. Whats the point of of doing arah if the chest loot or the body loot doesnt allow me to make more gold then cof farm?

For once can you guys think abit before doing something pls…………

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


They’re working on making bosses having a strategy but you’ll just see people complain. Just look at AC.

Well if you looked at AC you’d see 1/10 of the people run it nowadays than before.

So if their strategy is to get people to stop running the content then AC would be the model.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Krag.6210


FotM doesn’r devalue damage. In fact, if yuou don’t have damage in grawl shaman, you wipe. If you don’t have damage on mossman, it turns into a 30 minute fight between all his stealthing at higher levels. Dredge fractals will take forever.

Except for mossman where a full damage group has the upper hand, the grawl fractal is a very good example of “utilities > damage”, groups packing alot of utilities are far more sucessfull, you could even go as far as complaining that grawl fractal is “too utility focused”.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiren.9532


They’re working on making bosses having a strategy but you’ll just see people complain. Just look at AC.

My personal complaints about AC are specific to the Ghost Eater. I dislike that fight because it doesn’t use combat mechanics for the most part, it is a communication and synchronisation challenge, not a co-operative combat experience. I like group content because I like contributing to a group use my class skills, not because I want to synchronise a new dungeon specific skill and drag things around a map while ignoring the combat elements of the game which are why I play the game.

Ghost Eater is arguably one of the most important DPS races. The period of time he is vulnerable to attacks is the same regardless of how much DPS you do. The hardest and most time consuming thing about this encounter is setting up the traps. It can take groups a very long time to do this once, let alone two or three times. A high DPS group can often kill Ghost Eater after a single trap. Lower DPS groups will need at least two traps and thus will be punished with a much longer encounter as a result of this.

The issues with Colossus Rumblus are usually specific to the fact that the NPC is the intended means to counter the boss mechanic (and when it works fine the fight is a trivial DPS race, easier than anything in CoF) but the NPC ally quite often fails to do his job and the encounter becomes exponentially harder.

Compare these guys to Kholer (both old and new). Kholer is a DPS race (just like any boss will be) but he does require knowledge of combat and becomes much easier through co-operative party skills. Hill pull requires players to pay attention and use a variety of mechanics to negate if (stability, block, dodge, invulnerability, reflection) if you make a mistake you can recover (stun breaker) or be saved by an ally. His regular attacks aren’t too bad so a tanky character can melee him, allies can support through skills like Healing Rain or Healing Spring (helpful for removing his poison) or even Sandstorm for blind. To keep Kholer off of the squishy back line you can use CC skills. Once your DPS reaches a certain level of efficiency most of the co-operative party combat becomes far less efficient than simply bursting him (or any other boss) down with glass cannons. Entire mechanics which should be most useful in group content (crowd control) become useless.

New AC is just as much DPS oriented as it always was, it just has a few buggy or awkward new mechanics which have very little to do with class skills or group combat.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Garb Cost.3718

Garb Cost.3718

The lower level dungeons are so challenging though. Having to be level 80 to succeed in a level 40 dungeon seems a bit silly. I know they can do better. I just hope it’s soon, before players lose hope.

Got to agree with this – I have a few friends who recently came back to GW2 and asked “are the dungeons still impossible?” This caught me off guard as I think they are fine but then I realised most of the dungeons I have run have been at level 80.

Before this gets raged – not everyone finds everything easy and yes, people who are new to the game don’t come with pr0 skillz. However, the group of people I am talking about are solid (not quite hardcore) gamers who I have played numerous MMO’s with…

Anyway… It dredged up a memory of trying to PuG a couple of dungeons when I was at the ‘appropriate’ level – they weren’t happy times. There are a number of factors to account for here in terms of the dungeon itself, the group etc etc but I commonly see how strongly gear and level impacts dungeons (via other peoples experiences and my own).

Perhaps this would be something for Anet to consider [re]visiting?

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

There’s no reason to be 1-shot with no warning.

That’s your problem. Every 1-shot mechanic in the game has an obvious tell associated with it that is your cue to react. There are video guides to every dungeon at the top of this forum, take a few minutes and watch one before you run a path, the one shot mechanics are all explained in each of them.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


They’re working on making bosses having a strategy but you’ll just see people complain. Just look at AC.

can you link source?

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


I’ve yet to see a boss that will one shot you without warning, but plenty that will two shot you -with- warning.

The key is learning not to take the second shot.

There is a definite set of tactics to this game, but they don’t involve any “timers” for something like deadly boss mods to call out to you on a predictable basis.

Bosses will adjust and change up what they do on the fly based on what is going on. Its a lot more like a gang fight around here, and a lot less like a 1-grade “your momma wears combat boots” yelling match. – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: timecookie.8570


My personal complaints about AC are specific to the Ghost Eater. I dislike that fight because it doesn’t use combat mechanics for the most part, it is a communication and synchronisation challenge, not a co-operative combat experience.

I guess one cannot satisfy everyone. Some want more intensive combats such as old CoF p2 while some want more mechanics oriented combats with different phases (invulnerable/vulnerable) such as Zelda’s style where most of bosses are interesting fights because of that.

But I got to disagree with something you’ve said : Ghost Eater is not a DPS race. After all, setting the traps are the core of the encounter and it is not tedious . You can also use a wide variety of skills to help that (scorpion wires, necrotic grasps and many others).

Once your DPS reaches a certain level of efficiency most of the co-operative party combat becomes far less efficient than simply bursting him (or any other boss) down with glass cannons. Entire mechanics which should be most useful in group content (crowd control) become useless.

Ok with that, high DPS turn most of encounters into simple punching bags. Also it should be noted that Bjarl (CoE p1) needs DPS and CC to be well executed because of the lack of defiance and it’s actually a cool fight to do. Else I don’t see the point in CC-ing bosses. Why would you use 5times a skill that costs you 2secs to cast in order to interrupt an action he will do 4 seconds later?